Well we got the werd that we (Blogville rezidentz) need tue
git our POTP
regenerated an'rejuvenated cuz
it haz bin uzed A LOT lately'n
u just never know when it will b needed agin.
most wunnerful idea-
postz'boutz laffin'an'smilez'n
sumthin'tue liten'our load'n
lift our spiritz.
since we r the BeagleBRATZ, we offer the followin'fur
your viewin'pleazure'n
may-b tikle your funny bone.
Whaddya think Shiloh iz thinkin'boutz hiz little sis?
"Round the turn comez Shiloh Beagle hot on the heelz of
Tweety Burd Shasta az she headz down the straight-a-way.
Just look at that ear akshun helpin'tue steer their way."
Here iz the Diva Shasta tryin'tue help mom pick out
sumthin'fur dinner.
Diva Shasta sez "Hey mom - I'll leeve my pink toy if I can haf sum of that fur dinner"
This pikchure
an'the next one
r x-amplez of our
synchronized critter watchin'
Diva Shasta lovez her ducky
Shiloh sez "Mom - I'm TRYIN'tue take a nap here-
take that flashy beest'n git it outta my face"
(Diva Shasta moved her head but
I couldn't miss this shot of Shiloh)
Shiloh askz - "Due I hear a bark sumwhere?
Shiloh sez "HEY MOM! Ain't it time tue eat yet?"
Shiloh protectin'hiz kingdom frum the evil tree monster.
At just the ideal height - Shiloh makez the
ultimate counter-surfer.
Shiloh'z image hangz in the finest of art galleriez-
wonder what theze art enthusiatz r contemplatin'
Even at her furst Christmas,
puppy Shasta cood b seen wunderin'
"OMD - what haf I got myself intue?
We hope all theze pikchurez added a few gigglez tue your day.
Diva Shasta'n Shiloh
An'don't furgit-
Rusty, Remington'n
ASTA who will be having her surgery sometime today.
They all NEED sum