Monday, May 22, 2017

Monday Meeting with Miss Maizie

Hello there - I'm Miss Maizie!
I live with Mom Kim an'Lady Shasta.
I moved in x-actly 3 weekz ago tue-day. 
This wuz the ferst pikchure that my aunt sis, who iz also
Lady Shasta'z aunt sis, took of me rite b-4 we came home->
a nice LADY brought me frum Oklahoma-
click on that link 2 find out who.
My new mom an'aunt sis met her in Kansas.
(I ain't never dun this bloggin'stuff so Lady Shasta iz helpin'me)

I turned nine monthz old last week.
When I lived in Oklahoma, I lived with a family that
had a little girl and an older boy.
They did love me butt I kept jumpin'up 
an'knockin'the little girl down an'they d-sided it 
wood b better if I lived with sumone who
cood spend more time with me'n take care of this.
That nice lady (c link above) helped them find my mom'n
that iz how I came here.

My new mom an'Lady Shasta both think my name iz
Ker-azy Maizie cuz I like 2 run real fast'n play a lot'n
jump around.

When Lady Shasta gotz all that NEET STUFF
then my new mom Kim an'aunt sis
went shoppin'an gotz me a 
new Friz-b
a new ball thrower with a ball
(I love chasin'stuff)
an'just like Lady Shasta - I got a new collar!
(Lady Shasta warned me'bout that flashy-beest

Also had sum toyz waitin'4 me when I switched homez butt
there ain't no pikchurez of'em.

There r sum pikchurez of me havin'sum 
fun in the bakyard.
 Look ma - I can fly!
When I am in the bakyard, I try 2 b helpful 2 my mom.
Fer instance, c that big, overgrown bush in that pikchure?
Well, ferst I try 2 jump up an'catch one of thoze long stickz-
then if I git one, I pull it off'n
carry up 2 the front gate where 
the werker man can git it.

Yep - Ima toy fiend 2 -
 Sum of theze toyz I brought with me 
an'I found sum already here!
 I also like 2 make a bed out of sum of the toyz-

 You all know my new sissy, Lady Shasta?
We r kinda gittin'2 b best budz-
Time fer our nap now.

~Miss Maizie~


MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are the cutest toy fiend ever...

Robin + Christmas said...

Hi, Maizie!

The Army of Four said...

Maizie, you are simply adorable!!!

LBJ said...

Welcome Miss Maizie - you have won the dog lottery with the home you now have. Enjoy every moment.

Abby Lab

C.L.W.STEP said...

It was nice getting to know you better Miss Maizie! You have the same color spots and freckles as me!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mayzie, it was nice to learn more about you. You are a great pal for Lady Shasta.

Woos - Misty and Lightning

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Welcome to Blogville Maizie!! We are so glad you are settling in with your new Mama and sissy Lady Shasta!
Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Ruby said...

HEY GURLS!!!! WHAT UP??! Wells, looks like you are winning my Pal Lady Shasta over Maizie! She is one FABulous doggie, and she will teach you lots! You knows how to REALLY gets on her good side??? Gives her your TREATIES! Yuppers! That will surely puts you in the furiends-for-life column! You see, our mean, evil Moms have put us on diets, and we are hungry. very hungry. oh, and don't lets your Moms see you do this....☺
Ruby ♥

Idaho PugRanch said...

we look forward to seeing all your adventures Maizie
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Anonymous said...

Looks like you and Lady S are both adjusting well, Maizie. I love toys, too. And naps. You look like a girl who knows how to have fun. You are in the perfect place.

Love and licks,

Linda said...

Good Morning Miss Maisie!

All of Lady Shasta's friends welcome you to blogville.
Hang around and we will have you in party
mode and tree rat chasing, treat begging, mode.
I am Astro the wild child please to meet you.

Anonymous said...

Miss Maizie, you are absolutely adorable! Looking forward to reading more from you and Lady Shasta.

Unknown said...

Aw, welcome Miss Maizie! You and Lady Shasta are going to have wonderful times together.

Murphy said...

We think you are just what the dogtur ordered!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley