Friday, April 14, 2017

A Special Day to See Beautiful with Sugar

Me an'mom wanted tue pawticipate in this 
speshal blog hop tue celebrate 
{This Moment} See Beautiful Blog Hop'an
sweet Sugar who alwayz kept us smilin'.

Az we thought'bout the past few dayz
our mindz ferst went tue the weather which
made it kinda hard tue find sumthin'tue smile'bout cuz
there wuz a lot of this all week.

BUTT then.........
me an'mom r'membered a 
speshal vizitor we had a few dayz ago-
sum of u may know that speshal vizitor with
the big grin on her face.
(not my mom with the bruised - not dirty - face)

An'of course this iz moi!

I kept on smilin'egspeshally when 
I found out that Ms Flea came tue vizit me an'mom
bearin'sum giftz fer MOI frum
Jones Natural Chews
 Can u tell that I am smilin'in theze 
pikchurez cuz I am.  This iz a Windee frum Jones Natural Chews an'I iz STILL
werkin'on it tue-nite.

Ok - we gotz sum more pikchurez BUTT 
we r goin'tue due a separate post all'bout
the vizit cuz it wuz so speshal-
we don't git many vizitorz at all.
Oh - may-b I'll x-plain'bout my mom'z face tue-
yes mom - enquirin'mindz due want tue know.
Sum of u on that facebark thingy already
know'bout it.
Clumzy lady.

Just like Angel Sugar uze tue-
keep on smilin'!


easyweimaraner said...

that was so great that you got such a fabulous visitor... and your smile is beautiful!!! we send healing hugy to your mama and we hope that the pains go away soon...

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was a very special smiling tribute to dear Sugar. Sugar always brought smiles and now those smiles live in our hearts.

Millie and Walter said...

Looks like you got some tasty treats from your visitor. Sugar always made us smile too.

Robin + Christmas said...

Sugar was so loved.

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Smiles really make the world a better place!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you sure look happy with that chew and I am waiting to see what happened to your mom... looks painful from here....

Anonymous said...

Bruised face and all, your mom's smile makes us See Beautiful. Ditto her friend's smile and YOURS, sweetie!

Love and licks,

Ruby said...

OMD!!!! I don't knows how I missed your posties gurl!!! Anyhu, holy cow patties! Sorry abouts your Moms beautiful face! Sounds like she is as GRACEFUL as my Ma!!!! You knows what Gma used to call Ma? Grace. Sarcastically of course! Ma's furiends used to call her Spaz, cause she was always tripping or hurting herself somehows! BOL
Wowsa! That is one pawsome chew!!!! You are soooooo lucky! Ma doesn't gives me anythings....butts Gpa does!!!! He always sneaks me some bully's and all kinds of special treats! Ma suspects THIS is why I don't lose weight....pffffft!
Ruby ♥

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

SMILES and LOVE are healing and there's beauty in everything. At the rainbow bridge, SUGAR is smiling and sending you and your mom Lots of Golden LOVE. - Rosalyn (SUGAR's mom)

Unknown said...

Special visitors, special smiles, love and friendship - these things make life so beautiful.

Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them said...

How nice to get a visit from Flea! We just love Jones Natural chews, they are delish & safe the scarf down. We will all miss Angel Sugar, she was one special Golden.
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them