Hello there - I'm Miss Maizie!
I live with Mom Kim an'Lady Shasta.
I moved in x-actly 3 weekz ago tue-day.
This wuz the ferst pikchure that my aunt sis, who iz also
Lady Shasta'z aunt sis, took of me rite b-4 we came home->
a nice LADY brought me frum Oklahoma-
click on that link 2 find out who.
My new mom an'aunt sis met her in Kansas.
(I ain't never dun this bloggin'stuff so Lady Shasta iz helpin'me)
I turned nine monthz old last week.
When I lived in Oklahoma, I lived with a family that
had a little girl and an older boy.
They did love me butt I kept jumpin'up
an'knockin'the little girl down an'they d-sided it
wood b better if I lived with sumone who
cood spend more time with me'n take care of this.
That nice lady (c link above) helped them find my mom'n
that iz how I came here.
My new mom an'Lady Shasta both think my name iz
Ker-azy Maizie cuz I like 2 run real fast'n play a lot'n
jump around.
then my new mom Kim an'aunt sis
went shoppin'an gotz me a
new Friz-b
a new ball thrower with a ball
(I love chasin'stuff)
an'just like Lady Shasta - I got a new collar!
(Lady Shasta warned me'bout that flashy-beest
Also had sum toyz waitin'4 me when I switched homez butt
there ain't no pikchurez of'em.
There r sum pikchurez of me havin'sum
fun in the bakyard.
Look ma - I can fly!
When I am in the bakyard, I try 2 b helpful 2 my mom.
Fer instance, c that big, overgrown bush in that pikchure?
Well, ferst I try 2 jump up an'catch one of thoze long stickz-
then if I git one, I pull it off'n
carry up 2 the front gate where
the werker man can git it.
Yep - Ima toy fiend 2 -
Sum of theze toyz I brought with me
an'I found sum already here!
I also like 2 make a bed out of sum of the toyz-
You all know my new sissy, Lady Shasta?
We r kinda gittin'2 b best budz-
Time fer our nap now.
~Miss Maizie~