Friday, May 12, 2017

Some thoughtz frum Lady Shasta'bout Miss Maizie

I don't know y anyone askz me'bout this now since
no one asked me B-4.

(mom Kim here - in my defense, I thought
I was doing a good thing and I did ask BUT
she never answered :) .)

Lady Shasta here agin-
How wuz I s'poze 2 know that this-->>>
wood b-come what I am'bout 2 tell u.
Anyway, mom sez this friz-b sez it all'bout Miss Maizie-
That spellin'iz wrong tho-
shood b Ker-azy cuz that iz what I call her-
Ker-azy Maizie
(an'don't tell my mom butt I haf herd her say this 2)

Most timez all I wanna do iz snooze or just walk around butt
then this thing thinkz she hasta b with me-

I AM a grown lady after all-
I try 2 tell her this butt
she just talkz bak - NO RESPEKT!

Tue-day we wuz outside an'she wuz
aktin'all ker-azy like-

 I give up - I just don't know how 2 deal with
all this ker-aziness.

I just had tue give her a good talkin'2'bout
how ladiez of Beaglebratz Manor shood b-have.
I don't think it did any good.

We even gotz a d-livery of foodablez
frum Chewy tue-day an'she 
wuz more interested in the box an'paper then 
what wuz inside-
(mom sez she really movez 2 fast sumtimez-
meanin'Ker-azy Maizie-
I totally get this)
Of course me bein'the more x-perienced one at this,
just hadta teach her what 2 do-
THEN she finally unnerstood what iz most impawtent here.

Mom did say KerI mean Miss Maizie did git 
her own food BUTT
I wood now hafta SHARE MY treatz!
(may-b there iz sumone out there who cood help me out with this?)

I NEED 2 try an'git a snooze in B-4 that
Ker-azy Maizie botherz me, AGIN!
~Lady Shasta~ 


Sharon said...

Looks like you are teaching her real well!

easyweimaraner said...

hahaha maybe kerazy maizie and me are related? I also don't know that word respect... no idea what it means ;O))))

Duke said...

Miss Maizie is going to keep you young, Lady Shasta! Make sure she knows her place!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Hopefully with time she will learn how to be a lady from you Shasta!

Millie and Walter said...

Maybe Maizie could visit here for a while to give you a break. She and Walter would have a great time opening boxes and ripping the packing materials to shreds. That is one of Walter's most favorite things to do.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

OH MY, sweet Lady Shasta, you do have an ongoing problem child to deal with... you are still the most beautiful of them all, but she is really cute.. life will never be the same, enjoy her

Idaho PugRanch said...

Lady Shasta - I, Hazel can sympathize with you. Mabel still gets a little to crazy playing with me when I just want to relax!
Mr Bailey Hazel & Mabel

C.L.W.STEP said...

Wow! What a busy time! I'm sure Maizie will calm down eventually. When Miss Ginger was a little pup, she used to sit on the steps and wait for Old Charisma to go by and then she pounce on her. Hang in there Shasta!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Maizie has a lot of energy, doesn't she? But it is nice to see you two getting on so very well.

Woos - Lightning and Misty

Anonymous said...

All things considered, I think you're doing a great job, Lady S. Just keep dodging, ducking, and doing your best with the new kid. And keep smiling.

Love and licks,

rottrover said...

Oh Shasta!! I feel your pain!! Osa I on the go 24/7. It's exhausting. I don't even have time to blog!! I am glad you gotten a sissy tho..


The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Looks like Maizie is keeping you REALLY busy, Shasta!!
Bilbo, Jakey & Arty

Murphy said...

You girls will be best pals in no time. You can go everywhere together and even go shopping together! Happy MOther's Day!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Lady Shasta, I feel your pain. I think perhaps we should combine forces. I can ship Crazy Daisy off to you so she and Crazy Maizie can be all crazy together (and yes, I say KRAY-ZEE the same way!), and you can come visit me, and we can be mature ladies who enjoy a good snoozle in the sun, with no one around to chew on our ears! BTW, we love those rabbit Power Bites too - so you'd be totally at home here!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Daisy the Bandersnatch