Wuzn't shure we wood haf a WTF Wednezday post this week BUTT then we started goin'thru sum pikchurez
Diva Queen Shasta here - sumtimez our WTF postz r 'boutz mom or sum other peepz BUTT I saw this pikchur of my "best bud" - my mentor - my big bruther Shiloh abscondin' (mom sed that wood b a good werd tu uze) with MY froggy friend. I tried complainin' (that'z me on the couch) BUTT it wuz like Shiloh didn't even hear me - WTF iz that all'boutz?
Diva Queen Shasta agin - this time it IZ 'boutz my MOM! Well, MY boyfurriend, Seamus the Famous, had tu move tu a new blog when hiz mom moved tu
a NEW BLOG HOME. This all soundz ok, rite? WRONG-O! Mom ALMOST furgot tu change over tu their NEW blog an'that wooda meant that I, Diva Queen Shasta wooda LOST CONTACT with my boyfurriend an'THAT wood NOT b a good thing.
WTF wuz that all 'boutz - mom wood furgit her mentalz if they weren't in her head which iz attached, I hope.
(sorry for the blurriness-
theze r akchully 2 diffrent timez so this
haz happened B-4!)
theze r akchully 2 diffrent timez so this
haz happened B-4!)
I wanted tu go tu bed an'that iz
what mom told me tu du so
WTF iz that all'boutz?
Ok - that'z all fur now-
our mom BEGGED us tu
let HER write sumthin'soooo...
The mom here-
had an eye doc appointment yesterday - for MONTHS I have been having WEEKLY appointments BUT yesterday's was the first one in TWO weeks and that is how it will continue as long as all stays stable with my eye. ALSO, no defect or basically a skin tear on the surface of my eye AND no active Herpes infection of the eye - this last thing is what we have been struggling with the most for at least the past 3 - 4 months. Using words from the Beaglebratz-
Kim, Doodle Boy'n Wiggle Butt
I think that is WONDERFUL news about your eye exam!!! Super in Fact.
I love your froggie furend queen diva Shasta!!!
Great news about your eye exam!
Your pal, Pip
Hoorah for moving to a two week eye appt - with such good news! Poor Shasta - Shiloh pays her objections no mind; that frog would be toast at Silverwalk. Speaking of toast, enjoyed Seamus's blog, er, his mom's and congrats to them on beating the big C (my former nemesis whose effects linger, dang it).
Yay! Great news on the eye exam. I bet that put a skip in your step all day long!!
(I know the fur babies ain't gonna be happy that all their up to date beagle information is being overlooked for congrats for you... but it's too important not to say YAY and celebrate with you!!)
We're pretty sure the froggie is bigger than either of us! WOW! We gonna have to consider that if we ever come to your house for play time... perhaps we just have a doggie picnic instead of playtime :)
Milo and Dixie
Hi Beagles! Came by to say thank you for the arooos to guide me home. Emmett the beagle who lives near us must have herd your messij, 'cos I herd him arooo'ing to help me too. I'm furry glad to be home wif my mom now.
Yore frend Finnegan
Hey Doodle Boy and Wiggle Butt!
Wow, that's really some big WTF moments! Taking someone else's toy is dangerous and so would losing a boyfuriend. Gosh.
BTW: Great news for your Mom's eyes! Woohooo!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge A Licious
Yippee for your eye balls. We are not fond of sharing
Benny & Lily
Hee, hee, hee.... You certainly look like you're telling Shiloh off in that second picture!! And he deserved it.... Right? ;-}
Oh no!! You cannot lose contact with your boyfurriend!! That would be downright heartbreaking!! :-(
Good boy!! Always go to bed when Mom says so!! ;op
I am glad to hear that your eyes are not worse off!! "WAHOOZIEZ COOL DOOZIEZ"!!
Love, Raelyn.... And Rose my Beautifully Unique "Mystery Dog"!!
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