Sunday, July 30, 2017

Monday Munchiez with #Chewy Influencer

 Remember THIS BLOG POST where we gotza d-livery frum 

that had 2 thingz in it fer us?
We told u'bout 1 in that blog post an'now
we r gonna tell u'bout the other. 
Tue-day iz the last day fer July'z Blog Hop an'we r 
joinin'in the hop.

Yep - here iz the Chewy box that wuz 
d-livered rite 2 our front door.

An'here iz the other thing that wuz in that box-

Our mom gave us each a chance 2 get the bag open-
Miss Maizie even wrestled the bag away frum mom after which-
                              notice the hole near the bottom of the bag?
Oh, an'sumthin'my mom found out the hard way-
don't let the dogz try 2 open a bag with 
SOFT burger treatz-
they end up like this-
BUTT this did NUTHIN'2 change that
yummy beef'n bison flavor that also haz
the goodness of 
chickpeaz, potatoz with bit of rozemary taste'n 
just enuf stuff 2 make shure they keep that yummy taste.

An'here r thoze Key Benefitz that alwayz addz 
2 their food'n treat stuffz-
  • U.S. farm-raised beef is the #1 ingredient
  • Inspired by real recipes from Rachael's kitchen for the ultimate tail-waggin' experience
  • Made with the world's best ingredients cooked right here in the USA
  • No grains, corn, wheat, artificial flavors or meat by-products
  • Now your pup can have a meaty burger treat any time they like!
Oh we love that last thing - we love 2 share mom'z burger so
havin'one of our own wood b even better!

Like we sed, even tho we ended up with crumblez'n
our mom lerned don't let the dogz open burger treatz-

We still gave theze Rachael Ray Burgerz
(an'our mom sed she will git us sum more so we can haf sum real burgerz'n not crumblez)

We Beaglebratz Ladiez r part of the 
Chewy Influencer team.  
We received a 3 ounce bag of 
Rachael Ray Nutrish Grain Free Burger Bites-
Beef Burger with Bison Dog Treats
 fer our honest opinionz ONLY -
there was no other compensation involved.

Friday, July 28, 2017

#Flashback Friday with Team Beaglebratz

As much as I love Miss Maizie and 
The Ladiez of Beaglebratz Manor,
the original 
Team Beaglebratz will 
always hold that special place in my heart.
Angel Shiloh and Lady Shasta in November of 2007
 You can see why this is a favorite picture of mine-
my two lovelies working together to "bring in the mail".
No, this is not trained and it never happened again-
it was just one of those few random occurrences that I was
fortunate enough to get a picture of.

We are linking up with the FiveSibes for this week's
you can too!
Just do what I did-
Do some reminiscing-
find a picture from your pet's past-
dog, kitty, rabbit, bird, reptile or whatever
then post it and link up according to the 
instructions below.  Then add that FF badge and
You are done!
(and the great thing is that this linky will 
be open all week!)

~Mom Kim~

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

A #ChewyInfluencer experience on Tasty Tuesday

We gotza d-livery frum Miss Natalie at!
We ladiez at the Beaglebratz Manor r 
Chewy Influencers an'r takin'part in this month'z Blog Hop.

Wunder what'z in the box THIS time?
You can't tell butt there wuz akchully 2 thingz in there butt
rite now, we iz just gonna tell ya'bout 1 of'em.

Grass Fed Lamb & Brown Rice Dinner And

Slow Cooked Chicken, Rice & Oatmeal Dinner

Canned Dog Food 


Our mom haz a problem with her flashy-beest - 

So what we r gonna do iz 
put up a few of the MANY MANY pikchurez butt
shrink'em so u can bigefy if u want-

Yep - we both gotzta examine what we gotz. 

This wuz the one we tried ferst, it iz the -
Grass Fed Lamb & Brown Rice Dinner.

 Ummm  - that shure duz smell good- 
mom, it'z time 2 eat - NOW! 

 Our mom likez 2 uze it 2 mix-in with our kibble - it makez a yummy broth.                          

 We both agree so that makez it
Ok - we Beaglebratz ladiez gotz a little bit ahead of ourselvez so
we iz gonna let our mom do the rest-
b-sidez, after such a YUMMERLISHUSH meal,
we ended up takin'our napz.
~Miss Maizie an'Lady Shasta~

Mom Kim here - well since the girls went off to nap,
guess I will do the rest of this review.
(I will have to have a talk with them later about this-
Ms Natalie sent this food to them to review - I didn't eat it.
Kind of rude to just go off and snooze like that and
leave the rest for me - oh well.)

As you saw in the pictures above, the Beaglebratz ladies loved their food - what you couldn't see is that their heads NEVER did come out of their bowls until they were finished. They loved the grass-fed lamb and lamb liver, not to mention the brown rice and the sunflower oil which is great for their coat and skin.  There are several minerals too numerous to list - best for you to click on that link above and you can also read about the Slow Cooked Chicken, Rice & Oatmeal food that is included in this package as well.

Here is that handy list that includes for their pet food products-

Key Benefits
  • Uses real meat for a savory flavor.
  • Nutrient-rich formulas promote a healthy metabolism.
  • Essential vitamins and minerals support a healthy immune system, strong muscles, and skin and coat health.
  • Limited ingredients reduce the chances of food sensitivity and help make digestion easier.
  • Made in the USA and free of artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives.
And I could tell from the Beaglebratz ladies reaction to their meal what their final rating would be for this food-
& the mom agrees!

Lady Shasta'n Miss Maizie are part of the 
Chewy Influencer team and received 1 of the 6 pack case of 
Nutro Kitchen Classics Premium Loaf Variety Pack:
Grass Fed Lamb & Brown Rice Dinner And
Slow Cooked Chicken, Rice & Oatmeal Dinner Canned Dog Food
 fer our honest opinions ONLY -
there was no other compensation involved.

Friday, July 21, 2017

My Two Angels on #FlashbackFriday

For those who have not met him-
the little black dog is my YorkiPoo, Oreo.
The Beagle puppy is Shiloh.
This was their first meeting back in May of 2003.

Even when Shiloh grew bigger than Oreo,
they were still best buds.
And now they are both
Angels at the Rainbow Bridge-
I bet they have renewed their "best buds" furrendship.

~Mom Kim~

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Bonding(?) on Wordless Wednesday

This week The Ladiez of Beaglebratz Manor are linking up to
BlogPaws Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop
If you haven't linked to it yet, just look below &
follow the instructions.

While the look on Miss Maizie's face I interpret as mostly one of
 happiness & contentment with having a sister, 
I'm just not sure how 
to interpret Lady Shasta's face.

~Mom Kim~

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

A Talky #TongueOutTuesday

Hey Miss Maizie -what shall we talk'bout 2-day?
Let'z talk'bout our mom - sumtimez I just don't know'bout her!

 Oh yea - hey efury-body - 

~Miss Maizie & Lady Shasta~

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Smilin'Sunday Selfie with Miss Maizie

Well my mom haz bin kinda lazy with postin'so
I, Miss Maizie, haz d-sided 2 link up with the kittiez over at
fer the 

Not shure if my mom ever did show u my 
(I never know if or what my mom will blog'bout)
my most boo-ti-ful face so
I'm uzin'this pikchure fer my entry in the 
Sunday Selfie Blog Hop.  An'if 
u look closely - do u c a smile cuz I do.
(I uze it A LOT with my mom)

~Miss Maizie~

Friday, July 14, 2017

#Flashback Friday w/Angel Shiloh'n puppy Lady Shasta

Well I am late again with our post-
so glad to know that this blog hop will be 

This goes back to Lady Shasta's first Christmas-
she and Angel Shiloh were playing.
Yes, that was her growling at Shiloh-
(and Millie & Walter reminded me that she also had a wire in her mouth - thank goodness it wasn't plugged in)
just look at that face!

So go find your #FlashbackFriday photo, 
add it to a blog post and then link up to the 
that runs to next Friday.

~Mom Kim~

Friday, July 7, 2017

This happened then came the #Flashback Friday

EVERY Friday, the FiveSibes host the 
#Flashback Friday Blog Hop.
Click on that link above then scroll down to see their latest 
#Flashback Friday.  Then
link up your #Flashback Friday blog post.

Ok - on with our latest #Flashback Friday-
kinda work up to it.
I was taking pictures last night of 
Miss Maizie and Lady Shasta.
This is one of my favs-
This picture led me to my 
#Flashback Friday picture---->>>
This is one of my all time favs of puppy Lady Shasta 
with big brother Angel Lord Shiloh.
That picture seemed to beg for a caption.

(I've already got a caption for Miss Maizie the dentist 
and her "patient", Lady Shasta)

~Mom Kim~

Tuesday, July 4, 2017


Lady Shasta         Miss Maizie


And remembering the Team-
Lady Shasta               Angel Lord Shiloh