
Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Appointment ran later than what I had planned – 

basically this is just going to keep happening UNTIL I

 have a stem cell transplant from my left eye - the

 eye is healthy just blind - and this is really up to me.

  I have about 2 yrs. & 5 months before I have 

30 years in wkere I work – that would be my ultimate

 goal.  If I can’t wait that long then my next goal

would be anytime AFTER the end of January, 2014 –

when my consolidation loan is paid off.  Of course if

at any time I would absolutely need it ASAP then

most definitely it will happen at that time.  Yes the

epithelial defect was large – between 4.5 and 5 mm 

in size and yes, more cloudiness – both of these are

things I have dealt with before and will likely deal

with again according to my eye specialist. He

replaced the contact lense but other than that, no

new treatment - we both know what I am dealing 

with and what is needed to give me the best possible

chance at improvement.  Oh, the reason I am 

waiting - my doctor is saying recovery and getting 

back to work could take 3 - 6 months and currently 
about 2 days of leave which would mean NO income

which means I want to build up a little leave time.

Anyway, that bandage contact lense has usually been

beneficial in the past at reducing the defect-

even healing it completely a time or two.

So that is what is happening right now.  Hopefully 

the Beaglebratz will return in a day or so. 

Thank-you all for your prayers, AGAIN!

Mom Kim, Shiloh'n Diva Shasta

Monday, August 26, 2013

And once again life interrupted ........

Mom Kim here - please pardon any spelling errors

I am seeing through fog or as the doctor said-

increase in the chance of the cornea transplant 

rejecting.   Yes, began noticing a decrease in 

my vision the past day or so and by today, 

wasn't sure if the bandage contact was still in 

so my sis picked me up and off to the eye doc we

went.  The epithelial defect I had that WAS 

small - now much larger and there is an 

increase in cloudiness which is an indication 

of the transplant rejecting so off to my eye

specialist tomorrow to see what is the next 


Then I got the totally unexpected news - I have

a possible BASAL CELL CARCINOMA - right side of 

my nose, within maybe an eighth of an inch of 

the tear duct of my right eye (yesm the one 

with the problems).  I know the BCC is the most

common and least serious of the skin cancers (I 
have already had a melanoma removed from my 

right jawline)  It is the last fact and having 

both parents die from colon and lung cancer 

plus a maternal aunt die from breast cancer is 

the reason I worry about this. 

Anyway, the Beaglebratz HAD planned a nice 

Tasty Tuesday post but that will have to wait 

until next week (MAYBE late tomorrow). 

Anyway, my vision is telling me I need to stop

for now plus I have a bed that needs sheets on 

it and the Beaglebratz need out so guess I will 

top for now.  I really do hope this new problem

is shortlived and the Beaglebratz will be here 

tomorrow or Wednesday,  In the meantime, if you 

have not yet voted in the Dogs of Blogville 

Calendar Contest - please see our early morning 

post for today for all the details.

And most lastly - as always I hate asking for 

myself - would you please say a prayer for me?

Mom Kim


We Beaglebratz (Shiloh'n Diva Shasta)

have entered the 

uzin'that pikchure u c above.

It iz bein'hosted by 

Jodi Stone frum


 Julie Melfi frum

Ok - so tue vote fer us, all u gotta due iz

click on that FIRST  link above-
(the 8/25/13 post)

fer a complete list of rulez an'regulashunz plus

a good x-planashun of what tue due tue vote then

there iza list of the dogz'n their blogz

who r competin'then u c pikchurez of

the dogz then under them iza list that 

YOU will check ONE name (Shiloh'n Diva Shasta), go tue 

the end of the pikchurez where 

YOU will click on the 






Oh - in case u wuz wunderin'just what

 iz this calendar-

well there will b a fer real calendar that

will b sold fer a fund raizer-

we will tell u'boutz it when we haf 

more time.

Rite now, we Beaglebratz need our beauty sleep

Shiloh'n Diva Shasta



Saturday, August 24, 2013

Anuther Woofie Needz OUR POTP

No worry - not either of us Beaglebratz BUTT

we did find out that 

duz need sum POTP.
(Power of the Paw)

While on a vakashun with hiz mom an'dad

(they had gone tue sum mountainz)

one of thoze nasty tickz bit Sitka.

Now he iz terribly sick an'havin'tue stay at a 

vet hospital where he haz never bin b-4.

What makez it even werse - he 


So PLEEZE stop by hiz blog
(click on that link above)

an'leeve sum POTP an'happee thoughtz fer 

 dear Sitka.

Shiloh'n Diva Shasta

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thankful Thurzday

It wuz a few weekz ago when us Beaglebratz 
entered a giveaway over at  
The giveaway wuz fer a prize package frum Frosty Paws.  There wood b 4 winnerz – WE WUZ 1 OF THEM!  
What wuz in that prize package u ask?
 Shiloh wuz wantin'tue know tue.

Diva Shasta got caught checkin'it all out-
There wuz a travel water bowl, 
a water bottle, 
a pooh bag holder an'an 
insulated food container. 
ALL of that wuz in 
an insulated back pack.

Shiloh thought the pooh bag holder wuz 
sumthin'tue chew on BUTT 
mom just laffed an'took it away frum him.

now u mite b askin'
so what duz all that most wunnerful stuff hafta due with Frosty Paws Ice Cream?

How'bout THIS! 
In case u don't know-
that iza a coopon fer a 
We Beaglebratz LOVE Frosty Paws!
Now when we go fer a walk uzin'the backpack an'other great stuff-
we can come home tue a yummy

We also want tue thank Roxy fer
hostin'this most wunnerful giveaway.
An'thank-u tue Frosty Paws fer
providin'theze most wunnerful 
gift packz.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tasty Tuesday with the Beaglebratz

So this week, we Beaglebratz d-sided tue 
join in the fun that iz
Tasty Tuesday!

We NEVER know what tasty treat mom will
come up fer us->
Ok - so there iz not really a recipe fer 
this cuz all it iz wuz our kibble
topped with sum
collyflower, broccolee, peez (the veggie kind) an'a bit of egg white.
BUTT it shure wuz tasty.

Then there wuz thiz 1->
yes, a little difrent cuz it had ALL the above in it
 a bit of shredded cheeze an'bitz of our doggy muffin.

Then we want tue remind u'all of the 
product review of
we did last week.
 Look here->
fer the review AN'there r
TWO giveawayz frum

We Beaglebratz wood love it if u

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Joker needs some POTP

Tue all Blogville rezidentz- 
we Beaglebratz haf recently made sum 
new furrendz-
akchully a new furrend'n 
hiz mom-

They live in Italy'n 
yestaday, Joker d-veloped 
a case of BLOAT.
We know this iz a 
terribly serious problem'n
Joker'z mom iz terribly worried
(az our mom wood b tue)

We at Team Beaglebratz
r callin'fer sum POTP an'we 
ask that u join us.
Pleeze click on that link above tue go tue 
their blog an'leeve your werdz of prayerz'n

Joker'n Francesca haf bin a part of this
most wunnerful community less than a year-
let'z show them what Blogville can due fer 
one(two) of their own.
Shiloh'n Diva Shasta 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A Late Wordless Wednezday-Almost...Gotta a Question

Due u ever feel like u r just a 
photo op waitin'tue happen?

(She just HAD tue take this with
my ear all inside out)

(Mom will take ANY pikchure ANY time-NO modesty)

(We got uze tue the photo-opz BUTT 
cood she at leest git ALL of us'n our TAILZ) 
Even our food'n treatz gitz 
intue the photo-op!

We're outta here!
Shiloh'n Diva Shasta

Sunday, August 11, 2013 Review - Sumptuous Nomz on Sunday plus TWO Giveawayz

Shiloh wantz tue know - what iz in this box?

Shiloh sez that we Beaglebratz haf had 

sum of our bestest nomz frum
  Many of our furrendz git good stuff there tue.

Now az fer me, Diva Shasta, I will b duin'most of 

the talkin'n bloggin'fer this post- 

I try tue stay away frum 

the nom akshun cuz Shiloh givez me

not-so-nice lookz if 
I even LOOK interested in the box. 
Since we haven't bin able tue 

review much fer awhile,
due tue mom'z eyeball problem,
when mom told us'boutz the email frum 
askin'us'boutz duin'a review, we sed
Mom sed yes so here it iz.

 HALO Healthsome Biscuits

We choze the onez made with Beef'n Liver-

theze also haf Chicken Liver'n thingz like 

sweet potatoes, applez, cranberriez, carrotz,

green beanz'n parsley.

Check out that link above fer a 

complete list of ingrediantz.

Here r a few more pikchurez of us Beaglebratz 

enjoyin'duin'this review
(I think mom wuz teazin'us 
cuz she woodn't let us eat'em til she got our pikchurez)

it'z 'boutz time - a pikchure of the Diva.
We FINALLY gotzta eat'em-
#1 an'a total of 8 pawz up fer theze yummy
HALO Healthsome Biscuits.


Along with duin'the review, we were also given the opportunity tue host TWO (not just one) giveawayz.

The first one iz this Rafflecopter thingy-->>

a Rafflecopter giveaway will have a monthly blogger giveaway with the three prizes(first, second and third place).

Now this second one really soundz like fun- 
it iz called --->>>
 Faces of Summer Giveaway
Post a photo of your Cat or Dog enjoying their favorite summertime activity for a chance to win!!  In under 50 words, tell us about your favorite summertime activity with your pet to win a special Chewy prize pack. Tag #teamchewy on Instagram and Twitter, or message us on Facebook to enter!

By sendin'a pikchure of your furry family enjoyin' the summer monthz, accompanied by a breef d-scripshun, you’ll b entered tue b a featured pet az well az entered intue the raffle fer a speshal Prize package. The contest will run through the end of September an'the winner will b contacted the ferst week of October. 

Ok - so this post haz bin wayyyyyy tue long BUTT there wuz a lotta great stuff here.  Soooo, we Beaglebratz iz gonna go fer now an'let u'all due whatever it iz u iz gonna due now. 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

HAPPEE BARKDAY SUGAR - Here'z Smilin'at U Gurl!

We Beaglebratz iz kinda late with this butt
we herd that there iz sum pupper 

here in Blogville 

celebratin'her speshal day tueday-

iz celebratin'her 12th barkday-


Diva Shasta iz SMILIN'cuz she just can't
b-leeve tueday iz SUGAR'z barkday

& Shiloh haz a speshal SMILE message 
fer Sugar-  

We Beaglebratz herd roomerz that 
Sugar wuz gonna haf sum carrot cake-
iz this it?
 or may-b it iz this one?

Whichever it iz, 
we Beaglebratz wood like sum tue, PLEEZE?


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wordless Wednezday - Mother, may we?

(PLEEZE x-cuze our mom'z lack of modesty- 
she missed out on that chapter.)

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Monday Mischief - OUR MOM AGAIN?

Shiloh'n Diva Shasta here-

We just don't git it-

Mom iz ALWAYZ talkin'boutz the mischief we

 Beaglebratz haf gotten intue;

Ok, so Shiloh haz bin known

tue counter-surf a little
an'Diva Shasta haz bin know tue 

cauze a bit of mischief now an'then 


it wood seem that there iz just 


tue our mom'z mischief, such az 

what we haf witnessed lately.

Such az we found out that SHE

went tue OUR favrite store this past Saturday,
(yes, that wood b Petsmart)
THEN when she wuz on her way home

she got this-
she sed it wuz HER lunch.

Why can't we haf sum?

We also haf pikchurez of 
she even ate one of thoze cookie barz,



Will our MOM'z mischief never stop?