Friday, February 19, 2016

Update on Lord Shiloh

Mom Kim here - I was really hoping that I could tell you all that Lord Shiloh's ringworm was just about all cleared up....................

HOWEVER - that would be a lie.  If anything it may have rallied itself (the ringworm) and has now spread further - it is now on the inside of his back legs, around his tail and there are small lesions on the outside of his backlegs and also all over his tummy.  I still have not heard back from the vet we usually have gone to - in fact when I called him to ask about the test results, he reminded me that he would call me when they came in.

At least me and Lady Shasta are still showing NO lesions.

There is something else I'm not sure I have mentioned before.  Lord Shiloh also has a movable lump under his chin - sort of where his head joins his neck.  He still eats altho not with his usual Beagle gusto - he is drinking good and pottying good.  Last time we were at this same vet - the vet looked at it, moved it around but said he would biopsy that later because he didn't have time right then.

I have been a bit dissatisfied for some time with this vet (I know I have posted about it before).  Oh, and after that initial 10-day course of antibiotics was done, I mentioned continuing them or some anti-fungal - this was a no go since the vet said not needed.

What now?  We have an appointment with a different vet this afternoon.  I have already been told that he will want to do a full exam and likely a skin culture.  I also mentioned that lump and it will likely get checked out too.  I will try to do an update later today.

Please keep my little man in your thoughts and prayers and send some POTP.


Two French Bulldogs said...

Sending lots of hugs your way and good vibes
Lily & Edward

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is good news that you are using another vet, i hope this one can help. sounds like the other one is way to busy or just doesn't care... keep us posted. prayers for Shiloh

Idaho PugRanch said...

Glad you are going to another vet - hopefully this one will get to the bottom of what is going on.
We will keep Shilo in our prayers
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Kinley Westie said...

Sendin POTP!

stellaroselong said...

I hope this vet is smart!!
stella rose

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

POTP fur SHILOH... fur SURE... and we think it was good that you went to a different Dogtor... THAT one doesn't seem too interested in this...

GRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr to him.

24 Paws of Love said...

I hope you have better luck with this new vet. Sounds like your last one wasn't a good match which of course makes it hard on you and the dogs.

We have our 24 paws crossed for Shiloh. Please keep us updated.

Sharon said...

Hugs to Shiloh! Keep us updated, please.

Murphy said...

This makes no sense since ringworm (not actually a worm) is a fungal infection! We sure hope you can get to the bottom of this and get Shiloh cured of it!! And we hope you can find out about the other thing and geat it treated too. This is crazy!

Keep Calm & Bark On!

Murphy & Stanley

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Oh that is maddening - you did right to find another vet and it sounds like they are going to do the thorough stuff! POTP from here to there!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Ruby said...

This new vettie appointment is very good news!! Sometimes it's hard to make the switch, butts it sounds like this vettie office just doesn't give a flyin' rooster abouts their patients.
I am keepin' my paws crossed real tight for you Lord Shiloh!!!!
Sendin' tons of POTP!!!!
Ruby ♥

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Glad your going to see another vet! Good mom!
We will send POTP for sure!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Sounds like you are doing the right thin in changing vets! Sending lots of POTP!

C.L.W.STEP said...

Good luck at the vet. Hope you get better real soon, Shiloh!