Monday, April 30, 2018

Before April goes away - #ChewyInfluencer review 2

Once agin we Beaglebratz Ladiez will b linkin'our blog post to the Blog Hop hosted by
Disclaimer - As members of the Influencer Team,
The Ladiez of Beaglebratz Manor received 1 - 6oz. bag of
Zuke's Lil'Links Rabbit & Apple Recipe Dog Treats
for their review and honest opinion - no other compensation was involved.

Here iz a pikchure frum our
that had the dog food we talked'bout then BUTT
there WUZ sumthin'else in there...

Duz Zukez'n  Chewy know that
 Beaglez an'Wabbitz go way bak? 
Mom knew we loved wabbit an'd-sided we shood haf theze.
(did she really think we wood say no?)
C'mon mom - how long must we wait?
(mom here - it took THREE tries before they would 
wait long enough for me to get a picture - I think that says how much they love them)

Look up there in the corner - yep, rite there iz neeto-sweeto - 
theze treatz r made rite here in the USA!
Wabbit iz the #1 ingredient followed by 
applez, carrotz, potatoez'n maple syrup plus 
ingredientz that keep theze 
treatz safe fer us to eat an'x-tra yummy an'tasty like
turmeric, sage, tapioca an'rosemary x-tract.

Here iz that list of key benefitz that Chewy includez fer each product when appropriate.  Az we read this list our mouthz wuz droolin'thinkin'bout theze treatz.
Soft, delectable sausages feature real rabbit as the very first ingredient for a taste your pup will crave.
Made with earth’s best ingredients including real apples, carrots, rosemary, turmeric and sage.
Grain free, gluten free and proudly crafted in the USA with no corn, soy or other fillers.
These wholesome treats contain no nitrites or nitrates, and no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives.
Give your best friend a protein-rich boost of energy anytime; can also be broken into smaller pieces for an ideal training treat.
(Our mom likez this smaller piecez fer trainin'treatz alot since
Miss Maizie really NEEDZ it.  I, Lady Shasta can do the regular size since 
I am trained good already.) 

Us Beaglebratz Ladiez 
award theze treatz our seal of approval with

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Sunday Selfies and Caturday Art on #National Pet Parents Day

We Beaglebratz Ladiez want to wish 
all the peepz in Blogville who help bring us all here a

In honor of that we Beaglebratz Ladiez haf linked up with
for their 
Sunday Selfies Blog Hop.

Also, since our mom wuz 
lazy yesterday an'just now got this all dun,
we r linkin'up with
fur the Caturday Art Blog Hop that
we r duin'on Sunday.

Mom wanted to purty up our selfiez so 
she uzed a couple flower framez 
on Pizap.
Lady Shasta

Miss Maizie

There r 2 more reezonz today iz speshal- 
there r TWO speshal birthdayz today an'our 
mom made a speshal birthday card fur them-
The first iz fer a Beagle furrend, Kess and her mama!
Then we found out that a certain kitty iz also 16 today-
Pleeze stop by their blogz an'leeve 
your birthday wishez fer them.

Next, we haf the linkyz fer each blog hop-
ferst iz the linky fer the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop.

The Caturday Art linky iz the second linky.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

#ChewyInfluencer with Dr. Tim's Grain-Free Kinesis Dry Dog Food

We Beaglebratz Ladiez r linkin'this blog post with
for this month's Blog Hop.

Disclaimer - As members of the Influencer Team,
The Ladiez of Beaglebratz Manor received 1 - 5 lb. bag of
 Dr. Tim's Grain-Free Kinesis Formula Dry Dog Food 
for their review and honest opinion - no other compensation was involved.
Lookie what we gotz - 'nuther box frum Chewy.
This one had 2 dif'rent goodiez in it butt
we iz just talkin'bout.........

Lady Shasta here - I hadta make shure there wuz 
nuthin'else in the box 
(that wuzn't s'pozed to b an'our 
mom wanted me to tell u'all that the next 6 pikchurez can b bigified.)

I wuz gittin'tired of waitin'on mom to let us try this new food so I just took it into my own pawz (or mouth)

Miss Maizie here - Lady Shasta wuz 
hoggin'all this new kibble so I just hadta 
give mom this look.
(she did give me sum butt no pikchure)

Like the bag sez, this kibble IZ grain-free meanin'no
wheat, corn or soy.  B-sidez the yummy taste an'all
the great thingz in it that our peepz like, here r sum other 
benefitz of this kibble that iz 
listed on Chewy's website-

  • Tapioca, pea and white potato blend: Dr. Tim's unique, grain-free carbohydrate mix may be helpful for dogs with food allergies
  • Dr. Tim's unique formula encourages activity and allows your dog to tap into just the right amount energy needed throughout the day
  • DHA and EPA from omega fatty acids in ocean fish oil can help with immune and brain function, heart health and shedding
  • Prebiotics and externally applied probiotics may benefit your dog's well-being and immune system
  • Slow cooking method minimizes the loss of ingredient integrity and maximizes digestibility.
So with all this yumminess an'the
great stuff throughout this kibble,
the 2 of us with 4 pawz each just
hadta give it 8 PAWZ UP!  

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

#ChewyInfluencer and 3 Kongs from make for some tasty treat toyz

Disclaimer - As members of the Influencer Team,
The Ladiez of Beaglebratz Manor received 3 of the Kong Classics for 
their review and honest opinion - there was no other compensation involved.

I, Lady Shasta wuz the first to hear the doorbell ring-
HEY mom - r we due a Chewy d-livery?  
I cood c the box sittin'on the porch.  
Mom went out to bring it in an'sed
we'll do this later.
later wuz now - seemz like 87 dayz later
(mom here - actually - less than 30 days)

I tried barkin'orderz to Miss Maizie on 
how to open the box butt
she wuzn't listenin'to me.
Finally mom helped git the box open then
us Ladiez took turnz checkin'it out-

See the hole that Miss Maizie left in that box?
I, Lady Shasta, duzn't do thingz like that.
I'd rather chew on what'z IN the box'n
this iz what wuz in it-
not one, not two butt
count'em - THREE KONGS!!!
an'man-o-man, do we ever know what to do with'em!
Butt there r only two of us so 
mom told us one can b in the freezer while 
we werk on the otherz.
An'we wuz ready to go to werk on'em butt first
our mom hadta fill'em with-

Just look at all that yummi-ness - 
canned cheeze an'sum kibble an'sum yogurt an'sum
p-nut butter an'sum applesauce then lastly-
a little bis-kit (az if we needed enticement).
Then each Kong goez in it'z own little baggy then 
they go into the freezer til.......
 C'mon mom - they're ready an'so r we.

Mom tried to git us to uze the platez an'even laid out 
a sheet fer us - oh well......
Oh WOWZERZ - theze Kong Classics haf got to b
the bestest way fer us Ladiez to git
all kindz of yummi-ness.
Most definitely an 8 PAWZ up treat toy.

Thank-u fer lettin'us 
review theze Kongs.

(an'we know mom haz already got'em ready to 
uze agin)

Sunday, April 22, 2018

A late Happy Earth Day on Sunday Selfies

We Beaglebratz Ladiez r linkin'up with the kittiez over at
their Sunday Selfies Blog Hop on 
this speshal day----

~Lady Shasta, Miss Maizie an'our Mom Kim~

Friday, April 13, 2018

Just a note from the mom

I just wanted to let you all know that me and my Ladiez are still around - for those of you who have not seen us on Facebook.  I have been able to do FB a little on my smartphone but don't want to strain my good eye.

Early last month, I switched to Uverse and all was going well - for about a month.  Then, I was sitting - watching TV in the evening and all of a sudden EVERYTHING went out - TV and internet - the Uverse box cut out - that was a Wednesday.
Got a hold of tech support at AT&T and after checking all lines going in to box and tech support doing tests, it was decided to replace the box which I got on Friday.  After checking all input wires and transferring old to new box, got the TV working but still no internet.  Well, contacted tech support at AT&T again and again someone was scheduled to come out.  Thank goodness it was a simple fix - shortly after the first installation, because my computer is an antique and no internal wireless connection, they had to install an adapter that also blew with the internet so this last time - all it took was re-establishing that connection so that now - all is working well.

Ok - during that same time, after the box blew out - the roughness on the surface of my good eye flared up.  After a visit with my local eye doc and then the specialist who finally decided to remove the few remaining stitches from my last cornea transplant in 2015.  Doing this looks like it improved that roughness - that is after replacing my contact twice in 3 days.

Ok - enuf of all that - let's see my Ladiez.........

So what are Lady Shasta & Miss Maizie working so hard at to make sure they get every last morsel?
Actually they probably eat better/healthier than I do.  For dinner they enjoyed some butternut squash along with baby carrots and shredded cabbage mixed with their kibble then add a couple sprinkles of cinnamon and add some water - kind of a stew.
 This way I can feed them a regular meal but with diet food since the kibble is reduced a little (don't tell them that they are on diets)
I try to switch up their veggies a bit - I know, they are spoiled but I am also hoping the veggies and some berries will give them just a little bit of an edge on being healthier and not spend time at the vet so much, especially Lady Shasta who is now 11+ years old.

After such a meal, time for a bit of a nap...............
Lady Shasta          Miss Maizie

Mom Kim