From Mom Kim (ALREADY EVEN) It only seemed fitting that this post be included in the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop altho I really cannot limit my thanks to just one day.
Well I would have NEVER thought I would be typing this already - I will NEVER stop being amazed at the power of prayer from Blogville and all other friends and family. I so appreciate all the prayers, words of comfort and support and good vibes from all

I saw my local eye doctor and now it was his turn to be really encouraged. So that is where my vision problem stands now and for the next few weeks - unless I develop a new problem or the lens comes out, I don't return to either of my eye doctors UNTIL AFTER I have this BCC (Basal Cell Carcinoma) on my nose taken care of and it has some time to heal- surgery for that is Monday, 9/23/13.
Now then, I also have an update on my Shiloh-man.
Oh did it ever give my heart a big ole'warm fuzzy. That was the FIRST time Shiloh had played with Diva Shasta for a few weeks.
You may not be able to see the chair, but this was the FIRST time Shiloh was up in
his favorite chair
One time I looked in the chair and saw something like this HOWEVER I began thinking
that maybe Diva Shasta laying on Shiloh's back just may NOT be helping at all so-
now, if I see them then
I make Diva Shasta lay beside Shiloh.
(at least for awhile)
(at least for awhile)
because I really would like to see
more of this-
Another change I made, altho not entirely new, Shiloh'n Diva Shasta are both back on their Duralactin - I had run out and never did re-order - the improvement continues.
You can look HERE for when I first posted about the Beaglebratz's response to it.
Ok - that is enuf for now - not making plans for our next post - all I will say is I hope me and/or
the B-bratz are back in a day or two.
And once again-
Mom Kim