Friday, May 25, 2012


We Beaglebratz r joinin'with the rest of Blogville tu celebrate an'honor a furry much impawtent an'furry much bizy doggy who also happenz tu b Blogville'z own mayor- 

Our mom furst started this blog back in 2008 BUTT wood hardly post much of ANYTHING an'didn't git any commentz.  It wuz not 'til October of 2009 (yea we know mom - the truth hurtz sumtimez) that she really turned the blog over tu us Beaglebratz an'it haz growed bit by bit since then AN'it wuz Mayor Frankie Furter who wuz our furst commentor - only then it wuz just Frankie Furter cuz Blogville didn't haf a mayor yet.  He haz remained furry much steadfast in commentin'here an'him an'hiz mom haf been there (here) with commentz of support an'concern whenever our mom haz truble with her eyez.  

It'z kind of a weird coinsidense when Mayor Frankie took on a new responsibility - also durin'the month of October, only this wuz just last year, in 2011.  We're talkin'boutz when he got hiz OWN puppy - Ernie.  Yepperz, Mayor Frankie haz ben there with Ernie every pawprint on the way thru puppyhood.  So b-sides all the support an'concern he showz here in Blogville, bein'an ambassadog in hiz community an'where-ever he goez, he received an award fur a role he had in a stage producshun an'most impawtently he haz a MAJOR role in the livez of hiz human family an'iz a big bruther tu little Ernie.  Mayor Frankie Furter - we Beaglebratz salute you!

~Shiloh'n Shasta~


Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

YAY Uber brill posty , Frankie sure nuff gonna bee surprised todays ...

Uji, Izzy & Ziggy
xxx xxx xxx

ShellePenn said...

We are very happy that Mr. Frankie is our friend. Because if we didn't know him, we would have never met you!!

Our post will be up later. Mom did it for us. She is good about those things... you know, when she isn't being all cat poop crazy doing stupid human things.

Have a great weekend!!!!
Milo and Dixie

3 doxies said...

Awwwwwwe dis was sweet. I not knows ya'll had been bloggin' dat long though. Oh well, at least I knows ya'll nows.
Frankie has done so so so much furs everybuddy. I just loves him...platonically though.


Oskar said...

What a great post for Frankie, he'll love it!

Nubbin wiggles,

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

BLUSH ....


Scooter said...

Hey Doodle Boy & Wiggle Butt!
Wow, this is such a sweet and lovely post for Frankie! He and Mamaw are really happy about this surprise today and your post is grrreat!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge A Licious

The Daily Pip said...

Hurray for Frankie!!!

Your pal, Pip

GOOSE said...

Where would we all be without Frankie.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

So Hap-Pee dat dis has turned into our newest National Holiday! Go Frankie, Go! YIPEE!

Teresa said...

This Frankie Dude seems like a wonderful guy. We will go check him out! (Though Seamus is a little jealous that Shasta seems so keen for this Frankie guy.)

Piappies World said...

Great post about the mayor of blogsville! We'd be happy to join this fun celebration.

Go Frankie!

Piappies Fudgie Bear, Princie, Frap, Moc Moc, Sugar Pie, Maxie Bear, Pie Pie, Smiley Face and Bee-Bear

Posie said...

Dats sutch niyce fings abowt Frankiee-mann! yeah he is grayte, i love dat yoo two says he iz an ambassadog heehee! so troo!! love n likkers, pdorg xox

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Such a great salute to our bestestm friend. He deserves all the praise.

Sniff ya later........Weenie