Friday, April 13, 2018

Just a note from the mom

I just wanted to let you all know that me and my Ladiez are still around - for those of you who have not seen us on Facebook.  I have been able to do FB a little on my smartphone but don't want to strain my good eye.

Early last month, I switched to Uverse and all was going well - for about a month.  Then, I was sitting - watching TV in the evening and all of a sudden EVERYTHING went out - TV and internet - the Uverse box cut out - that was a Wednesday.
Got a hold of tech support at AT&T and after checking all lines going in to box and tech support doing tests, it was decided to replace the box which I got on Friday.  After checking all input wires and transferring old to new box, got the TV working but still no internet.  Well, contacted tech support at AT&T again and again someone was scheduled to come out.  Thank goodness it was a simple fix - shortly after the first installation, because my computer is an antique and no internal wireless connection, they had to install an adapter that also blew with the internet so this last time - all it took was re-establishing that connection so that now - all is working well.

Ok - during that same time, after the box blew out - the roughness on the surface of my good eye flared up.  After a visit with my local eye doc and then the specialist who finally decided to remove the few remaining stitches from my last cornea transplant in 2015.  Doing this looks like it improved that roughness - that is after replacing my contact twice in 3 days.

Ok - enuf of all that - let's see my Ladiez.........

So what are Lady Shasta & Miss Maizie working so hard at to make sure they get every last morsel?
Actually they probably eat better/healthier than I do.  For dinner they enjoyed some butternut squash along with baby carrots and shredded cabbage mixed with their kibble then add a couple sprinkles of cinnamon and add some water - kind of a stew.
 This way I can feed them a regular meal but with diet food since the kibble is reduced a little (don't tell them that they are on diets)
I try to switch up their veggies a bit - I know, they are spoiled but I am also hoping the veggies and some berries will give them just a little bit of an edge on being healthier and not spend time at the vet so much, especially Lady Shasta who is now 11+ years old.

After such a meal, time for a bit of a nap...............
Lady Shasta          Miss Maizie

Mom Kim


Millie and Walter said...

We're glad to see that you're internet is back now. That last picture of the to Ladies sleeping together is precious.

C.L.W.STEP said...

I love to eat vegies! I especially love brussel's sprouts. Yum!

Hope things improve for your Mom and her vision problems.

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

My dogs eat better than I do for sure. Hope you get your technology fixed soon!