(This mornin'mom wuz tryin'tue
hurry me up soooooooooooo furry much that
I got so flusterated that
I furgot tue put a subject line
up there on my post, soooo
here it iz AGIN!
IF u haf already red it,
u don't need tue read it agin - nuthin'new in it)
The Diva Shasta here with a furry much IMPAWTENT announcement. Our blog, Team Beaglebratz, iz SLOWLY approachin’a most magnamous monumentalacheevement. This blog will soon reech the furry most HOOGE 500 postz! (SCREEMS n’SHOUTS OF JOY) Okey-dokey, now hush eferyone. Also, with the soon’tue arrive month of October, also comez MY 6th BARKDAY! (MORE SCREEMZ n’SHOUTZ OF JOY!) Okay-okay, that iz quite ENUF of that noize – PUH-LEEEEEEZE, due let me continue. At furst,
mom thought (this iz not an eezy thing fur her tue due) ‘bout havin’the 500th post happen durin’MY BARKDAY MONTH BUTT then big bruther nozey Mr. Shiloh just HAD tue stick hiz schnoz in the middle
of it all an’sed NOW WAIT! This blog iza TEAM effort an'that iz y it iz called TEAM BEAGLEBRATZ-
it iz NOT just 'bout the Diva here an'b-sidez, I, SHILOH, iz the oldest.
The Diva Shasta here agin - now if u ask me, just b-cuz Mr. Shiloh iz older - what the %#$#% duz that haf tue due with ANYTHING! BUTT mom caved anyway - she iz such a softie fur her
big galute. So I guess the 500 post will happen AFTER my barkday month (that'z ok cuz I don't like tue share much) ANYWAY - mom sed she wantz me tue git this posted so u'all can c theze impawtent announcementz B-4 they r over. There will b MORE info next week 'boutz our 500 post something or'other. Startin'Monday, October 1st u'all will c more frum me cuz that iz the start of MY BARKDAY MONTH an'mom sez I git the blog fur almost ALL the month. So Mr. Shiloh will just haf tue go intue hibernashun - take a loooooooooooooong nap - HEY! WAIT A MINIT! I WANNA NAP TUE!