Ok - ferst, gotta tell u'all that
I, Miss Maizie WANTED 2 do'later post yesterday fer
my birthday BUTT
mom got her pawz handz on the'puter'n
This iz sorta long so u mite wanna do a potty break first then
grab a snack'n enjoy!
So, I am here now an'I control what gitz dun!
An'b-4 I say anymore, gotta thank
Ann@Zoolatry fer my
birthday pikchure. Also, if u hazn't notised yet-
I, Miss Maizie, haz now
joined Lady Shasta along with Angel Shiloh
in OUR blog header - thank u Ann.
We all here love the booti-ful art that she duz.
Plus, c that row of dif'rent pagez u can find
on our blog? Well mom iz werkin'on one fer me 2-
izn't that kewl?
Yep - I really do haf my furever family!
I think that iz the best pawt of my 1st birthday!
Ok - mom sed that ferst comez dinner soooo
colli-flower, shredded carrotz, fresh peaz'n a few blueberriez.
Sorry - our chef iz not available fer caterin.
Mom wanted 2 git a pikchure of me with the birthday hat'n
my cake, treatz'n prezziez BUTT
she sed I wuz 2 squirrely (funny, I didn't c no squirrelz)
Mom wanted 2 git a pikchure of me with the birthday hat'n
my cake, treatz'n prezziez BUTT
she sed I wuz 2 squirrely (funny, I didn't c no squirrelz)
After a little bit of time 2 process that,
it wuz time fer CAKE!
Well akchually prezziez ferst then
Ok - this wuz kinda like a group pikchure-
the cake, treatz'n prezziez.
Mom kinda cheated-
the Whimzees'n the Salmon Skin Twist frum Barkworthies
mom won fer us in the
(which mom will blog'bout in'nuther post)
hosted by The Broke Dog
butt mom wanted 2 give thoze az a speshal occazion treat.
The cake with MY name'n thoze other speshal treatz-
they came frum
(That'z a speshal place just fer us woofiez'n
where mom got Lady Shasta'z cake - I'M HOME!)
Now then, az fer thoze prezziez-
MY new giraffe - Mr. Longneck.
X'cuze me butt can't u c I iz bizy here.
Since I'm kinda new at this,
Lady Shasta offered 2 help butt I told her I got this.
Here r the prezziez AFTER the unwrappin'that-
wrapped newzpaper haz
THREE squeekerz'N it haza krinkly sound - LOVE IT!
That'z the face of Mr. Longneck u c - he SQUAWKZ!
Oh, r'member Lady Shasta wanted 2 know if I
needed her help unwrappin'my prezziez'n
I told her I got this.
Welllll, look at this pikchure with the cake'n treatz-
notise anything dif'rent frum the cake'n treatz pikchure above?
Yes, 3 little treatz GONE!!!
Guess she figured she cood help that way while
mom wuz takin'pikchurez of me unwrappin'prezziez.
only u can't really tell - mom didn't give us much'n
she cut it up in small peesez butt u git the idea.
Lady Shasta her little piggy-
c, she already ate her cake while
I am still werkin'on mine.
Better watch your bak there Mr. Longneck-
I gotz my eye on u.
Here iza good pikchur of me with my prezziez-
also gotz 3 new tenniz bawlz.
Mom gotta surprize one day when
she checked her email'n saw this!
I gotz a booti-ful birthday email frum
Ok - think that iz all I gotz fer u-
I really do think that wuz quite enuf, don't u?
What a wonderful Birthday!!!
Hazel & Mabel
you scored Lady Maizie! what a fabulous Birthday... I hope my first birthday will be as great as yours, I hope the mama got some ideas while reading your post ;O)
Looks like ya got some good stuff!
That was some pawty, Maizie! We love you added to the new blog header☺
You got some great pressies and that cake looks amazing! We bet you two will be snacking on that for a while.
Wow! You sure got a lot of great stuff for your birthday! Did you take the squeaker out of that giraffe squeaky toy yet? I bet there's a lot of stuffing in it too! Just saying.
What a fun looking party!!! The best part about birthdays is all the treats you get!!! So much yum!!! - Lots of licks, your new mate Morrie!
Looks like a super fun birthday, M. We all know it ain't a party till the hat slides off your head. Enjoy!
Love and licks,
HOLY COW PATTIES GURL! That is one FABulous haul!!! I don't remembers the last time I gots some much FABulous stuffs! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BURTHDAY MAIZIE!!
Ruby ♥
pees: you are so sweet to lets your sissy have the bloggie Lady Shasta!
What a great pawty you had Maizie!! Happy belated birfday!
Your Pals,
Murphy & Stanley
Happy Birthday, wow what a pawesome pawty Maizie!
We love your photos 😻
Bestest purrs
Basil and co xox
Happy Birthday! Looks like you were treated royally for your special day!
You look *so* cute in your birthday hat, Maizie! And what a yummy cake and those presents...what a wonderful first birthday! Here's to many, many more!
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