Lord Shiloh of Beaglebratz Manor & Lady Shasta
Ferst order of bizness-
az u'all know, our mom iz havin'a
oper-a-shun tue-morrow.
This meanz we b stayin'with
aunt sis fur a few dayz BUTT
we WILL b home later this week'n
our mom'n aunt sis will b around here
a bit tue.
Now fer the 2nd thing - kinda hard.
One of the hardest thingz 'bout bein'away frum Blogville,
b-sidez missin'u'all,
iz when we can come bak'n hearin'bout
all our furrendz who haf crossed the
Rainbow Bridge while we wuz gone.
Then there r thoze that
cross the Bridge just az
we git bak this time.
ferst we herd'bout
Then we herd'bout
durin'the great squirrelie hunt'n
in the same day we herd'bout
We know there haf bin
TOO MANY otherz,
wooferz'n meowzerz who haf crossed
the Rainbow Bridge-
we iz all saddened tue hear this.
Not shure when we'all will b bak,
guess we'll bark at'ya then.