Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Just a quik update on Lady Shasta

Ok - so we have been home for awhile and I have been busy but also on Facebook - should have stopped by here first.
If you want to read what lead to this post, look HERE

Anyway, no xrays were needed after all.  Our vet was examining her - watching Lady Shasta walking and first noticed that Lady Shasta walks pigeon-toed in back so I will be watching this for a few days.  Then when he placed her on the exam table and was examining her spine - pressing on it in different places - she flinched noticeably a couple of times.  So, just like her uncle, Angel Shiloh, she has back problems altho hopefully not as bad as his were. 

We were sent home with a muscle relaxant and pain med - enuf so if/when this happens again then I will be ready.  By the way, now that I think about it, this has happened before with Lady Shasta but I know she did not have this bad of an episode and it lasted for maybe a day or 2 at the most with no change in appetite.  Speaking of appetite - sis stopped on our way home for our happy hour drinks at Sonic and I also picked up a plain hamburger to hide Lady Shasta's meds in.   When we got home I let her out first but then a bit later when she came in, VERY interested in what I was doing as I unwrapped the hamburger.  She was very eager to sample the hamburger - first without the meds then with the meds hidden in it.  Then she snarffed down the breakfast I had saved for her then drank her normal amount of water.  She also ate a couple bites of sweet potato.  Later she ate a bit more for a late dinner.  I would say her appetite is back to normal which I am ecstatic about.  She is still on restricted exercise - definitely no jumping on furniture or using stairs.
I had planned on going to the dog park - she needs to be with other dogs more and had even thought about giving her a few hours at the doggy daycare at least once a week HOWEVER that is all on hold at least for a few days - don't want her around other dogs who could be a little rowdy for a few days.  We will slowly build up time spent in the bakyard and on walks.

I will also be researching senior diets dog kibble - the vet recommended I put her on one soon.  The joint supplement is covered.

Ok - starting to ramble just to here/read myself talking so will stop for now.  Lady Shasta's emergency need for POTP is over 
however she is not totally out of the woods yet but hopefully will start improving more and more each day.  So if there is such a thing as maintenance POTP and prayers - maybe she could get some of that please?
Mom Kim


Kinley Westie said...

Sendin some POTP!

Little Miss Titch said...

good to hear Lady Shasta is feeling a bit better sanding lots of speedy snuggles to her,xx Speedy

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari om
Oh my...was absent on leave and missed this news... adding my POTP to the mix!!! Hugs and wags YAM -aunty xxx

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Hope both of you are feeling better today. POTP.

easyweimaraner said...

hugs and POTP to you Diva Shasta... I hope so much that the hamburger and the meds will help your back....

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so glad she is better and eating. i missed the post since i have been of for 5 days and will be off on and off. Jake hurt his hing leg jumping and we have had to change his excercise which changes ours and my osteo has me in a lot of pain. much like Shasta... don;t worry about her being with other dogs, Jake does fine and he never sees other dogs now that Baby is gone and he is happy. Shasta's health is more important than socializing with dogs... jake is on senior IAMS and has been for about a year..

Millie and Walter said...

We're happy to hear Lady Shasta is doing better but will keep our paws crossed that she feels better soon. Thanks for the update.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD Lady Shasta. We are soooooo sorry to hear about this... we hope that the medicine and the rest will have you back to feeling FiNE very very soon.
Sending you POTP.

Sharon said...

Hoping M'lady is feeling better soon.

Two French Bulldogs said...

No jumping or running!! Rest my friend
Lily & Edward

Murphy said...

We were glad to hear it! Whew!

Keep Calm & Bark On!

Murphy & Stanley

C.L.W.STEP said...

Thanks for letting us know, and glad she's going to be all right.

Idaho PugRanch said...

We are so glad to hear that Shasta is feeling better and hopefully just needs some rest
Mr Bailey, Hazel & mabel

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

sending tons of POTP!! We follow on Facebook, but are often not there "live", we don't keep it open all day as many do and with so many people to keep up on, we just can't visit everyone xoxoxo DakotasDen

stellaroselong said...

Yay for the good news. wienie

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey ..... I'm so glad Lady Sashta is feeling better. I wouldn't mind having a sore back though if it meant I got a HAMBURGER. I've NEVER had a hamburger. 'Muuuuuuuuuuuuuum ....... my back's sore'!!!!!!!