(of course Shiloh WUZ the first one tue check'em out)
an’we r shure happee ‘boutz that. They iz YUMMERLISHUS!!!
Diva Shasta sez "C'mon mom, my starin'at that bag IZ NOT gonna open it - u know I can't open theze.
Shiloh lookz a little worried - "Ain't I gonna git sum? After all, I already checked the box out tue make shure it wuz ok an'it iz only rite that I git tue try them first since I am the oldest."
Now we thinkz most of u probably know’boutz the great stuffz u can git frum Chewy.com such az foodables fer kittiez AN'woofiez, treatz fer both, stuffz tue keep us all healthy an'bug free az well az the all impawtent TOYZ!
an’we r shure happee ‘boutz that. They iz YUMMERLISHUS!!!
Diva Shasta sez "C'mon mom, my starin'at that bag IZ NOT gonna open it - u know I can't open theze.
Shiloh lookz a little worried - "Ain't I gonna git sum? After all, I already checked the box out tue make shure it wuz ok an'it iz only rite that I git tue try them first since I am the oldest."
Now we thinkz most of u probably know’boutz the great stuffz u can git frum Chewy.com such az foodables fer kittiez AN'woofiez, treatz fer both, stuffz tue keep us all healthy an'bug free az well az the all impawtent TOYZ!
The Organix treatz come in dif'rent flavorz like Chiken Flavor Cookies Organic Dog Treats an'Cheddar Cheese Flavor Cookies Organic Dog Treatz. Our mom choze theze treatz cuz first, she knowz we LOVEZ p-nut butter an'Castor an'Pollux makez their stuffz rite here in the good'ol USA butt also cuz she feedz us the kibble made by Castor an'Pollux an'knowz they make quality stuff. Now when she gitz our kibble frum Chewy.com she can also git us MORE
Castor and Pollux Organix Peanut Butter Flavor Cookies Organic Dog Treats.
An'we know they will get here
super fast cuz that'z the way
Chewy.com duz thingz.
An'we know they will get here
super fast cuz that'z the way
Chewy.com duz thingz.
Well, let's c - I, Shiloh haz 4 pawz an'Diva Shasta haz 4 pawz - I can count sum so I KNOW theze treatz'n Chewy.com r gittin'our full 8 pawz UP!
Thank-u Chewy.com fer lettin'us try theze
~Shiloh'n Diva Shasta~
Those sure were a hit with an all 8 paws score. Enjoy. Have a tremendous Thursday.
Best wishes Molly
8 paws up, must be good!
They MUST be super since you gave them 8 paws up. THAT is as high as you can get.
Isn't Chewy.com a marvelous place?
They are SUCH grrrreat FURENDS and they have so MANY super thingys fur US.
Beaglebratz, I totally agree with ALL that you said. Those treats sure look yummy AND I trust Chewy.com to have not only the yummiest but also the healthiest treats around.
Love Noodles
Yummy, Yummy, Yummy I got love in my tummy. Woof
Sue & Boo
WOW guys - you hit the jackpot with treats. If I were a doggie, I'd send staff right out to buy some.
Those treats looked great! We feel your pain about having to pose with a closed bag of treats before getting any to eat.
Team Beaglebratz....
I love, love, love your new Header Pictures!! ;op
--Raelyn and Rose
Hey, they sound good. And of course you totally deserve good treats. (A plug for your mom, in case she's reading this.)
I'd like to thank you for your words of encouragement about me getting a forever home. I hope I will get someone with some woofers and some kitties and some comfy chairs. And lots of treats!
I've tried those Organix things myself and I totally agree with your review. YUM! I hope things have warmed up a bit in your neck of the woods. That cold was awful.
We've never had Mr. Chewy before. We want our own Bark Box too!
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