Friday, December 29, 2017

The Ladiez of Beaglebratz and #ChewyInflencer say goodbye to 2017

We Beaglebratz Ladiez r grateful to
for co-hostin'the Blog Hop each month

This iz our last #ChewyInfluencer review for 2017.

We Ladiez akchually gotz this 
earlier this month BUTT
mom wanted to wait til later when
she cood spend more time with us-
that time never really came BUTT
we iz duin'it now.
It  took sum x-tra triez, thank-u
Miss Maizie, butt mom FINALLY got the pikchure she wanted.

An'just look at what wuz in there-
No, this iz not it-
altho Miss Maizie thought it wuz just fine.

Canned Dog Food
Just look at all that yumminess!
B -4 we got this food, mom read all of the reviewz on
Chewy'z website an'wuz wunderin'bout the substance of this food BUTT 
she wanted to c it fer herself  b-4
makin'any d-cizion-
We r so furry much happee she did cuz it tastez az yummy az it lookz.

So like it sez, it duz haf 
turkey broth, turkey an'sweet taterz BUTT
it also haz stuff like chicken liver, dried egg whites,  potato starch, peas, an'flaxseed meal.  

An'u know our 
pawrentz love the added vitaminz, mineralz'n
 trace nutrientz that r stated in the list of
key benefitz.

Hope they don't mind much butt 
we Ladiez (mom too) borrowed Chewy'z list
of key benefitz frum their website-
they just do it so well- 

Key Benefits

  • Natural, wholesome recipe with added vitamins, minerals and trace nutrients to keep your pup in peak health
  • With premium ingredients that include turkey, turkey broth, sweet potatoes, peas, egg, and flaxseed
  • Highly palatable: even the pickiest eaters will love the taste and texture of this delicious grain-free meal
  • Supports healthy digestion, enhanced bowel function, and muscle health
  • Omega fatty acids found in flaxseed contribute to healthy skin and a shiny, lustrous coat
So, after mom did this an'added 
a few carrot shredz then 
 mom sed the vetman sed
we need to looze wate so
we both r on dietz
she let us try it - an'what did we think of the 
Victor Grain Free Turkey an'Sweet Taterz Stew?

Disclaimer - As members of the Influencer Team,
The Ladiez of Beaglbratz Manor received one case of 
Victor Grain-Free Turkey & Sweet Potato Stew Canned Dog Food
for their review and honest opinion only.
There was no other form of compensation involved.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

A late Wordless Wednesday - last one for 2017

Lady Shasta here - mom furst thought 
we wuzn't gonna do this BUTT then
realized this week iz the LAST chance to link up with the Blogpaws Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop  
in 2017 so here we r.

In case you wuz one of thoze who
didn't git one of our 
2017 Christmas cardz-

Sorry this iz late-
our mom haz bin that way a bit.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

A late (almost)Wordless Wednesday message

We Beaglebratz Ladiez r joinin'up with the
to bring u'all an impawtent message---

Are YOU ready?
Are YOU on the naughty or nice list?
Will it b coal or a prezzie?

Lady Shasta here - well az fer me-
 I KNOW I am on the NICE list BUTT
az fer Miss Maizie

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Miss Maizie does this week's Sunday 'Selfies

We are linking up with 
Kitties Blue and their mom over at the

Looks like Miss Maizie has 
already snuck a couple prezzies.
Hope they were for her. 

Monday, December 11, 2017

A Christmas #ThreeDogBakery Influencers review - reminder

A few months ago, the Beaglebratz Ladiez(and their mom) were asked if they would like to become members of the Three Dog Bakery Influencer team a few months ago - you can read their first review here .

DisclaimerAs influencers for Three Dog Bakery, The Ladiez of Beaglebratz Manor received these products for their honest review and opinions only.   There was no other form of compensation involved.  

Also, before the Ladiez take over this review, we do want to remind you  of the coupon code you can use with each order you place at Three Dog Bakery-

         that coupon code is BEAGLES

Just use it whenever you check-out to receive 20% off your entire order.

Now on with that review-

Hello there all-
Miss Maizie an'Lady Shasta here with
anuther edishun of the
Three Dog Bakery review show.

(Lady Shasta here-I know there r only 3 productz here BUTT
there really wuz 4 - I got a little hungry an'I wuz able to git to'em while 
mom wuz gone and Miss Maizie wuz in her crate-
I ate the WHOLE box - well not the box just all the treatz inside.
I guess that tellz'ya how yummy they wuz.)

Gingerbeg Wafers -  Theze r the onez that I, Lady Shasta, confessed to eatin'em all - coodn't help it - that'z how yummy they wuz.  Mom sed she just mite hafta git more so Miss Maizie can try'em.  Anyway, like all of Three Dog Bakery goodiez, theze gingerbread treatz r baked with lovc rite there in their own kitchenz an'what Christmas wood b complete without gingerbread.  An'they can b frozen so us doggyz can enjoy'em all winter long.  They r made with wheat flour, dried cane molasses, honey, dried whole egg, ground cinnamon, canola oil, graham cracker flavor, vanilla flavor and only that stuff that keepz'em safe an'yummy fer us doggiez to eat.

P'Nutty Paws  - Az alwayz, they haf all nachural ingredientz like wheat flour, honey, canola oil, p-nut flour, molassez, dried whole egg, bakin'soda, vanilla, bakin powder, an'a nachural preservative to keep'em fresh.  Theze wuz the yummy treatz mom gave us when we wuz under our Christmas tree - now they r in our treat jar an'makin'it smell really yummy just like they taste.  

Pepper-Mutt Mocha - O-M-D!  Mom shooda given theze to us b-4 - they r just full of yumminess!   Butt we had a couple today - so much yum in theze treatz  Wheat flour, honey, canola oil, carob powder, dried whole egg, dried cane molasses, marshmallow flavor, vanilla powder, spearmint flavor, citric acid (preservative), mixed tocopherois (preservative).

Snickerdoodles - Now fer sum reezon that only hoo-minz unnerstand, theze Snickerdoodles cood not b found on their website.  We Ladiez duzn't unnerstand y cuz they r just az yummy an'smell just az wunnerful az their other treatz butt we know that'z just the way sum thingz r.  Mom read to us the thingz that r in'em - wheat flour, canola oil, ground cinnamon, cornmeal, dried cane molasses, dried whole egg, citric acid an'mixed tocopherois - the last two which r uzed az preservativez.  All we know an'care'bout iz that they wuz so 
yummer-lish-ush.   We wish our mom cood git more.

We Beaglebratz Ladiez an'our mom too give our 
whole-pawed stamp of approval
fer all theze yummer-lush-ush treatz.
Thank u Three Dog Bakery!

Of course all theze pikchurez can b bigefied.  After mom got the pikchure of us layin'under our Christmas tree then she just let us Ladiez do whatever (kinda) an'started takin'pikchurez of us.
We just kept lookin'fer more yummy goodiez.




REMEMBER - don't forget to use that coupon code -  BEAGLES - when you check out at Three Dog Bakery.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

A late but YUMMY #ChewyInfluencer review

Each month the Blog Hop iz
sponsored by 

Earlier this month, me(Lady Shasta) an'Miss Maizie wuz playin'when I herd the doorbell ring...
I yelled fer Miss Maizie an'sed 
Hey - there'z a familiar face at the door--


We got us a box to open'n
we NEED YOUR help, NOW!

Lady Shasta still here - az u'all can c, 
Miss Maizie duzn't yet realize just 
eg-zactly how good a Chewy box can b.
She still thinkz it iz all'bout the paper.... 

so then I took over with the skillz I haf mastered,
I KNOW'BOUT the great stuff IN a Chewy box-


Yes mom, we c'em - now

Here'z anuther pikchure of theze yummy treatz!

Well az far az the ingredientz go, 
there iz just not much to tell u'bout cuz
the ONLY - az in ONE ingredient iz

Now I know sum of u may b askin'
What the dog iz Beef Tripe.
Well with the help of what Chewy sez on their website,
I am gonna tell ya'll-
Beef Tripe comez frum the stomachz of cowz that haf bin
USDA inspected (that'z the same peepz who inspect our humanz stuff).
An'it comez straight frum Wisconsin so that meanz 
YES, it IZ made rite here in the USA!
And here r sum other key benefitz like
rich in essential fatty acidz an'protein, 
it also helpz clean our toofumz, 
aids in digeschun an'may increase stamina.
Our mom lovez all this'bout Dr. Tim's Beef Tripe an'she
 lovez that we love it so
I guess that kinda givez it away-

me (Lady Shasta)'n Miss Maizie give it 

Disclaimer - As members of the Influencer Team,
The Ladiez of Beaglbratz Manor received one, 4-ounce container of
Dr. Tim's Natural Clean Tripe Freeze-Dried Dog & Cat Treats
for their review and honest opinion only.
There was no other form of compensation involved.