Thursday, March 10, 2016

I need to let you all know -- he's gone

R.I.P.  Ringo's Little Boy Shiloh

When your best friend looks at you like this
as if pleading with you to help him feel better-
what choice do you have?

My dear Shiloh
3/26/03 - 3/9/16

I will write more later.
Mom Kim'n Shasta


The Daily Pip said...

Oh Kim, I am so very sorry. I know how painful it is to let our beloved friends go. Sending you much love and support and wishing Shiloh a peaceful journey to the bridge. Run free, dear Shiloh

Scooter said...

Kim and Shasta I am so, so sad to hear about sweet Shiloh. He has been such a wonderful furiend all these years and I know you are both brokenhearted. Bless you for helping him cross the bridge and I know it was very hard. He will be a loving angel. Sending warm hugs and love to you both.
Grr and a Sorrowful Woof,
Sarge and Staff

stellaroselong said...

My heart is hurting for you Kim. This is the hard part of being a parent to an angel who has been in our lives. You are a wonderful momma though and Shiloh knew you would be strong. You are in my prayers today. Deb and Stella Rose

The Army of Four said...

Our hearts are with you!
KZK - and Cam and Maggie

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Dearest Kim and Shasta,
Our hearts are heavy with this sad news. We are so very sorry that Shiloh has gone to the bridge to be with so many of our beloved friends. He was SO loved and well cared for HERE but now he is running free and fast.
Thankfully he has left us with many many wonderful memories to cling to.
SO sorry.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
sharing some tears... please know you are held in heart and prayer at this time. RIP Lord Shiloh. hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Milton and Mr. Stubbs said...

I am so sorry. Hugs......

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Sorry for your loss. We are thinking of you at this difficult time. Hugs.

Julie said...

So very, very sorry to hear your sad news,
Sending you lots of warm hugs and luffs
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

easyweimaraner said...

Kim I'm so sorry for you and Shasta that you lost your beloved Shiloh... It was so sad to read the bad news you got from the vet and it is so hard that he had no chance... Hugs to you all, my tears are running with your for your beloved furkid...

The Florida Furkids said...

We're so sorry to hear that Shiloh has gone to the Bridge. We know what a difficult decision this was for you. You did the kindest and most loving thing for Shiloh. We're sending soft, healing purrs and prayers to you.

The Florida Furkids and Mom Sharon

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Many Hugs to you and Shasta on your loss. It is never easy. Soft woos and gentle hugs from all of us here. We understand so well how you are feeling.

Hugs and Woos - Ciara and Lightning and Mom Kathie

Idaho PugRanch said...

Dear Kim and Shasta, you gave Shilo so much love in his life and in the end you made the hardest and most loving decision of all to release him from his pain. He will always be with you.
prayers and hugs
Mr Bailey, Hazel, Mabel & Mom

Murphy said...

Our hearts are sad because we know how hard it is too do such a loving thing. But we are glad that Lord Shiloh no longer suffers. Sending prayers of comfort and peace.

Your Pals,

Murphy and Stanley and mom

Murphy said...

Our hearts are sad because we know how hard it is too do such a loving thing. But we are glad that Lord Shiloh no longer suffers. Sending prayers of comfort and peace.

Your Pals,

Murphy and Stanley and mom

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

While we are very sorry for you and your Mom, Shasta, we know that Shiloh is running free, enjoying all that life across The Bridge offer the renewed body. Hugs to you.

-Fiona, Abby, Dr. Liz and Gary (the silent but supportive husband

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Lord Shiloh, I will miss you, run free sweet boy. My heart aches for those of you left behind. hugs and prayers coming your way. I am so very sorry this has happened. you did the right thing for him

Duke said...

Our hearts break for you. We are so very, very sorry. Godspeed, Shiloh ♥

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

We are very sorry to read of Shiloh. Our hearts are breaking. Hugs and Sheltie licks to you.

C.L.W.STEP said...

We're so sorry to hear about Shiloh. Sending lots of hugs.

(We know exactly what that "look" is like. It's unmistakable. And it breaks your heart. But you have to do the right thing for your doggie.)

We hope Shiloh gets to say hello to our Miss ginger and Old Charisma over the rainbow bridge.

Brinley Westie said...

So very sorry for your loss.... we know your heart must be breaking... sending big hugs...

Noodles said...

We at Casa de Noodles are leaking in our eyes.
Love Noodles

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

I've been thinking about Shiloh so much since your last post and thought I'd be better prepared for this one....but I wasn't. I'm so very sorry and I wish I could be there to give you a hug. It's never easy letting go, even when it's expected because we just keep praying for that miracle to happen. I've been there so many times too. Run free again, Shiloh.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are so very sorry to hear that Shiloh is gone. Purrs of comfort and paws of sympathy for you Shasta and Mom Kim, we know you will miss Shiloh so much.

Charliedownunder said...

Ooooooooooh Kim ... LOVE and HUGS!!! Charlie's mum, Lynn.

Millie and Walter said...

We are so sorry to hear that Shiloh is gone but know you did the best thing for him. We are sure he will be waiting for you both at the Rainbow Bridge.

Marty the Manx said...

We are so very very sorry to read that Shiloh has gone to the Bridge. We had hoped that it would be otherwise. Sending you our deepest condolences, soft woofs, gentle purrs and a hug from Mom. Our hearts hurt for you both Kim and Shasta.
Marty and the Gang

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, Kim, I am so sorry! I had hoped you would have more good days with him before he had to leave. I know he had a good life with you, was greatly loved and will be missed. A warm hug.

Kinley Westie said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending big hugs and love.

LBJ said...

We are so very sorry. You were a wonderful friend and parent to Shiloh and he knew until the very end how much he was loved.

The Johnson's (Abby Lab)

Two French Bulldogs said...

Run free sweet Shiloh. Sending lots of hugs your way
Lily & Edward

Tweedles -- that's me said...

You were such a good momma to Shilo,,, you did everything you could.
And you did the most unselfish act in the world,, by letting him be able to run free with no pain,, to the Bridge.
We are so sorry

Tweedles -- that's me said...

And the most beauitiful name ever,, Shiloh- Lord
(sorry I mispelled his name,,, previously

Lovable Lily said...

As hard as it is, you're a wonderful & compassionate person Kim. You gave Shiloh the gift of no more pain. I commend you for strength. We will all miss your beautiful Shiloh. Sending love your way.

Lily Belle & Muffin

rottrover said...

Oh Kim and Shasta! We are sending love and many hugs and rottie kisses. Oh man...

-Otto and his mom

Baltimore Purrs and Wags said...

I've read your blog for years but never commented. Please know that your blog provides joy for people all around the world. I am sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your life with us.

Unknown said...

We are so sorry for your loss, and send you lots of hugs. Jobi and Fisher

Marg said...

Oh Kim, we sure do send many huge hugs to you. Just know that Shasta knew so much love and he did his best to stick around and Kim, you took such good care of him. You are in our thoughts today.

Anonymous said...

Of course you did the right thing - that "look" says it all - but I know that the right thing sometimes hurts so very bad in that special spot in our hearts where our "furbabies" reside. Shiloh is in a beautiful place now watching over you and his sister....and sending you all the love he did when he was here.........forever and ever.

We send you hugs of comfort
Love, Sammy and Mom Pam

Random Felines said...

we are so very sorry it was his time to run for the Bridge. it is very hard and we are sending you purrs

Team Tabby said...

We are very sorry to hear your sad news about Shiloh. We are sending our purrs and hugs to comfort you.

and our mom

Corbin said...

I haven't been keeping up with much in blogville lately, but was deeply saddened when I came across this news this morning. I'm so very sorry for your loss, Kim. Sending you lots of love and hugs and keeping you close to my heart as you go through this grief. Run free, sweet Shiloh. I know Corbin was part of your welcoming party on the other side.

Just Mags said...

We are so very sorry. Warm, gentle hugs and nose kisses, Pooh, Chancy and Mumsy

CatInTheFridge said...

Sigh. We know how hard it is. Sending purrs of comfort. - Alana and Crepes.

Anonymous said...

We are sorry to hear of Shiloh's passing. We'll be praying for your broken heart. Love Toby, BobbieSue, Simon and Momma Sabina

da tabbies o trout towne said...

Godspeed your journey to heaven Shiloh; we are truly sorry. hugs to you mom and family from all of us ♥♥♥

Mariodacat said...

We are so very sorry for your loss. Such an adorable doggie too, and I know you must really miss him. Our hearts are breaking for you as we know what it is like to lose a special furbaby. You are in our thoughts and M sends big HUGS.

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh Kim we are so sorry. You put Lord Shiloh's needs ahead of yours just like a devoted and loving parent would do. He was suffering and felt terrible and had lost his quality of life. Now he is pain free and I'm sure frolicking with many buddies he has been reunited with over the bridge.
Sending kitty kisses and Mom hugs to you and Shasta.
Madi and mom

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are so very sorry to hear about your dear Shiloh. Love and hugs from all of us.

Anonymous said...

We's sendin' lots of purrayers. We just had da same thing on da same day.

Luv ya'


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am so sorry for your loss.

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Dear Kim and Shasta, we are very very sorry to hear of sweet Shiloh's illness, suffering and passing. A hard time on your hearts. He was such a beautiful soul and will be never forgotton by his blogging furiends. It was time though, and as a loving family you knew this. May you all begin to feel better about your loss and begin to smile at the time and memories you had together.

Sending love and tail Wuggles, Rubie's mum and Rubie xxx

The Island Cats said...

We are so very sorry. Purrs....

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Our hearts are broken...we are so deeply, deeply sorry. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. With love, Dakota and Caren DakotasDen

ThePainterPack said...

So very sorry for your loss.

Ruby said...

OMD, How did I miss this postie...I am so very sorry for your and Shasta's loss. My heart is breaking for you guys. Gosh, I don't know what to say, except that you are in my heart and thoughts, and I am sendin' lots of {{{{hugs}}}} and AireZens and loves your way. Know that we are all here for you, and that you guys are loved and we will miss Lord Shiloh so very much. He is a big part of Blogville, and always will be.
Lots of loves and
Ruby ♥♥

meowmeowmans said...

We are so sorry for your loss. Thank you for loving Shiloh so much, and so very well. Sending you gentle purrs and prayers as you miss your beloved boy.

FiveSibesMom said...

Oh, I am so very sorry...I somehow missed heart goes out to you. May Shiloh run free and always be with you and Shasta. I'm also sending you big hugs. I will whisper up to my furangel Gibson and ask him to keep a watch out for Shiloh and greet him with nose nudges...I am truly sorry for your loss. <3

Lapdog Creations said...

I'm so very sorry....and don't know how I missed this. Sending you love and hugs from NH.