Friday, October 12, 2018

#ThreeDogBakery makes our dreary days brighter

Disclaimer - As influencers for Three Dog Bakery, 
The Ladiez of Beaglebratz Manor received 1 container of the 
Pup-kin Spice Latte Dog Treats, 1 bag of the Apple Pie Favors Dog Treats & 
1 bag of the Barktoberfest Dog Treats 
for their honest review and opinions only.   No other form of compensation transpired.

A note from mom - In the past few months, there have been 
a few changes at Three Dog Bakery. 
Along with a new CEO,
being able to order online is no longer available.  
HOWEVER a visit to 
one of their bakeries is wayyy worth the effort. 
Here is a link to a COMPLETE LIST of bakeries here in the 
U.S. as well as 2 in British Columbia and 3 in Hong Kong.  The treats you see in this blog post ARE usually available at the bakeries - you can check for availability.   ALSO, some of the packaged treats are available online through their partners-just click on SHOP ONLINE to locate a source.

Oh I do smell lotza yumminess in here.

Ok mom - lookin'good here so 
when do we git to haf sum treatz?

Here iz a close-up of thoze treatz.

Oh my - I just knew there wuz a 
whole lotta yumminess in that box.

Here iz the Pup-kin Spice Latte - WOWZERZ-
do they ever smell yummy altho to b fair, 
all their treatz smell yummy.
You will find ingredientz like 
wheat flour, honey, dried whole egg, dried cane molasses,
marshmallow flavor, canola oil, ground cinnamon'n
vanilla powder.  Of course Three Dog Bakery uzez only 
ingredientz that keep their treatz safe and tastin'yummy.

 In the Apple Pie Flavors u will find, what else butt 
dried applez along with nachural apple flavor, honey, 
dried whole egg, dried cane molasses, canola oil,
wheat flour, cinnamon an'nachural creme flavor.

Besides the wheat flour, Barktoberfest Dog Treats also haz
SWEET POTATO FLOUR along with honey, canola oil ,
dried pumpkin, dried cane molasses, 
dried whole egg an'nachural vanilla flavor. 

Mom wanted us Ladiez to show u 
an x-ample of what u will find at Three Dog Bakery.

Of course there iz nuthin'better than to show u what I,
Lady Shasta, gotz to enjoy on my recent barkday-
all frum Three Dog Bakery. 
The bakery itemz r also shown on their new website at
If u can vizit a bakery, u won't b disappointed.

So what did we Beaglebratz Ladiez think of theze treatz?
We just hadta give'em a big-


Millie and Walter said...

Those sure look like yummy treats. You gals did a great review.

Ruby said...

Gurlz!!!!!! OMD, those sound just amazin'!!!!! I thinks I drooled all overs the keyboard! yucks. Oh well, Ma won't notice....heheheeee
Anyhu, gosh I wish we had one of those here! The closest one is 300 miles away in SoCal! nuts. Wells, I can live vicariously through you gals!
Thanks for the wonderful food pics!
Ruby ♥

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I do hope you did not eat all those treats at one time. LOL... they look good enough for human consumption from here... Mama loves you lots to buy bakery goods for you. we brought big Boy a burger yesterday when we came home from culvers.

Idaho PugRanch said...

You are lucky ladies to get all those treats!
Hazel & Mabel

C.L.W.STEP said...

That all looks so yummy I wouldn't be able to choose which to try first! You're a couple of lucky ladies!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Those look so good!