The abuve pikchur iz an x-ample of what we Beaglez du best-
mom NEEDZ tu lern how tu du what we Beagles already no.
Our mom wuz tellin’us Beaglebratz ‘bout sumthin’she encountered when
mom NEEDZ tu lern how tu du what we Beagles already no.
Our mom wuz tellin’us Beaglebratz ‘bout sumthin’she encountered when
she left her werk place one day last week–
she didn’t tell us sooner b-cuz she nu we wood worry.
She sed she wuz outside waitin’fer her ride an’happened tu look down an’there was a SQUIRRELIE climbin’ around on a bench close tu where she wuz.
She kept watchin’az he scampered up tu the top of the bench.
Mom sed he must haf happened tu catch sight of her az he wuz sittin’there cuz………
Now let us warn u–
Now let us warn u–
this AIN”T fer thoze with a weak heart cuz we don’t want tu cause any problemz BUTT
we iz wantin’tu warn u-
That squirrelie he wuz sittin’there on his haunches an’he looked rite at our mom!
She sed don’t worry cuz she told that squirrelie that she haz 2 squirrelie-huntin’dawgz at home’an' they
wood just love sum fresh squirrelie kabobz.
Well that must haf really scared him cuz
that squirrelie just got rite down off that bench az fast az he cood move
(an’u’all no squirrreliez can b purty quik when they need tu b)
then ran off tu the yard way far awayz.
We told our mom that she REALLY needz tu haf 2 Beagle-guardz there BUTT
she sed her boss just woodn’t allow it.
Well, we will just haf tu teach her how us Beaglez r ALWAYZ on the look-out fer squirreliez an’give her sum kind of alarm she can sound so we can come over tu her werk place tu fight off them squirreliez cuz u’all no, if there iz one squirrelie then there r gonna b more.
~Shiloh'n Shasta~