Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A bit more update – good and not so good

Mom Kim here – not a lot of time to post lately and the Beaglebratz are NOT happy about that.

 First - I MUST give a HUGE thanks to Ann from Zoolatry  for such a beautiful and festive header/background- 
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! 

Did have an appointment with my cornea specialist -  the good was that my vision had improved a bit which I knew since I am back at work.  HOWEVER, the not so good part is that it looks like I now have my 3rd Fungal infection in that eye;  There is still good news in that this infection has just started – the signs are there and I am already being treated for this infection so HOPEFULLY and I pray that it doesn’t get any worse.  The pharmacy had to order the anti-fungal eyedrop I need but it will be here tomorrow; it will mess up my vision altho to what extent I don’t know for sure since it was caught so quickly.  I am also on an anti-fungal pill (already had one) so like I said, since it was caught sooner than the other two -  it hasn’t fully developed yet – maybe I won’t even miss any work.
So that is about all I know for now - the Beaglebratz have been getting A LOR of Christmas cards and I have gotten a couple - wonder why so many for them and not so many for me?  Oh- to Denny and Riley - they got your box in the mail and theirs will go out this weekend (maybe sooner).  Our Christmas cards will be going out this weekend I hope - at least some of them.
Ok - gotta end this for now - Shiloh an'Diva Shasta do miss you all and will be back as soon as possible.
Mom Kim

PS - The Beaglebratz are doing well by the way.  Feeling good that Shiloh has slept in bed with me'n Diva Shasta the last couple of nights after sleeping on his blanket on the floor for several months.  He won't let me help him get up and kinda hesitates at first but then up he goes.  It put a smile on my face AND heart.  Maybe that supplement he is on is helping him more than I realized - I knew he has been moving and running more easily but this was a new development.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

A bit of an update on a late THANKFUL THURSDAY (and notes from the Beaglebratz)

We are joining in the
this week with PepiSmartDog.

My vision is slowly improving, in fact it had started improving a little when I wrote that last blog post however I was still waiting to hear what the next step would be as far as doctor appointments – I have a doctor appointment with my specialist next Tuesday, 12/9.  The specialist also wanted me to increase the anti-rejection eyedrop – which means he could see the possibility of rejection just in the pictures  my local doc sent him. (in case anyone reading this post missed my prior post then click HERE which will bring you up to speed – basically it’s the same old-same old stuff).  Me and sis were kinda hoping for an appointment at the specialist’s office in Overland Park (suburb of Kansas City) and maybe do a little Christmas shopping but we are going there this Friday (12/5) anyway so I can spend my birthday doing one of my fav pastimes – SHOPPING! (most fav are the Beaglebratz of course)  Anyway, now – just more waiting however now the wait is to see what happens between now and the appointment time.  As I said in my prior post, my ultimate dream/wish, at least where my eye/vision is concerned, is TOTAL healing and vision improves GREATLY from the recent (3/2013) stem cell transplant.  HOWEVER, the more realistic part of me (which includes some medical knowledge of my eye condition) also anticipates my specialist bringing up the topic of the NEXT procedure – like how soon to do it since this e.ye/vision flare-up seems to be happening more often.

Anyway, I do want to thank you all for your healing thoughts and concern, POTP, prayers and purrayers - THEY ARE WORKING - 
and PLEASE keep them coming.  Now the Beaglebratz havr a 
few words (?) 

Shiloh-Lord of the Manor an'Diva Shasta here-

We haf sum pikchurez here that we wood like 

your thoughtz/

The other day WE got a rather LARGE box frum 

Chewy.com BUTT

mom WOOD NOT let us open it.

By the time we got tue even c it, this iz all we saw!

Now we due know there were 2 bagz of food in there, 

one fur us an'1 fur our fur-xuzinm Bailie  BUTT 

Y wood mom NOT LET US C IT????? 

When mom FINALLY let us inspect it,

we checked it good-

Diva Shasta even questioned sum of the nearby manor subjectz if they had seen anything odd BUTT
no one wuz talkin'.

SOOOOO - now while we Beaglebratz R thankful that mom got us MORE food-
we want tue know what else wuz there'n y coodn't WE open it?
Ok all u Blogville rezidentz-

got any ideaz?


Monday, December 1, 2014



It's the same old - same old stuff
about Mom Kim - AGAIN!!!
There is the additional possibility of the cornea transplant from 2 years ago rejecting altho like I said,
this is still in question.
I'm not sure exactly when this started AGQIN or if it really
ever did completely heal from early last month.
The epithelial defect is back, 5mm.
And I still have the nodule (not new)
right above the defect.
Once again there is mention of surgery HOWEVER that is still my decision.
I was not able to go to work today but I do hope to tomorrow.
My local eye doc took more pics of my eye to send to the specialist in Overland Park, Kansas-
this is what I am waiting to hear about; will I go there this week for an appointment or will he wait until he is here in Topeka next week.
This is part of the reason none of us have been online lately-
 reading or commenting.

I NEED to cut this short and get
to bed.
Yes, like I said before, 
Shiloh and Diva Shasta are fine.
I am still hoping to put off that surgery until AFTER the 
first of the year.
My ideal situation would be for the stem cell tissue I have already had transplanted in 3/13 totally heal my eye and improve my vision for the rest of my life.  
HOWEVER I would settle for just getting through the rest of 2014.

Oh, and by the way, "our" goal of making 1000 posts by the end of this year - that flews out the window a long time ago.
I do want to give a special thanx for our guest bloggers this year and I hope we can do this again next year.

In the meantime, not sure when the next post will be.
I do ask for your prayers, POTP and purrayers-
Mom Kim

Thursday, November 27, 2014


We Beaglebratz r here kinda late out of necessitee - u c, our mom went over tue her sis's place tue haf Thanksgivin'an'LEFT us all alone, ALL AFTERNOON an'part of the EVENIN"tue.  BUTT, we digress a bit (an'mom did redeem herself a bit when she added sum sweet potato an'turkey tue our kibble fur dinner).

Now sum of u may already know this BUTT we wish tue offer a little bakground'boutz our arrival here in Blogville.  Mom furst b-gan "her" blog bak in February of 2008 BUTT she found it sort of ... NOT fun-inspirin'an'it wuz kinda tedious - yes, she WUZ bloggin'BUTT it wuz NOT IN Blogville.  THEN - it wuz late October of 2009 when she d-sided WE BEAGLEBRATZ shood kinda take-over the blog an'WE made that move tue Blogville an'since then, Blogville haz bin so furry much good tue us.  We (yes, mom tue) haz made so many furrendz-friendz.  We all found a world-wide communtiy of peepz an'furriez
(an'non furriez) who cared so much fur other Blogville rezidentz. Thoze rezidentz haf bin there tue offer their support, care. prayerz an'POTP fur us all at Team Beaglebratz tue when needed.  It wuz thru bein'a pawt of Blogville that mom found out'boutz the BlogPaws Community an'then found out'boutz bein'able tue due product reviewz fur good stuff that we git tue try.  An'there iz other fun stuffz like pawtiez, pik-a-nikzl the Blogville Olympicz an'the Christmas card list an'gift x-change;  we r so furry much thankful fur all theze thingz that we found in Blogville.   An'we r all furry much thanful fur every-1 in Blogville who vizit us an'leeve commentz even when we r not able tue due this on other blogz az much az we wish we cood.

Mom Kim here for a minute - I also want to give thanks because being a "resident" of Blogville has also opened my eyes and heart to other dogs and cats who may not be as fortunate as our own - the ones who have no one to snuggle with or give a kiss to.  There has also been other information I have read here in Blogville about the health and well-being of our own pets that I have not known before - like info about what we feed our dogs.

Shiloh an'Diva Shasta here agin - so mom sez we all need tue git tue bed so she can git up ERLY an'go shoppin' - she sed she mite even b talkin'tue Santa Pawz.


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Where are we??????????????

 We Beaglebratz shood haf posted this yestaday since our mom haz bin up tue her uzual mischif self BUTT we Beaglebratz wuz tue traumatized – mom took us tue a GROOMER tue git our BATHZ an’that other yucky stuff like our toofz brushed an’butt squeeze.   SHILOH here – That’z ok tho cuz I barked so much an’LOUD that the groomer lady asked if aunt sis cood come an’take us home early after we wuz  dun cuz my bark wuz startlin’the small dogz so we Beaglebratz still got our napz in.  Anywayz,  our mom wantz tue say a FEW werdz so take it away mom (r’member – JUST a FEW werdz).

Thank you Beaglebratz – I wanted to let everyone know we ARE still around, even though lately even commenting on blogs has become few and far between.  And with Thanksgiving being only a day away and even tho I am off work  Wednesday and Friday– Wednesday will be A LOT of decorating here and then shopping on Black Friday – yes, I am one of those crazy people that does the crazy shopping on BF altho not quite starting so early.  I am still hoping Team Beaglebratz can get a post done for Blogville’s Thanks Day and for FFHT – those posts are already in the works.  I’ve been working on getting my house  the manor clean and the daily stuff put away and ready for the holidays.  In the past I’ve waited til AFTER Thanksgiving to do much of anything for Christmas but I have come to realize that I just don’t move as fast as I use to and there are a few other things that take up time.  And I have found out too (and this I really do NOT like) as I get older, time seems to go by faster.  Before I continue rambling much more, and as I look at the Beaglebratz who are signaling to me to end this, I just wanted to let you all know that we ARE ALL still here.

Oh, and the Beaglebratz DID survive their spa day (even if it was cut short due to “some doggy’s” LOUD mouth)   And now they smell clean and they are soft with toenails trimmed up nice (NO – Beagles do NOT do nail polish, at least not mine - not even Diva Shasta).  Except for the embarrassing loud mouth incident, I was totally pleased – especially when I checked the Beaglebratz and saw their RE-USABLE Christmas bows/collars.
Shiloh was not too keen about showing off his Christmas bow-tie 

I think Diva Shasta really liked showing off her pretty Christmas hair ribbon.

Mom Kim
Shiloh-Lord of the Manor an'Diva Shasta


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Kinda Wordless Wednesday with the Beaglebratz

Mom d-sided that since we Beaglebratz hadn't bin here 4 a few dayz then we NEEDED tue join in the
sponsored by BlogPaws
(even if it iz kinda later in the day).
An' b-sidez, Mom KNOWZ we need her help tue blog sooo,
we can't help what she DUZN'T due.

Whatcha got???
We want sum tue!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

THANKFUL THURZDAY - even if it iz kinda late

We are joining in the 
this week with PepiSmartDog.
We all at Team Beaglebratz have a few things to be thankful for this week.

We Beaglebratz know, none of us haf bin

around much the

past few dayz’n we wuz NOT HERE AT ALL 

on Tuezday.  Our mom had anuther eye doc 

appointment in the mornin’then in the 

afternoon, she had sum peepz come out tue 

give our carpet a BATH!  We DID NOT WANT 

that kind of a bath so we spent the afternoon


with our Aunt Sis an'fur cuzin,
Diva Bailie.

And then later, our mom joined us.

We all ended up spendin’the nite with

Aunt Sis an’Diva Bailie.

Now we Beaglebratz r gonna turn

OUR blog over tue

our mom so she can tell u’boutz her

eye doc appointment.

Thank you Shiloh & Shasta.

Well, as the Beaglebratz told you-

I did have an eye doc appointment

Tuesday morning-

it was with the cornea specialist.

As of now-



The epithelial defect WAS almost 6mm-

NOW – 1mm by 2mm!!!


BUT, what I consider the best news and

have NEVER heard before-

the specialist told me that


STEM CELLS WORKING (in my eye)!!!

(To borrow from the B-bratz)


This was going to be what the next surgery was for– a stem cell transplant using stem cells from my other(blind but healthy)eye.  Sooo – between the few healthy stem cells I still have and YOUR prayers and well-wishes,


At least for now and that is ALL that matters!
I am trying to learn this piece of valuable info
 from Shasta and Shiloh.
More from Mom Kim -
I have one more thing I am thankful for.
Last week I missed work the first three days
of the week due to vision problems.
when I returned to work last Thursday &
got home, there was a message from
a florist on my answering machine letting me 
know that they had delivered 
some flowers and left them on the porch since
no one was home.
(I go inside through my garage so I was grateful for the message)
(Please excuse the Beagle nose and the poor quality of this pic and 
wish I had taken a pic right after I got the flowers - oh well)

The florist hadn't told me who they were from-
when I read the card- 
Sydney and Chewy! 
(maybe Shasta smelled something besides flowers?) 
How thoughtful was this?

We all had reasons to be 
Thankful this Thursday!

Mom Kim,
Shiloh-Lord of the Manor an'Diva Shasta 

Sunday, November 9, 2014



For what u mite ask?

The Christmas card'n
gift x-change!

How due I git included u mite ask?

Yea - due what it sez!

Then look for the little Scottie Christmas pic on 
the sidebar an'click
on it fer more info.

Angel Jazzi an'her mom want tue 
make your
Christmas mail more 

Us Beaglebratz wood hate fer
any of our furrendz tue miss out on
gittin'wayyyyy more 
Christmas cardz than your peepz.


PeeEss - Don't fergit tue click that link above fer more info.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thankful Thursday with Chewy.com an'Diva Shasta

(note from Mom Kim - we began working on this in October but my vision problems and a few other life issues got in the way so we are posting this now)
Since October wuz MY barkday month, I – Diva Shasta – gitz tue tell ya’all boutz a yummerlish treat we gotz frum Chewy.com  When my mom gotz an email frum Sydney at Chewy.com, mom looked thru all the different treatz in this month’z selection an’told Sydney that it hadta b

our mom sharez her ‘naner with us Beaglebratz every mornin’an I LOVE ‘NANERZ! An’I LOVE SWEET ‘TATERZ – mom sed she picked’em just fer me. Now mom sed she TRIED tue git sum pikchurez of us Beaglebratz with theze yummy treatz BUTT she sed we kept movin'tue much - well we WUZ bizy sniffin'an'chewin butt she did git a few-

Aren't theze little bearz just the cutest little treatz u ever did c?

Our mom added this info so that u'all cood read'boutz y they r so YUMMERLISHUS an'y she wood b furry much happee tue git MORE of theze treatz fer us Beaglebratz.

Organic Wheat Flour, Organic Dehydrated Cane Juice, Organic Sunflower and/or Organic Palm and/or Organic Canola Oil, Organic Cane Juice Syrup, Organic Banana Powder, Organic Sweet Potato Powder, Organic Vanilla Extract, Organic Cinnamon, Soy Lecithin.

Key Benefits

·       Suitable for all life stages

·       100% USDA Organic

·       Oven baked

·       USA Originated Ingredients

·       Human-Grade Ingredients

·       No By-Products, No artificial sweeteners, colors or flavors

·       Certified kosher

·       All Products Made in the USA!

Ok - so how due we Beaglebratz rate theze YUMMERLISHUS treatz?  Well ferst we gotta tell u that we ALSO shared sum with our Westie cuzin Diva Bailie- 
 Ok so may-b u can't tell frum this pic BUTT we ALL AGREE - 12 PAWZ UP!

That'z Diva Shasta'n Shiloh-Lord of the Manor an'the purty Diva Bailie

An'no  - we did not receive any other compensashun fer this honest product review of Grandma Lucy's Organic Banana and Sweet Potato Oven Baked Dog Treats.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Ho Hum - POTP need contines and intensifies

Ok - not gonna try and cover up or make light of this and please be understanding of any typos since my vision is pretty messed up today - even stayed home from work which is a rarity unless my vision just won't allow anything - which is basically wshere it was today.

Ok so for reference, click HERE I had my appt. with the cornea specialist last Tuesday - the epithelial defect that my local eye doc thought he saw  a few days before, was gone - this was good HOWEVER he removed - DID NOT replace the bandage contact lens I pretty much depend on for decent vision (still not sure why he did this but I know leaving a contact on the eye for 2 weeks can also cause problems - should have asked him)  He had PLANNED on leaving it out at least 2 weeks and I was able to work all last week HOWEVER today was different.  Now there is NO DOUBT there IS an epithelial defect (this is like a skin tear on the surface of the cornea) and it is larger than any I have had before.   During my appt today with my local eye doc he also took pics of my eye to email to the cornea specialist and also put another bandage contact lens in (these are basically a contact lens with no power but they PROMOTE healing and maintaining good condition of the eye).  So, after my specialist looked at the pics and read the email, he called my local doc to let him know what the next step is - I have another appt with the specialist next Tuesday (11/11) At least I don't have to take time off for that sppt since I am off that day.  HOWEVER (aren't you tired of that word - I know I am) it is the time between now and then that is really important - a lot of POTP is needed because that defect on my cornea NEEDS to be reduced a great deal or totally gone OTHERWISE I face surgery - another stem cell transplant possibly  followed by another cornea transplant about three months later - this is the surgery I was wanting to put off as long as possible due to time off I would need and finances.

So - the main reason I would appreciate the POTP and prayers is the epithelial defect - my doc says it usually takes awhile for it to heal - I don't have awhile(time off from work)  He has had a hard time before because it healed faster than what he thought it would - thanks to YOUR POTP.

Also not sure how much me or the Beaglebratz will be around for the next few days so if anyone wonders where we are - that's why we are MIA.  Now, before I get any closer to loosing my patience with blogger, I am signing off.  Oh - the Beaglebratz are fine - doing their usual wonderful snuggles and cuddles.