Each month the Chewy.com Blog Hop iz
hosted by
If u read our #ChewyInfluence review
a couple of dayz ago - u mite haf seen this pikchure of
what wuz d-livered 2 our door-
Well there wuz sumthin'else in that big Chewy box b-sidez
that smaller goody box.
Here it iz-
then Miss Maizie stuck her noze in'an
grabbed that bag away frum me.
I tried 2 trade with her butt no go.
After mom got the bag an'then opened it.
she sed us Ladiez woodn't cooperate'an
take a pikchure together with the treatz.
So here iza pikchure of thoze yummy treatz-
We liked'em rite away, so chewy an'yummy with
venison, chiken, brown rice, an'cane molassez-
mom liked'em cuz of the goodness in'em an'they haf
NO corn, wheat, artificial flavorz or colorz an'since they are
soft an'chewy that meanz they can b eazily torn in smaller peesez fer trainin'plus what we all like best iz
that they r made rite here in the USA!
So what duz all this mean?
(Since that pikchure only showz 7 pawprintz, we'll add'nuther)
Yep that'z all of our 8 pawz up!
As part of the Chewy Influencer team
The Ladiez of Beaglebratz Manor
received a 4 ounce bag of
Natural Balance Delectable Delights
Venison Formula Tender Cuts Dog Treats
for their honest opinions ONLY. There was no other form of compensation involved.