Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Goin'to the beach on a not quite Wordless Wednesday

Mom an'me say thank-u tue 
BlogPaws fer hostin'the 
Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop 
which we iz linkin'up tue this week.

Me an'mom (really fer me)
got a surprize the other day-
when Mom went tue check the mail there wuz none BUTT
there wuz a box!
Mom wuz lookin'kinda b-fuddled an'sed
Hmm - I didn't order anything.

Hmmm - wunder what that curly red stuff iz?
Hey mom!  Lookit this neeto-sweeto 
beach stuffz I gotz frum 
dear Ms Sydney an'the nice peepz at  

Me an'my frendz r prakticin'uzin'it fer 
when we go tue the beach.

Can we go tue the beach NOW mom?


Robin + Christmas said...

HOT DIGGITY, those sunglasses look grrrrrrrreat on you! I'm sure Dougie Dog is swooning! ;) BOL!

Your friend,

easyweimaraner said...

you are super prepared for da beach... and all will look fot he most beautiful beagle beach girl there :o)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you will be the best in show on the beach for sure.. wonder if those flip flops fit you. BOL BOL.... love your sunglasses

Duke said...

We need to hit the beach together, Lady Shasta! We'll be twinsies with our matching stuffs!

Morganna said...

haha, what a handsome man in his swag!
xo talenthounds

Jans Funny Farm said...

It looks like you got a towel AND a blanket.

Anonymous said...

Haha, awesome pictures!! You're a top model!!

The Daily Pip said...

Looks like you are definitely all ready for the beach!

Millie and Walter said...

You are so cute in those sunglasses.

Unknown said...

Can we tag along and share your blanket? There's nothing better than beach time!

Ruby said...

OMD, those are most PAWSOME GURL!!! And SO you!!! That Ms. Sydney and Chewy are just the bestest ever!!!! You are all set for the beach now! hey...when are you goin'?? I'd like to stow away...
Ruby ♥

Unknown said...

You are certainly ready for an excellent adventure! That's some great swag.

Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie