Monday, February 22, 2016

A Chewy review solves our Monday Munchies

We Beaglebratz r linkin'this post tue the Influencer Blog Hop 
hosted by
Wuz that the doorbell we herd?
Yep - by golly here'z anuther one of thoze boxez.
Wunder what'z in this one?

Look-ee what we gotz-
We Beaglebratz haf seen so furry many
of our furrendz enjoyin'this on their food-
our mom finally got the hint.

Iz it time tue eat yet?

Thoze Raw Boost Mixers
r the lighter color stuffz on our kibble.
Now then, we iz gonna go eat our food'n Mixers
while our mom talkz tue ya.
Oh, by the way, b-4 us Beaglebratz go take care of our food,
we wanted tue leeve u with this-->>>

Did u count'em?
Yep - that'z what we Beaglebratz give theze

Nature's Variety Instinct Raw Boost Mixers-

8 PAWZ UP!!!

Mom Kim here - I love these Nature's Variety Instinct Raw Boost Mixers.  It gives a pet parent all the benefits of raw nutrition but in the convenient form of a kibble.  The lamb formula contains wonderful ingredients such as lamb, lamb kidney, lamb liver and veggies and fruits like carrots, apples, butternut squash, broccoli and blueberries.

Key Benefits:
  • Great topper for kibble
  • High quality, raw nutrition in a convenient and easy-to-serve form
  • Pure protein for lean muscles and strong bones
  • Natural ingredients for optimal nutrient absorption
  • Nutritious oils for healthy skin and coat
  • Freeze dried and all-natural for an irresistible taste
  • Grain-free and gluten-free
  • No artificial colors or preservatives

DISCLAIMER - we were sent one 6 ounce bag of the
 Nature's Variety Instinct Raw Boost Mixers Lamb Formula Freeze-Dried Dog Food Topper
    in exchange for our honest opinion-
no other compensation was involved.


Murphy said...

OMD! We knew that was gonna be delish!! Thanks for the wonderful review!

Keep Calm & Bark On!

Murphy & Stanley

Samantha said...

I love Nature's Variety! It's a great brand.
Great review!!

Idaho PugRanch said...

We love these! they make great treats!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Those look totally nommy!!! Thanks for the great review!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

M. K. Clinton said...

We love Raw Boost Mixers! Mom needs to get us some more so she doesn't have to take so long preparing fresh meat for our dinners.

Ziggy Stardust said...

OMD I love Chewy!! Thanks for the great information.

Ziggy Out!

easyweimaraner said...

that looks tasty... I bet you would give 87 paws if you had so much legs, right?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love your 8 paw review, Jake gets his glucosamine from but doesn't know it.

stellaroselong said...

You tell the best Mr. chewy story!!
stella rose

Ruby said...

OMD, i LOVES THOSE!!!!!! Ma even gives me those as treaties, cause I likes them so much! FABulous review guys!!!
Ruby ♥