Thursday, November 27, 2014


We Beaglebratz r here kinda late out of necessitee - u c, our mom went over tue her sis's place tue haf Thanksgivin'an'LEFT us all alone, ALL AFTERNOON an'part of the EVENIN"tue.  BUTT, we digress a bit (an'mom did redeem herself a bit when she added sum sweet potato an'turkey tue our kibble fur dinner).

Now sum of u may already know this BUTT we wish tue offer a little bakground'boutz our arrival here in Blogville.  Mom furst b-gan "her" blog bak in February of 2008 BUTT she found it sort of ... NOT fun-inspirin'an'it wuz kinda tedious - yes, she WUZ bloggin'BUTT it wuz NOT IN Blogville.  THEN - it wuz late October of 2009 when she d-sided WE BEAGLEBRATZ shood kinda take-over the blog an'WE made that move tue Blogville an'since then, Blogville haz bin so furry much good tue us.  We (yes, mom tue) haz made so many furrendz-friendz.  We all found a world-wide communtiy of peepz an'furriez
(an'non furriez) who cared so much fur other Blogville rezidentz. Thoze rezidentz haf bin there tue offer their support, care. prayerz an'POTP fur us all at Team Beaglebratz tue when needed.  It wuz thru bein'a pawt of Blogville that mom found out'boutz the BlogPaws Community an'then found out'boutz bein'able tue due product reviewz fur good stuff that we git tue try.  An'there iz other fun stuffz like pawtiez, pik-a-nikzl the Blogville Olympicz an'the Christmas card list an'gift x-change;  we r so furry much thankful fur all theze thingz that we found in Blogville.   An'we r all furry much thanful fur every-1 in Blogville who vizit us an'leeve commentz even when we r not able tue due this on other blogz az much az we wish we cood.

Mom Kim here for a minute - I also want to give thanks because being a "resident" of Blogville has also opened my eyes and heart to other dogs and cats who may not be as fortunate as our own - the ones who have no one to snuggle with or give a kiss to.  There has also been other information I have read here in Blogville about the health and well-being of our own pets that I have not known before - like info about what we feed our dogs.

Shiloh an'Diva Shasta here agin - so mom sez we all need tue git tue bed so she can git up ERLY an'go shoppin' - she sed she mite even b talkin'tue Santa Pawz.



Kinley Westie said...

Hope y'all had a pawsome Thanksgiving!

Julie said...

Well I am a relative newbie to Blogsville but I am very thankful to have found you, Shiloh and Shasta and Mom Kim. You guys are very luffly !!!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Talking to Santa Paws. That sounds furry much exciting. I am sure your mom will tell Santa all the stuff u want fur Christmas. We are thankful fur u being our furiends. Our Mommy had a personal blog and then switched to a dog blog like you guys too.

easyweimaraner said...

And I'm thankful that I met Diva Shasta and Shiloh Lord of the Manor and their wonderful Mom Kim. Blogville is a great place and I'm happy the Beaglebratz is a part of this place.
Easy Rider

MadSnapper n Beau said...

hope mom has a safe black friday and you don't have to stay home alone all day again... tell her your two cards at the bottom are my favorite of all the TG cards i saw in blogville..

Unknown said...

A very belated Thanksgiving guys. Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Wishing you a belated Hap-Pee Turkey Day and let the quest for Santa Paws begin!

Sharon said...

Sweet potatoes and turkey, sounds good, er... great!

Unknown said...

Oh pals...I sure hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you are enjoying the long weekend!

Little Miss Titch said...

Happy Belated Thanks Giving!xx Speedy

Braeden and Seth said...

We are very happy to know you! We hope your Mom told Santa Paws how good you have been this year, and we hope you enjoyed those yummy sweet potatoes and turkey!

Braeden, Seth and Riley

Murphy said...

Aw, that was great! We are glad to live in the same community with yous!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Taffy said...

I'm so thankful that Blogville has provided me the opportunity to meet you. I hope you and your mom had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We are thankkful to have you as furiends and are so glad you live in Blogville!!

Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Millie and Walter said...

Happy belated Thanksgiving to you all. We love being part of Blogville.

Laika said...

Happy belated Thanksgiving.