Friday, July 9, 2010

We R sooooo excited!

Ok, we gotz thoze yummy treatz'n they r  yummy - BUT - mom found a nu place an'  it'z here in Topeka, where we r.  An'they gotz sum REALLY yummy lookin' treatz.  Here is the website fer their nu bixness -
Rosita's Ruff Cakes

Mom sez we r gonna find a store around here that haz a few of their things - she also sed she iz gonna order sumthin' later when she iz all better.    Oh, there r also 2 doggiez there tu - Rosita who inspired the bizness an' Chase - both were adopted in Memphis.  U kin read more  on the bizness website.  Rosita an'Chase also have a bloggie thingy at -
Rosita's Ruff Life

We all gotta git tu bed now - c u sumtime....


JacksDad said...

Please let us know how good they are. We are always looking out for good treats! :)q

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I'm with JackDaddy... let us know how they are.

Road Dog Tales said...

Wow! You must be some good dogs to be gettin' all those yummy treats! Way to go!
The Road Dogs