Thursday, March 29, 2018

#ChewyInfluencer brings yumminess to the Manor

Disclaimer - As members of the Influencer Team,
The Ladiez of Beaglebratz Manor receive 1 or 2 products each month
for their review and honest opinion only - there is no other form of compensation involved. 
For the month of March, the second product taste-tested and reviewed was the
Solid Gold Supplements SeaMeal Skin & Coat, Digestive Immune Health
Soft Chews Grain-Free Dog Supplement, 120 ct.

We Beaglebratz Ladiez asked our mom to help us link this to the Blog Hop.  
Thank-u to Koru Bear for hostin'this blog hop.  

R'member this pikchure frum our PREVIOUS blog post?
Well there wuz TWO goodiez in that box an'we talked 
bout'ONE of'em last time.
Now we iz gonna tell ya'bout the other.

We each had a turn checkin'out this supplement.     

I, Lady Shasta, tried to help myself b-4 
Miss Maizie took over butt
mom stopped me.

Mom sed theze cute little bitez of yumminess wuz 
healthy an'good fer us.
We don't care - they just taste great!

Now a breef werd frum our mom'bout this supplement-

Thank you Ladiez.  I just wanted to talk a bit about what goes into
this supplement that I keep wanting to call a treat because
that is what my Ladiez think they are.
The main ingredient is seaweed that is sourced right here in the USA.  Then in addition there are vitamins, minerals, antioxidents and
amino acids which aid in promoting a healthy skin & coat as well as
a healthy immune system.  And there are a few more ingredients that make this supplement so appealing such as  
flaxseed, dried potato, dried lemon peel and rosemary.
As for any digestive issues - the addition of digestive enzymes
aid in promoting a healthy digestive system.
    This little supplement is packed with all sorts of good things that will do so much for your dog.
Ok, now I am going to turn it back over to my Ladiez who have one final comment.

Lady Shasta'n Miss Maizie here agin-
so after tastin'theze treatz/supplement then hearin'bout the
good stuff in'em,
both of us Beaglebratz Ladiez give'em Lady Shasta's- 

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

#ChewyInfluencer time butt mom fergotz it'z with St. Paddys Day time

Disclaimer - As members of the Influencer Team,
The Ladiez of Beaglebratz Manor receive 1 or 2 products each month
for their review and honest opinion only - there is no other form of compensation involved. 
For the month of March, the first product taste-tested and reviewed was the
Honest Kitchen Grain-Free Chicken Recipe Dehydrated Dog Food-
a case of 8, 3 oz cups.

We Beaglebratz herd the doorbell ring an'looked out the window in anticipashun.


Us Ladiez sounded the alarm to let our mom know!

Mom had bin werkin'on our Easter pikchurez so added the Chewy box to our pikchure-

The next few pikchurez haf all bin shrunk an'can b bigefied. 
   Hey - we're lernin'how to take turnz checkin'out the Chewy box- 
           well sorta.  We both wuz wunderin'what wuz in here.

really smell most wunnerful!
Mom got us the chiken butt u can also git this in
turkey, beef, turkey & parsnip, beef & chikpea'an
fish & coconut. 

Here'z a close-up pikchure of one of thoze cupz.
(altho kinda fuzzy)

When u take the lid off u will c this - the stuff inside iz kinda crumbly an'u just do what this sez - add sum warm water
(mom sez it kinda remindz her of sum of the food cupz she use to buy fer herself)

Even tho u can feed theze dehydrated food cupz by themselvez, our mom likez to uze it az a topper with a bit of our kibble an'veggiez.

 We cood smell the yumminess of all the goodness in that food - our headz didn't leeve our bowlz 'til they wuz empty an'licked clean.  Mom didn't git a pikchure butt she even let us lick the cup clean.

Ok, us Beaglebratz Ladiez told u'all'bout what we did so we iz gonna turn it over to our mom so she can talk to u'bout what makez this food so good an'sum other stuff.

Thank you Ladiez. What I noticed first when I was reading about this food is that it would work for so many different dogs.
Does your dog have food allergies?  Worth checking out.
Does your dog have a sensitive tummy?  Check out this food.
Is your dog in need of losing a bit of weight?  
Worth checking out. 

Besides the chicken, there are also ingredients like 
organic flaxseed and organic kelp, green beans, carrots, potatoes, celery, sweet potatoes, apples, honey, pumpkin, cabbage, bananas, papayas, basil and garlic not to mention the vitamins and minerals.  Again, here is a direct link to

The Beaglebratz Ladiez here agin.  Our mom r'minded us that
we fergotz a purty impawtent d-tail in our review-
take this pawprint an'add 7 more to it-


We haf linked up with the Blog Hop-
Thanx to Koru Bear for hostin'this link up.

Friday, March 23, 2018

#ThreeDogBakery lets us Ladiez enjoy some luck of the Irish

Disclaimer - As influencers for Three Dog Bakery, the Ladiez of Beaglebratz Manor received these products for their honest review and opinions only.   There was no other form of compensation involved. 

Also we need to remind your peepz that when 
they r orderin'stuff fer u,
when they git to the check-out area
an'asked fer a coupon code-
just tell them to put in BEAGLES an'they
can git 20% off their entire order!

AND now through the end of March, 
Three Dog Bakery haz all their seasonal
productz at 70% off while
suppliez last.

I, Lady Shasta an'Miss Maizie wuz helpin'our mom with a 
photo shoot fer St. Patrick'z Day.
She sed we wuz duin'such a good job that 
we shood git a speshal treat.

Oh yeah!  Just look at this - a box frum
our friendz at
Three Dog Bakery!

Lady Shasta here - Miss Maizie grabbed sum
paper frum the box then
ran off an'wuz rippin'it up butt I still wanted to keep 
an eye on her so she didn't try to take nuthin'more outta here.

Hello there - Miss Maizie here.  See, I am lernin'what 
really countz here.  Of course it ain't all'bout that
paper in the box.
This iz the yummy stuff!
I LIVE fer yummy stuff!

This iz what wuz in that box-
we Ladiez gotz two bags of
Butt, instead of the standard shapes u mite x-pect like
lionz'n tigerz'n bearz, us woofiez git to enjoy shapez like
mail carrierz, catz, squirrelz, fire hydrantz'n bonez-
how fun iz that?
(What wuzn't fun iz that mom made us share'em with our fur cuzin, Lady Bailie 
butt she really really liked'em)

Now then, what iz it that makez theze treatz so

Well like many treatz they haz wheat flour, canola oil, dried whole egg, sodium bicarbonate, citric acid(preservative), an'mixed tocopherois(preservative).  BUTT 
then the bakerz at Three Dog Bakery made'em better-
they added honey an'p-nut butter an'nachural vanilla powder an'finally sum dried cane molassez.

 An'here r thoze yummer-lish-ush treatz-
mom an'us Ladiez both like'em cuz 
they r super crunchy.
Mom sed they can b broke down altho 
a little hard butt it can b dun.
(Our queschun - y wood u want to?)

So what duz that mean if we all think they iz
(Of course our mom don't count with this cuz she don't eat'em)
An'don't fergitz- 
our fur cuzin Lady Bailie also sez they iz
That meanz a total of 

Saturday, March 17, 2018

A late Happy St. Paddy's Day!

Just wanted to stop by'n wish u'all a (late)

Lady Shasta                   Miss Maizie
Mom Kim

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Just a note for now

Hello there all

Us Beaglebratz Ladiez r lettin'our mom uze our bloggy today cuz
she wantz to leeve a note here fer u.

Take it away, mom-

Thank you my Ladiez.

Last Saturday, we hit our 1000th blog post mark then
it seems like things fizzled.

This past Monday I switched services on my 
Internet and TV and
nothing has been good since.
Well, gotta take that back-
the TV is working good.
Not sure what is going on except
I know this is an antique computer with an 
out of date operating system (Windows XP)
AT&T talks about some wiring outside that needs replaced- 
this should happen in the next couple of days.
(actually I thought it already had happened)
Right now it would appear all is good....
later this day - seems like it gets tired and all but 
the basics happen - can't do a blog post cuz 
nothing will save or post. 
I can work on Facebook but often takes forever.
Comments on blogs don't get posted.
Maybe work on blog early like now or earlier than
sleep late afternoon then get up at 2 or 3am or
just wait for it all to get fixed.
(Like that's gonna happen real soon)
Anyway, will be around when we can which is not right now-
got other stuff to do.

In the meantime we are all doing fine.
Sometime my Ladiez will return.