Hi there - Miss Maizie here!
I reached a bit of a milestone earlier this week an'my mom asked me to share sum pikchurez here-
First, u ask what wuz that milestone I reached?
Yep - on Tuezday, May 1, wuz
1 year with my new mom.
Lookin'bak -
a frend of my mom'z helped us find each other then
an'in the b-ginnin'-
If u wood like to read more then
Ok - so here r the rest of thoze pikchurez frum
my life in my new home this past year.
They can all b bigefied an'they iz no real order to them.

Ok - now I wanted to show u'all how my mom made my
first Gotcha Day anniversary speshal - WOWZERZ!
Agin, they can b bigefied-
Oh an'in case u didn't c it, theze goodiez r frum Three Dog Bakery - I lerned real fast y they r a fav of ourz too - YUM. (Butt I lerned that b-4 cuz this ain't the ferst time we had sum)

You may not b able to tell butt I iz already gittin'bizy on one of thoze pupcakez.

Mom even gotz me a new Moo-Cow.
Lady Shasta iz botherin'MY Gotcha Day bone!
What a great year-
can't wait to c what the next one will bring!
Mom suggested that I link this to the
Happy Gotcha Day Miss Maizie!!!
Hazel & Mabel
Happy Gotcha Day, Miss M. You are the perfect girl in the perfect family! Your party looks awesome. Here's to many many more forever years! xoxo
Love and licks,
The photos on the stairs are pawsome. Those anniversary treats are even more pawsome. Happy Day to you all
Happy Gotcha Day Maizie. You sure got lots of goodies on your special day.
Maize we are so glad you picked your mom a year ago!
Wow! What a great fun day!
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