
Thursday, October 31, 2013


Shiloh'n Diva Shasta here-

Well Blogville haz really outdone itself this time - we Beaglebratz don't know if we can partake in many of the festivitiez since our mom iz bak tue werk an'our telepathic wavestream capabilitiez r so limited at timez (that iz what we uze when our mom iz at werk so we can vizit a few of your blogz.

We did wanna show u'all our clawstoomz our mom got us AFTER HOWL-O-WEEN LAST YEAR!  They r kinda neeto-sweeto cuz they can b worn fer pajamaz tue!
We kinda look like we iz ready fer a nap.

Shiloh sez I ain't duin'this trick without a treat.

Diva Shasta sez - Now really, iz thiz sumthin'a DIVA like ME wood wear?  If u want me tue wear this then I MUST haf a treat - hand it over, I can smell it!

Shiloh sez - This iz really kinda embarrasin' - ain't u dun with that flashy beast yet?

This iz our Howl-o-ween SockMonkey friend - he'z lived with us fer a couple of yearz (yep, our mom iz tue tite with the green paperz sumtimez).
Okey-dokey - we iz dun with our modelin'stint this time.  See ya'round............

We iz joinin'the 
Howl-o-ween Blog Hop
so u can find ALL OF THE FUN-
You can also look at
Frankie an'Ernie's bloggie 
tue find a list of where the 
HOWL-O-WEEN festivitiez iz at.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

ALERT !!! EMERGENCY !!! ALERT !!! (NOT about us)

We Beaglebratz herd 'boutz a furry most terrible 

an'furry most un-fur-tunate happenin'over at the   home of the Kresty Krew

If u hav sent your pikchurez tue them fer the tube-steak or apple or whatever bobbin'then
PLEEZE send them AGIN!  Here iz the pee-mail addy


Their mom'z 'puter died an'ate the pikchurez.

Also, if u missed out the ferst time-
(like we did)
they sed SEND'EM NOW!


Monday, October 28, 2013

Yes - this IS an update - FINALLY!

By the end of  this workweek we will be moving into NOVEMBER!   It doesn’t seem possible.  I thought I needed  to  give you all a some kind of an update.

For the time being and hopefully for the next 2 – 3 months at least, my vision has improved enough that I am back, and stay there, to work – last week was my first week for a few weeks where I have actually been able to get in a full 5 day work week, 8 hrs each day – not even a doc appt (that came this past Saturday only because the bandage contact lens I was wearing came out and I can’t put it back in) .  Since 9/23/13, when I had outpatient surgery to remove the basal cell carcinoma (clean margins) from the bridge of my nose (same side as eye with problems), I have had an increase in my vision problems – the surgeon had assured me that would not happen but that was BEFORE he knew how deep  the bcc had gone (to the bone) which warranted a change in how he did the graft which pulled down on my lower eyelid which exposed the eye to even more problems.  Even tho no new additional eye problems were anticipated as a result of the bcc surgery – it is amazing how my vision has improved as that surgical site has healed and once again my lower eyelid is getting, not just back to the way it was before all this but maybe a little better.

Ok – so now I am waiting for my next go-round of eye procedures which is scheduled for 1/21/14 in Overland Park, Kansas then a follow-up appointment the NEXT day – also in O.P.
That will be  when my eye specialist will take stem cells from my left (non-functioning but otherwise healthy) eye and transplant them onto my RIGHT eye in hopes of improving the health of my R eye.  Then he will cover that with a couple layers of amniotic stem cells to add extra protection/healing which will just about do away with any vision for a few days until the healing process takes hold - I AM NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS PART!

Anyway, better get this posted before much more time passes.  Shiloh'n Diva Shasta are well - eating, going out and then coming in - a few times, napping as much as they can along with the occasional tussle then sharing the bed with me - I thought I had a full size bed but usually I MIGHT get 10 inches of it. Right now at night they are outside, doing a howling good job of keeping the backyard critter free.  Guess I best get them in before they wake up the neighborhood.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

A Brief Message From Mom Kim

This past Thursday I saw my local eye doc,
and my vision tested at 20/250 (legal blindness is 20/200).  I have done what I could with helping Diva Shasta with her postings but commenting is getting less and less.  I am not sure if my vision has improved any which it has done in the past and this is why I am just now posting this - it may have actually worsened a bit - I have an appointment this Tuesday to see what the next step is.   

I am hoping Diva Shasta will be able to post at least once or twice this week - she has a couple of new toys and some treats coming her way on her barkday (don't tell) and I am sure she will want to post about this.  One of us will report on my next appointment if we can.

Just wanted to let you all know what is going on in case we suddenly "disappear".  Rite now - we all are off to bed-
 ~Mom Kim, Shiloh'n Diva Shasta~

Friday, October 4, 2013

Better Late Then Never - Our Taco Day With The Beaglebratz

Diva Shasta here - we Beaglebratz thought we wuz gonna miss this furry most yummilishus day - mom came home then left agin almost rite away.  (Akchully mom didn't leeve rite then butt hope tue tell ya'bout that later.)  Ok - so our mom got home butt she got bizy duin'other stuff.

We Beaglebratz cood c that mom wuz gittin'our
dinner ready - only it wuzn't our uzual kibble.
We watched az mom went bak an'forth b-tween the fridge an'the counter 
an'the cupboard an'the counter
an'sumthin'called the pantry an'the counter-
our headz were like tennis ballz bein'
hit bak'n forth.
This iz what came out of all that-
(pleeze x-cuze the quality of the picz- 
our mom wuz ?????)

Anywayz - our tacoz had shredded carrotz,
mom cut a few sliverz of chiken frum her sam'witch then added a little Greek yo'gurt then 
added sumfresh brokoli'n colli-flower'n
We Beaglebratz cood hardly wait anymore-

Shiloh rushed tue git hiz - mom had tue hurry tue git a pikchure b-4 he ate it all.

Diva Shasta wuz gobblin'herz down at the same time so mom hurried tue git her pikchure tue.

Yep - our TACO DAY may haf bin late BUTT
it wuz well werth it! 


This def-nitely haz

A Furry Funny Friday with Diva Shasta

 My mom sed she got me an erly barkday prezent BUTT after I looked a bit, I found Mr. Monkey BUTT he wuzn't new-

Then she sed over here my little Diva well at leest she got the name rite.  Due u know what she handed me?????     Wait for it............
              KEEP ON SCROLLIN....

                    GO ON DOWN SUM-MORE...


Now az u'all can c, my eyeballz iz ALMOST clozed soooo .. I coodn't really c furry much good what my mom wuz givin'me so when I felt it in my mouth-
it did feel kinda like a toy.  So after I had it then I went over an'laid down then started tue chew on it - then my eyez were WIDE open an'I cood c there furry most terrible trick my mom played on me AN'SHE WUZ LAFFIN'!
Well I didn't think it wuz so funny an'when I found out what that "new toy" really wuz-
well I just hadta spit it out then give my mom "the look' like REALLY MOM?
Now if u read my post frum this past Tasty Tuezday then u read that I, Diva Shasta, share my barkday with Diva Nola over at Dachshund Nola.  Well, I also lerned that  
Gizmo, over at TERRIER TORRENT


Noodles, over at A BOWL OF NOODLES
Well NOODLES gotcha day 
iz OCTOBER 16th.

OCTOBER iza furry much speshal month indeed - plus 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Late Tasty Tuezday with Diva Shasta

(My mom STARTED this a while ago-
now I, DIVA SHASTA, iz gonna finish it!)

 Way bak in July 
Gizmo @ Terrier Torrent 
had a T-rific giveaway for
an'there wuz TWO winnerz.
 These yummy treatz r pure wholesum yumminess. They r 100% made in the USA an’haf NO wheat, corn OR soy. What DUE they haf – furry much great stuffz like yamz, berriez, p-nut butter, ORGANIC OAT flour an’CHIA SEED! 
 We Beaglebratz got the 
I YAM WHAT I YAM kind which 
haf yamz, strawberriez, chia seed an’oat flour 
cinmamim an’honey (that honey just makez me sweeter than I already iz) Make shure u click on their link tue 
find out more’bout their yummy goodness.
Oh yea - look it that - we Beaglebratz
wuz one of thoze winnerz!
I, Diva Shasta, git tue check it out ferst!

ONLY when I git dun THEN Shiloh gitz hiz chance.

Here they iz!

An'c that cloth there with the pikchure?
Well that iz a super nice tote bag that 
my mom uzez!
So that iz all the tasty stuff- 
there will b more later this month.

Ok - so now I need tue tell u'all'bout 

 Now sum of u mite just r’member sumthin’bout me'n
the month of October– 
My barkday iz October 8th - that’s the SAME day az Diva Nola over at 

So I guess that meanz that October 8th iz DOUBLE DIVA DAY!  Now I’m thinkin’that October 8th iz a furry much speshal day an’speshal dayz  d-serve sumthin speshal, doncha think? 

Now I just wunder whatever cood that b?  (B-sidez me gittin’tue due MOST of the postin’z this month)  I will just hafta put my little Beagle diva mind tue thinkin’bout that.
~Diva Shasta~