Friday, June 16, 2017

A late Flashback Friday with Angel Shiloh & Lady Shasta & Miss Maizie

I am sooo very late getting this post up-
hosts this Flashback Friday Blog Hop & you still
have 6 more days to add a Flashback Friday post.

Something took place earlier this evening that prompted me to look for this picture of Lady Shasta using the sofa table as a safety zone to get away from Angel Shiloh during one of their many play-times.

You may be wondering what it was that 
prompted me to first search for that picture &
then share it here-
in a few years it too could be seen on
Flashback Friday but
I will not make you wait that long.
Here they are-

Even tho Lady Shasta is a bit bigger now she remembered what a 
good safety zone that table made and 
she could still fit when she
used it when Miss Maizie kept pestering her.


easyweimaraner said...

that is a super good hiding place... you are a fabulous clever lady ;o)

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Love her fortress of solitude!

Sharon said...

Cute pic of Shasta, Miss Maizie, and the table!

Millie and Walter said...

You are very clever Lady Shasta. Sometimes you just have to get away from those pesty siblings.

C.L.W.STEP said...

Lady Shasta is one smart pup!

Life With Lucy and Poppy said...

Awww sweetness!

Puppy Growls,

LBJ said...

That's a very clever hiding spot. We love those memories as well.

Abby Lab

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

That is so cute. Sasha is smart

Murphy said...

Ha! Ha! That is funny! I used to hide under the steps outside to get away from Stanley and then one day I stopped fitting!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley