Wednesday, August 3, 2016

New Update on Lady Shasta

Lady Shasta here - I'm bak.

I haf bin 2 MY dog-tor an'the

report iz NOT all that bad really-

me an'mom an'aunt sis got it taken care of.

Ferst, if u wanna know where this started then 

Anyway, I haf an abscessed anal gland - no rupture.

My mom thought it wuz sumthin'like that.

My dog-tor did not empty my anal glands yet
(thank-u furry much) 
cuz he sed if he did then they wood rupchure.  Sooo

I am on an anti-by-otik fer 2 weekz THEN

he will empty them out.
(how'z that fer sumthin'2 look forward 2?)

Mom sed that when I wuz at the dog-tor 2-day,

I looked an'acted happier than I haf fer at leest

2 or 3 dayez.  There wuz even a kitty there I wnated 

2 meet an'talk 2 butt it wuz 2 bizy sleepin. 

I haf eaten a little butt still not much butt 

I am drinkin'plenty (of water that iz)

Mom thought sumthin'like this happened B-4 so

she looked an'found that it had in

so mom iz gonna remind my dog-tor'bout 

that an'c if she shood b feedin'me sumthin'dif'rent altho

the dog food I eat now iz dif'rent frum then.

Ok - so thank-u all fer the 

prayerz, purrfayerz an'POTP.

I iz startin'2 feel better now.


Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

WooHoo.....Me's so Hap-Pee to hear that you's feelin' better. BUTT...I's sendin' you's some POTP anyway. Can never get too much POTP! :)

Andrea said...

Canned pumpkin is supposed to be good for anal glands. I've never had a problem with my dogs, so I've never tested it out, but maybe ask the dog-tor when you see him?

The Army of Four said...

Thanks for the update! We hope the antibiotics take care of everything.

Sharon said...

Sounds good, hope it's lots better soon.

The Florida Furkids said...

We hope you're a lot better soon!

The Florida Furkids

Jans Funny Farm said...

Glad you know what the problem is and you should be feeling better. Can't say we think going back to the vet is something you'll be looking forward to, though.

Charliedownunder said...

CRIKEY ... Good to hear that you are going to be all good again soon. Our Lucy used to have those problems. You'll be good as new again real soon, aye?

bichonpawz said...

One of my grand dogs has that problem. Not fun. Sure hope you feel better soon!!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I will send you some POTP too,, and hope you find some pumpkin to help you out too

Kinley Westie said...

My momma says Whitley had a ruptured one one time - ow!!

Little Miss Titch said...

Good to hear,you'll soon be on the mend Lady Shasta,xx Speedy

Duke said...

We are so happy that you're feeling better, Lady Shasta. We will continue to send you lots of AireZen and positive thoughts!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Aw crikey Lady Shasta, I'sa been a bit absent it seems and missed the news of your being out of sorts - sure glad to have arrived to the good news part of it!!! Will add you to my POTP anyway - every little helps, right?! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Anonymous said...

I do like when the doctor has a plan, Lady S. I think the antibiotics will make you feel better and better. Anal glands stink. I mean that in every way possible. Mom and I said prayers for you. We know you will be fine. xoxo

Love and licks,

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Kely (With One L) asked me to say thank you for the birthday greetings that you left for her yesterday! And she hopes your posterior feels better soon! Kitties don't have AG problems very often but we know they are oh by cuz Teri told us and your vet sounds like they are doing the right thing..getting the inflammation down before they go squeezing!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

EXCELLENT news, Shasta.

C.L.W.STEP said...

We hope you feel better real soon!

Robin + Christmas said...

Glad you are feeling better! The link to the other post hasn't worked for me though.

Two French Bulldogs said...

We are so happy you are feeling better
Lily & Edward

Unknown said...

I am SO glad it is nothing major and that you are already feeling better!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Jake has this problem and eats canned pumpkin twice a day. tell mom to ask your doctor if it is ok for you. it sure worked for Jake and Baby...

Idaho PugRanch said...

Mr Bailey just had his glands expressed last week - he was not a fan of that
He is getting some pumpkin on his dinner now. Hope you are feeling much better
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

so glad you are feeling better. We have to give Cody canned pumpkin sometimes to keep everything "moving" xoxo

sprinkles said...

Such a relief that it wasn't something more serious! I'll have my Shiver and Chico continue crossing their paws until we know Shasta is completely out of the woods.

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

We think you deserve a cookie fur going to the dogtor.

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Lady Shasta, So pleased that you are feeling better. I hope the anti-biotics continue to make you feel better.

Your Mom came and posted on our blog and we wanted to thank her for her kind words and for taking the time to do that. I think we knew your brother Shiloh on the blog but must have lost track on account of Mum not always being able to blog regularly! We are sorry you lost you Shiloh recently. :(
In case you don't see the comment we replied on our blog here is what we put: Thank you for such an understanding comment. I do feel very lucky to have known Ludo. Yes, I'm feeling like I'll struggle to find Arran's voice. He does of course have his own wonderful personality and has blogged sometimes but I've been on this journey with Ludo for so long it just seems strange. I hope you reach your goal. I'll leave this on your blog too in case you don't see it.

-Wiggles, Arran and Mum.