Friday, April 29, 2011

2nd post tuday - WTF!!! WE R BAK !!!

       Akchually, it iz us Beaglebratz FURST post tuday - guess mom did 1 erlier - she'z bin duin'that a lot the last cuple'o dayz.  She TOLD us that our Internetz wuzn't werkin'BUTT we kinda wunder 'bout our mom sumtimez.
Fer instance, sumtimez when she iz eatin'she will say 
"You tu haf had your dinner an'did I stand around watchin'u?  
Now we ask u'all what haz that got tu du with ANYTHING?

Anywayz, we wantz tu git this posted tunite so 
we can git bak tu regular bizness this weekend.
We gotz sum other stuff tu post 'bout later.
~Shiloh'n Shasta~

ps from mom - not sure what the problem was, it took me about 10 seconds to get my Internet working - uplugged and plugged back in the power cord - that's all.


Brandon - The dog with a blog said...
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Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

You know those humans, they always seem to forget about things!
We are glad to hear you are back :)


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

This post is the perfect example of WHY we Dawgs need THUMBS. I mean really. If WE had the thumbs.. we would be able to get our own Foods and not HAVE to depend on... two leggers to get around to it.. and we wouldn't have to be TEASED with THEIR foods. Everybuddy KNOWS they keep the bestest foods fur themselves. AND then there is the internets thingy.. It is NOT right that two leggers can Pretend there is somethingy Wrong... when it is just that it needs to be plugged in.. which WE could do.. IF... WE had thumbs.
Well, I am really Glad that you are back.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Don't the humans understand that dogs like to get dessert too - you know, the extra tidbits that come after the main course:)

Glad you are back, who cares what the problem was, it was an easy fix and that's good news.

Hope you enjoy the weekend.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Scooter said...

Wow, I totally understand! Don't peeps know that we have to supervise their meals. I mean if something falls to the floor, we can take care of it so they won't have to clean it up!!
Grr and a Hungry Woof,
Sarge, COP

Two French Bulldogs said...

humans are filled with excuses!
Benny & Lily