Lady Shasta here tue end the
month of September
with a 2nd review fer the
monthly blog hop hosted each month by
Hey mom - I think it iz fer me, AGIN!
Yep - I know that
what I smell in there ain't fer u, mom.
Oh lookie-lookie! I haf herd'bout theze butt
ain't never had none b-4 -
thanx Chewy an'Miss Sydney,
thanx mom.
I hadta wrestle this way then
that way then
mom finally d-sided she wood help.
Now I duzn't know if u can c it butt
I had my eye on it -
(I wanted my mouth on it tue)
there iza treat layin'on the bottom side of that package.
Them haz the bestest
Mom likes'em tue cuz b-sidez bein'good an'healthy fer me
she can break'em in-tue smaller piecez really eazy.
They also fit in one of my treat ballz.

Now a werd frum my mom-
(or 2 or 3 or 87 or .. .)
Well there is not a whole lot to say about the ingredients in these treats because there are NOT a whole lot of ingredients in them. The premium New Zealand Venison is the main ingredient - at 95%. As you can see, there are no grains in this list of remaining ingredients which just add to the overall health of your dog - chicory inulin, fish oil, lecithin, parsley, naturally preserved with mixed tocopherols.
- Grain-free
- Great for training
- Suitable for every stage and breed
- Naturally preserved and air-dried
We received 1, 3 oz. bag of
ZiwiPeak Good-Dog Venison Jerky Dog Treats
for our honest opinion.
There was no other form of compensation involved.