Monday, December 1, 2014



It's the same old - same old stuff
about Mom Kim - AGAIN!!!
There is the additional possibility of the cornea transplant from 2 years ago rejecting altho like I said,
this is still in question.
I'm not sure exactly when this started AGQIN or if it really
ever did completely heal from early last month.
The epithelial defect is back, 5mm.
And I still have the nodule (not new)
right above the defect.
Once again there is mention of surgery HOWEVER that is still my decision.
I was not able to go to work today but I do hope to tomorrow.
My local eye doc took more pics of my eye to send to the specialist in Overland Park, Kansas-
this is what I am waiting to hear about; will I go there this week for an appointment or will he wait until he is here in Topeka next week.
This is part of the reason none of us have been online lately-
 reading or commenting.

I NEED to cut this short and get
to bed.
Yes, like I said before, 
Shiloh and Diva Shasta are fine.
I am still hoping to put off that surgery until AFTER the 
first of the year.
My ideal situation would be for the stem cell tissue I have already had transplanted in 3/13 totally heal my eye and improve my vision for the rest of my life.  
HOWEVER I would settle for just getting through the rest of 2014.

Oh, and by the way, "our" goal of making 1000 posts by the end of this year - that flews out the window a long time ago.
I do want to give a special thanx for our guest bloggers this year and I hope we can do this again next year.

In the meantime, not sure when the next post will be.
I do ask for your prayers, POTP and purrayers-
Mom Kim


The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

POTP headed your way!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Linda said...

Sending hopes for good luck and health.

Kinley Westie said...

Sendin POTP!

Unknown said...

POTP and you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Best wishes Molly

Julie said...

Sending you our very best wishes and POTP.
Take very good care of yourself
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Charliedownunder said...

We will certainly be sending POTP your way and lots of hugs too. Take care!!

easyweimaraner said...

I send you a big bucket full with Weimaraner-Power and I cross my paws for your mommas eye.
Easy Rider

Unknown said...

I hope the eye improves pronto. POTP in bushels and no worries if you can't post for awhile, we all understand. Take good care of yourself!

Cowspotdog said...

we are sending lots of power of paw and prayers your way

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I pray now for healing for your eye and that you will not have to have another surgery. we will be waiting whenever you can come back. glad the pups are dong well.. get well soon

stellaroselong said...

Prayers do work Kim and we are sending ours your way!
stella rose

Two French Bulldogs said...

Sending lots of good vibes your way
Lily & Edward

Punchbugpug said...

We sure are sorry for your troubles! We send you much love and good vibes to finish out 2014 and get everything all fixed up!

Idaho PugRanch said...

Sending Pug POTP for you Kim, we will keep you in our prayers
Mr Bailey & Hazel

Murphy said...

Would you like us to put you on our POTP page? It is a complicated thingie so maybe let us know either specifically or generally what we should say. In the meantime we will cross our paws that your vision stabilizes or pawsibly improves within the expectation of the prior surgery. Oh shoot, God is good, we'll ask for 20/20!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Noodles said...

I am sending MAJOR POTP for you and your eyeballs!!!!
Love Noodles

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD you know US... we are sending you

POTP X 87... Keep us posted when you can...

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Sending POTP

Millie and Walter said...

We have our paws crossed tight for you Mom Kim.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Of course POTP for you!

The Daily Pip said...

Sending you lots of good thoughts and prayers!