All of us tugether r known az Team Beaglebratz - r mom iz the team coordinater/promoter/advizer an'anythin'else we need. We all live in northeast Kansas - it'z ok but mom makez it the best. It iz just mom an' us - no 2-legger kids an'no dad
Here iz mom with Shasta - Shasta is duin' what she duz best - givin' mom sum luvin'.
Mom haz a couple disabiliez but she still werks full-time.
Like a lot of momz, r mom haz tu werk - only
she hazn't bin able tu fer e few months b-cuz of problemz with her vision - she iz gonna go bak on Monday, 7/19/10. She werks az a Program Support Assistant @ a Veterans Medical Center.
Here iz mom with Shasta @ a doggy funday.
Here iz r mom letting us help decorate r Christmas tree.
The next pikchure iz mom with Shasta in an obediene class @ Petsmart.
Here iz mom with Shiloh @ the volunteer Christmas pawty @ the hospice where we vizit.
Here iz mom with Shiloh standin' next tu a BIG furriend @ r animal shelter's fundraizer. This wuz b-4 Shasta joined the family.
Here iz mom with Shiloh an'Oreo - Oreo went tu the Rainbow Bridge a few months after Shasta joined the family. Oreo wuz very old.
Here iz mom with Shiloh @ a Relay For Life event fer the American Cancer Society - they even gotz tu walk in the surviver'z lap tu.

It kinda lookz like mom only duz stuff with us an'also werkz but she duz other stuff tu altho bein'with us iz what she likez most. When she can, she duz like tu go shoppin'with r aunt sis. She also likez tu bake - espeshally @ Christmas time an'also fer us. She luvz tu cook, espeshally Italian an'Mexican fudes. Mom luvz tu garden when she can an'collectz Boyd's Bearz, Cherished Teddiez an'of course - anythin' Beagle. Mom even gotz a little figureen with a Boyd's Bear an'a Beagle. By the way, us Beaglebratz - we r mom'z ferst Beaglez - she had lived with pupperz most of her life but never with Beaglez an'now mom sez she iz in luv with Beagles an'duzn't want anythin' else. Mom sez she haz lerned a lot about Beaglez b-cuz of us - she sez we ain't dumb an'stupid like a lot of people think - stubborn yes and challengin'but mom haz taught us a lot. Mom sez u just haf tu no what motivatez Beaglez an'once u figure that out then Beaglez lern real good.
Hope u liked r story.