Diva Shasta'n Shiloh here -
Az sum of u may know already, our mom just got bak
tue werk after a long time off(3 monthz) cuz of
eyeball problemz - AGIN! BUTT she STILL found
wayz tue give us sum little x-traz without goin'
broke. We haf talked'boutz our scrambled
eggz'n cheeze with our kibble. We also showed
u'all sum blueberriez'n cottage cheeze with our
So just the other day
fer dinner mom came up with sumthin'difrent
fer us-
That'z our kibble with a bit of cawlie-flour,
brock-oli, little bitz'o cheeze'n sum yummy liver
muffinz - all torn up - oh'n sum peeze. Mom just
goez tue what iza salad bar (wunder what that
lookz like) when she gitz her food stuffz - she
sez the veggiez stay fresh a bit longer'n she
duzn't spend az much. An'when mom'n aunt sis go
tue the farmer'z market (NO DOGGIEZ ALLOWED -
NOT GOOD!) mom can find us sum treatz that don't
cost furry much green paperz - like thoze liver
muffinz (or blueberry or p-nut butter or carob)
There iz sumone there called a vendor -
an'u can even order stuff frum their website.
Now thoze yummy bonez were frum a difrent one of
thoze vendorz with no website.
All them little x-tra yummiez help mom make our
kibble last longer AN'they r good fer us tue!
Now we just need tue figure out a way tue keep mom
away frum "our" fresh veggiez'n cottage cheeze.
At leest she sharez her daily b'naner with us.
We Beaglebratz hopez u'all haz a great day!
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