
Wednesday, March 30, 2011


(note from mom - I actually had everything ready for Shiloh to do his picking a name Monday evening but since it was later, he was already settled into napping and did not want to cooperate AT ALL.  So I decided to get an earlier start in the evening, shortly after he came inside.)

~SHILOH~ here - what mom sed above, well I guess may-b it mite b true BUTT we dogz du haf OUR prioritiez in the rite place - we du NEED our beauty sleep tu refresh our natural beauty an'handsum-ness.  So ... without further ado .... (y du humanz say that - just du it) 
And the search beginz.........

Boy there are A LOT of names here.

This iz purty hard werk- 
du I git paid fer duin'this?
(mom needz tu take better pikchurz-
I can barely see my noze.)

This one lookz kinda good-

Ok mom - I haf the name-
Can I take my nap now?

Congrachulashonz tu
(that'z Ruthie an'all over at K9 Katastrophie) 

I wish I cooda give sumthin'tu 
 evurrybuddy who came tu my pawty-
it wuz wayyyyyyyyyy so furry much a fun time
an'u'all made it that way.

Ok - I guess mom sed sumthin'bout I shood post
thoze puppy pikchurz tumorrow-
oh yea - NOT!

I haf taken up meditation
(now I just need to git that dead weight off my bak)


Monday, March 28, 2011

Can you vote for us?

We (yep I no - me AN'Shasta) iz in a photo contest  over at

Here are the two pikchurz mom entered of us-


Could you vote fer us?
This iz the 2nd batch of pikchurz that r in the contest-
Here iz the beginnin'an'it also
givez better instrucshsonz fer votin'-
Thoughts Fur Paws - 1st entries

Me an'mome R TRYIN'HARD tu
git the votez an'winner all figurd out BUTT
blogger an'our 'puter ain't helpin'very good an'MOM thought
it wuz more impawtent tu go tu that werk place than
(ya'no our hoominz haf got A LOT of problemz with PRIORITEEZ)
git a winner, an'I can't du it by myself sooooo
I hope tunite we can git that all figurd out.  BUTT
in the meantime I du want tu THANK U'ALL agin-
there were 31 COMMENTZ left fer my barkday pawty an'the
That iz a lot fer us tu werk with-
sum of u git more than that sumtimez BUTT
fer us, that IZ a lot.

Ok, gotta go du sum chillin'now
(that soundz better than takin'a nap-
don't wanna git u'all thinkin'that all we du iz sleep)


Sunday, March 27, 2011


Just a short note fer now-

The Shiloh-man is here
(oh, pleeze x-cuze my tongue, 
my mom got me sum of that
stuff tu mix in with my kibble-
me an'Shasta just finished breakfast)
I wanted tu thank ALL of my good furriendz fer comin'tu my barkday pawty an'leavin'commentz 
fer the give-away.

I am hopin'that I can haf the winner either
later tuday or tumorrow BUTT
u no how momz can b an'I cannot 
du it all by myself.
Me an'mom also r goin'tu 
the library this afta'noon.

Oh an'I NEED tu give a HOOOOOGE
shout-out an'BIG thanx tu 
How ever most PAW-SUM were they - HUH?
I even got a speshal barkday kiss frum Miss Asta!

I will also haf sum pikchurz of 
my barkday prezziez.

Az u'all saw in that pikchur up top,
me an'Shasta were gettin'ready fer 
our after breakfast nap.
So, if u will all x-cuze us now, 
we iz gonna git tu it.

Oh an'since this IZ still my barkday month,
I herd mom say that she still wantz tu 
show u'all sum more
Shiloh-pup pikchurz.
SHEESH - mom, u NEED tu git over it-
u c one puppy pikchur-u c'n them all.
In advance - I wood like tu apologize fer 
any overuse of puppy pikchurz.


from the mom - uh-oh, I switched templates and now there is a whole lotta stuff I need to put back - I didn't know that would happen, oh well - nothing like starting from scratch - I like my bakground so guess it was worth it?

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Click on that link to read more about it)

Here r a couple erly pawtee go-erz

 They must be listenin' tu-
Who iz this- 
already groovin'tu the beat?

and it looks like he brought sum furriendz
C'mon efurrybuddy-
let's paw-tee!

Friday, March 25, 2011

REMINDER ........

Az sum of u may recall-

will b here-

there'z MORE-

click on the link for more info.

An'b shur tu check out
WILMA's blog
sumtime tuday fer 
sum more fun-
can't tell u more b-cuz it iza
surprize fer HER! 

Ok - time fer nappy-


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Soooooo embarrassin'

Shiloh here- Mom found my baby book-
the one with pikchurz of me
This iz my mom, Samantha an'me an'my sibz-
greedy bunch weren't we.

This iz my dad, Ringo.

 This iz one of my unclez

Now this iz kind of a neat thin'cuz
c that little pup on the left, the one u can c the face best-
mom sed she wuz the runt of the litter
(whatever that iz)-
her name wood evenchually b Tess-
who evenchually b-came the doggy mom of
my sister Shasta.  Kinda neat, huh?

Ok - this iz me chekin'out mom'z shoe-
that wuz B-4 she offishally b-came my mom.

Ok, now AFTER I moved home with mom

"Hmmm - what iz this I found - iz it sumthin'tu eat?"

This iz a pikchur of
my little "big" bruther Angel Oreo an'me chekin'on
that hoze tu make shur it iz s'poze tu b there-
makin' shur it don't wiggle away anywhere.

Ok, that'z ALL the embarrassment I can take fer now-
I need my after breakfast nap so I can refresh myself'n
regain my compozur.

note from mom - Thank you for the concern about Shasta and her piddling - this seems to happen every few weeks but she is going to see the vet this Saturday morning - she needs a couple of shots anyway and if there is something medical causing her peeing in my bed every so often then I want to get it treated so I don't have to wash my sheets 2-3 a week and I know it would be bothering her too.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


SHILOH here-
Shiloh's 8th Birthday Invite

will b here soon, doncha no?

This Saturday, March 26, 2011.

The PawsBang Band will b 
rockin'the whole day, until midnite.

(with breakz of course)

An'don't fergit our GIVE-AWAY
(click on the link fer more info)

Bring all your yummy nomz -

Anyone herd frum Puddles?

We need sum cheetohs an'beer!

Ok, my after breakfast nap iz beckonin'me.


PeeS - Little Miss Diva Princess got in truble last nite - fer sum reezon az soon az we all went tu bed, she thought the bed wuz a good place to piddle - even the Shiloh-man no'z better than that.  An'she is 4 y.o. old - she shood no tu.

Shasta here - now Shiloh, nobuddy likez a tattle-tale.

Shiloh bak in control here if u don't mind - just who du u think u r comin'on MY blog.   Sheesh - the nerve of sum little Squirt-butt.

Mom here - ok you two, OMD - you are just like two little kids.  I'm going to work now and you'all can work this out yourselves

Shiloh - hmph!

Shasta - hmph!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

!!!!! WOWZERZ !!!!! An'other bizness

Not shur if u can all tell, BUTT

we now haf our 100th FOLLOWER!!!!
(Ok - sum of u haf more BUTT still a major goal fer us)
This iz Dolce-
he livez over at Dolce's Adventures
 If u haf not met Dolce yet well 
u shood hurry on over there.

ALSO, we r gettin'near tu
300 POSTZ!!!
(it seems like just yesterday we hit 200)
our 200th post'bout stuffz 

Anyway, we also recently made a 
nu hoomin friend which
iz just alrightee with us cuz
she brought sum furriendz along with her.
Betcha can't guess that the 2 pupperz r 
Jack n Jill an'their 
mom iz Sharon.
 You really need tu go over an'say HI!

Ok, az u'all no, there r so many more butt
u no how mom'z can b sumtimez - 
kinda lazy ain't they'n
they got other stuffz tu du.

Now az fer the OTHER bizness-
Over at ThoughtsFurPaws,
they r in the middle of their
Spring Pet Photo Contest 
Now this page is the 2nd post that 
showz the entriez BUTT 
that iz where our 2 pikchurz r-
yep, our mom got greedy'n
submitted 2 - here iz what u r lookin'fer

  Mom wuz wunderin'if u'all cood may-b go 
over there an'vote fer us.  
You can leave 1 comment with your 3 placings-
1st, 2nd & 3rd.
You can also send 2 emailz, 
each with the 3 placings
email tu 

Ok, that wuz a looooooooong post an'we
gotz other stuffz tu du so
we will c u'all later. 

~Shiloh'n Shasta~

(Shiloh here - yep, I no there iz stuff 'bout Shasta BUTT this iz blog stuff so I guess she duz need tu b included here.)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

SHILOH here - hope we saw u ..............

....... at the Kissin'Boothez.

Here iz the way cool badge we got frum the PawsBang Band
They haf bin invited tu play at 

my barkday pawty next week an'they


This iz just a short post tuday-

mom'n me r goin'tu the library later so

the little kiddoz can read tu me
 (I really du listen real good doncha no?)

Just wanted tu say-

It iz most bootiful here tuday with
brite blue sky an'herd mom say
it will b near 80 degreez-
most perfect fer sum library time
Izn't that such a great likeness of me-
Oskar did that fer me, he really did
capture the real me.

Ok - gotta go fer now.


Friday, March 18, 2011

GIVE-AWAY to celebrate Shiloh's birthday (post by Mom)

A few days ago I received word that CSN is now offering a new line of products - LIGHTING! They have done it up right too with such a wide variety of lighting such as ceiling fans, bathroom vanity lighting, chandeliers, track lighting, lighting for outdoors and also any accessories you might need to go with the lighting you choose.  You really ought to go check out their newest store. 

Team Beaglebratz was so fortunate when earlier this year, we received notice from CSN that we were being chosen to receive one of their gift codes for just doing a post about CSN on our blog.  Well, if you all will check the archive back on January 1st of this year, we completed such a post.  Now you may be wondering what did we use this gift code for?  Well, since this is primarily a doggy blog, the gift code was used at one of their doggy/pet supply stores and Shiloh'n Shasta did need a new bed s
The main requirement was that 1 bed had to be big enough to allow both dogs to sleep on it at the same time.  As you can see, they love it.  I also was wanting to get them new food dishes - the 2 they had - well you have seen them and they were probably as old as the dogs are.  So since the price of the bed was inexpensive even though the bed is well made and machine washable (I've already had the "opportunity" to check this out after 1 of them piddled on it), I was still able to get Shiloh'n Shasta new bowls
I love the color and the design - they are easy to keep clean too.
I decided to go ahead and order something that I had been wanting for a long time but I just wasn't sure about using it on Beagles.  After talking to a couple other Beagle owners who did use a Furminator on their Beagles with great results, I added one of them to my order - sorry but no picture.  I am so pleased with the results.  And I got the one that is 2-inches wide - perfect for their size.

A $55 gift code from CSN!!!
NOTE: I know I have a few international readers HOWEVER 
I am sorry to say that this give-away is restricted to 
U.S. and Canada residents only.  Also,
there may be international shipping fees in the case of Canadian orders that 
the gift code cannot cover.
Shiloh's barkday is Saturday, March 26th -
he will have a barkday post.  Since I am new at this - 
all you have to do is leave him 1 or more comments on his barkday post-
the more comments you leave, the better chance you have of winning.
We are planning for that post to go live very early on Saturday.
You will have until midnight (CST) also on Saturday, 3/26.
Since Blogger is good at keeping track of comments and times, 
I haven't decided how the winner will be chosen- or let Shiloh choose-
Any ideas about this - what's the easiest? 
I hope to have the winner within a day or two,
just in time for spring. 

(We would like to thank Wilma the Pug for giving us this great idea-
don't forget to check out her blog on March 25th but
shhhhhhh - it's suppose to be a surprise.
I have a link in my blog list on the sidebar.)

Kim, Shiloh'n Shasta

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I think I made mom mad

Shiloh here - mom sez last evenin'had sum upz an'downz tu it-

not shur what she wuz talkin'bout since

all I saw wuz the country-side go by az

I traversed the neighborhood.

Yep - in case u hazn't figurd it out-

I think I found one of thoze loop-holez that

hoominz sumtimez talk'bout x-cept

it wuz in the fence.


I wuzn't gone long b-cuz

mom wuz able tu get our neighbor-guy tu help

he's nice an'all butt
y did he haf tu catch me soooooo soon?
Anyway, mom iz kinda sore in the kneez this mornin'cuz

she sed there wuz a high-place in the sidewalk an'

she missed it an'hit the ground-

she iz ok butt sore - it didn't keep her frum that werk place.



tu u all.

Gotta go take my after breakfast nap now.


Monday, March 14, 2011

Takin'care of bizness - Relief for Japan's people & animals an'other

 Here I am - the Shiloh-man, concerned fer my fellow pets an'other animalz over in Japan.  The great Blogpaws blogger, Tom Collins, did a post yesterday about how u can help thoze needin'it sooooo bad - if u can help in any way, here iz the link tu Tom's post-
Helping people and pets in Japan .

Yep, I iz lookin'good - in all my most handsum self.  An'just in case no one no'ze, I can b found in one of them Kissin'Boothz BUTT - ya gotta hurry b-cuz it all endz this Friday, March 18.  It all goez fer anuther great cause - u can read all 'bout it at that link.

You all ain’t gonna b-lieve this – mom sez Mother Nature (who iz she?)  duzn’t understand what inappropriate meanz (mom sez that tu me tu sumtimez butt I still don’t no what it meanz).   Anyway, mom sed that Mother Nature person made it snow agin tuday an’that wuz inappropriate (that’z a BIG werd tu).  It haz bin kinda nice weather a little – x-speshally this past Saturday BUTT now our kingdom here iz covered with that icky white stuff an’it iz cold.  UPDATE:  When mom got home frum werk, most of that nasty white stuff - it wuz already gone so that meanz no pikchurz.  That'z ok - got a couple others-

Thoze of u with younger sibz - u probably no what this iz all 'bout -
tryin'tu copy your every move - I try tu show Shasta how it'z dun -
BUTT she just duzn't haf that head of herz tilted the rite way like I du.

Then here'z lookin'at u-
That's our serious look - we mean bizness (mom thinkz she duz this tu butt we du it so way much better.

Ok - dinner time - gotta go.

(yep, just me tuday cuz it IZ MY barkday month)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Power of the Paw is needed for so very many

 We here at Team Beaglebratz are joining with The Chronicle of Woos to please say some prayers and send positive healing thoughts to all those affected by the devastation of the terrible earthquake and the tsunami that follows it.

Many of you reading this have likely heard about the devastating earthquake that hit Japan – along with the terrible tsunami that followed. This tsunami has already spread to other countries; is reporting that 50 different countries have been warned; the tsunami has already affected Hawaii and those living on the U.S. westcoast areas – from California to Alaska have already heard the tsunami warning sirens. We could possibly see some of the most widespread damage ever imaginable. I am thinking not only of the millions of people affected but also the pets and wildlife who will likely lose their lives, be displaced or otherwise affected in some way.  I am sure my Beaglebratz would join me in sending out many prayers and healing thoughts to all – all over the world.

Here at Team Beaglebratz, we have so very many cyber friends who live all over the world – we would love to hear from all who may or may not be affected by this – I cannot even find the words to describe the devastation that my mind is imagining from this earthquake and tsunami.  Thank you.

Kim, Shiloh and Shasta

Thursday, March 10, 2011

In recognishun of Dogs on Thursday

Shiloh here-

ONLY b-cuz of Dogs on Thursday, I am hereby an'ONLY fer this, ALLOWIN'a pikchur of Shasta with me TUDAY!

poor Tweety

Ok - that'z enuf of her.

(nope - her name don't git included - ONLY pikchurz)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - almost

Don't haf time tu post much tuday so tryin'this
 Yep, it'z all 'bout the Shiloh-man!
       The many sidez of me!


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

When mom comez home frum the hoomin food store

(a cyber buddy of mom'z made that frum a pikchur of me in the groceriez- we don't haf any hoomin 2-leggerz here so not shur where that one came frum)
We Beaglebratz just love it when mom comez in the door with bags frum the hoomin’z food store– 
oh that’z not b-cuz she haz our kibble – that comez frum Petco.
 BUTT when mom comez home frum the hoominz food store– 
a lot of timez she still haz sum stuff fer us an’not 
just thoze tradishonal doggy treatz neither. 
Sumtimez mom bringz us sum cottage cheese or carrotz or shredded cheese or sweet ‘taterz or frozen blueberries or b’nanaz. An’sumtimez she mite haf sum of that ground up turkey or lamb or piecez of chiken.

Hey, where'z the food?

 This iz MY sak - go away Shasta

 I no there'z gotta b food in here, sumwherez.

Hey - it lookz like Shasta iz tryin'tu help herself in the fridge
(did anyone happen tu notice that Shasta wuz 
willin'tu trade her pink toy fer sumthin'in the fridge)

Here r a couple more pikchurz of ME - SHILOH 

Here I come-

Fer sum reezon,
mom really likez this 
pikchur butt now that bush iz out in front-
mom sed I woodn't leave it alone -
little ole me?

Gotta git fer now-
