haf bin up
tue no good don't they?
Well our mom had the repair guyz out
tue check out the cold air blower - they told her
they can't fix it - it will hafta b replaced
(just the condenser part). Mom sez luckily,
sumthin'called the home war-n-tee, will pay fur
We ain't dun yet ... Mom also had tue go tue her
eyeball doctor tue git her contact lense
replaced. BUTT like MANY timez B-4 that wuz
not all that happened. She also found out
that she haz sum kinda really little white bumpz on her good
eyeball. So a little change in her eyedropz then
c her eye speshalist in a couple of weekz. Oh -
thoze little white bumpz haf NOT messed up her
vizion any - it iz still good enuf tue
help us head fur our goal of 1000 postz by the end
of this year.
Oh dear try and stay cool. It has been hot here as well and we don't have AC so everyone is suffering. Left you a message re Share It Sunday so let us know. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly
Don't worry. We know the tree rats are responsible
Lily & Edward
It is cool today here so we hope it is where you are living also, geeze when it rains it pours....hopes your eye gets better real soon kim.
stella rose
OMD Double troubles fur SURE... We hope the little white bumps go away speedy quick fur your mom...
AND that the AC gets fixed FAST too.
Glad the A/C is closer to being functional again. And glad it wasn't bad news from the eye doc!
Your Pals,
Murphy & Stanley
Mayorz For All Paws
I have my puggy paws crossed that the eye ball gets better soon!
Hope they fix the AC soon. Hope your mom's eyeball is better soon too.
The Evil Squirrel Cartel strikes again! We hate those guys! Hope everything will be OK soon, especially for Mom.
I bet it were da skwerrils too.
hello beaglebratz its dennis the vizsla dog hay yoo kan never go rong blayming the skwirrels for ennything!!! and if that duz not wurk blaym the ninja hedjhogs!!! ok bye
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