Hello - my name iz Shiloh - I'm the handsum guy on your far rite in that pikchure (If there r any ladiez out there - sorry butt my heart already b-longz tue my loverly Miss Tasha over at the Dachsies With Moxies. Rubbin'nozez iz my lil'sis Diva Shasta an'our mom who iz known az Mom Kim around here - whether u iz talkin'just'bout us woofiez or all 3 of us, we iz Team Beaglebratz.
Now since we Beaglebratz(this uzually meanz just us woofiez) r takin'pawt in this week's
(our mom iz soooooooo slow tue help us sumtimez)
we thought we'd due a little intro.
(We Beaglebratz HAD hoped tue take pawt LAST week BUTT
it didn't werk out that way)
(We Beaglebratz HAD hoped tue take pawt LAST week BUTT
it didn't werk out that way)
Ok - furst I will tell ya a little bout me - Shiloh.
Yep, I haf one of thoze long namez that sum dogz haf butt it iz hardly ever uzed,
Yep, I haf one of thoze long namez that sum dogz haf butt it iz hardly ever uzed,
even by my mom.
I have lived here with mom since
she brought me home az a itty-bitty pup-
At that time, my mom had a little YorkiPoo named Oreo - we b-came best buds
Even tho a few yearz later Oreo wood
cross the Rainbow Bridge
he had taught me how tue b a great big bruther-
this came in handy b-cuz
my lil'sister Shasta had joined our family
Now I will let my lil'sis talk a bit.
Thank-u Shiloh - I really prefer the name
Diva Shasta
(Shiloh here agin - Shasta wuz once crowned a co-queen at a Blogville Valentine'z Day Ball a couple yearz ago an'ever since
she THINKZ she iza diva)
I, Diva Shasta, iz 3 yearz YOUNGER than
my old(er) bruther Shiloh BUTT I really am
just az smart (may-b smarter even).
BUTT gotta admit - he wuz a good big bruther tue me when I wuz a wee pup
an'he iz still a great tug-o-war pawtner
You wanna hear sumthin'kinda funny?
Yeah - u due then good cuz I, Diva Shasta
wanna tell u.
In this family - mom, Shiloh'n me-
Shiloh iz my bruther.
Shiloh'n my doggy mom
came frum the same litter!
Now a werd'boutz our mom.
She lovez us furry much - after all,
what'z not tue love'boutz us Beaglebratz.
An'of course we love our mom furry much tue-
she givez us good food,
yummy fresh berriez with cottage cheeze,
fresh veggiez,
an'p-nut butter, yogurt, doggy ice cream'n
only thoze doggy treatz that r good'n safe fer us
She takez us tue the dogtor when we hurt
(altho we don't alwayz want tue go)
We just had a whole lotta snow an'it iz
really cold.
Soooo, our mom shoveled a path across
our deck so it wood b eazy tue git tue
the bak yard. An'she also put theze sweaterz
on us tue keep us not so cold.
Altho Shiloh wuz still not warm enuf tue
stay out in the yard with ME, Diva Shasta.
We didn't haf any other good pikchurez of
our mom x-sept that 1 up to an'this one cuz there ain't no one around tue take'em.
(mom set the camera so
she cood git the onez here of all of us)
Ok - we iz gonna stop now so we can go git
hooked up with the blog hop.
Hope u enjoyed our intro an'if
u r new here then we invite u tue look around.
they make life better.
n'MOM KIM tue!
Pee Es - You just mite wanna go check out that blog hop - u still got til 2/14/14 if u wanna link up tue it.
I have lived here with mom since
she brought me home az a itty-bitty pup-

At that time, my mom had a little YorkiPoo named Oreo - we b-came best buds
Even tho a few yearz later Oreo wood
cross the Rainbow Bridge
he had taught me how tue b a great big bruther-
this came in handy b-cuz
my lil'sister Shasta had joined our family
Now I will let my lil'sis talk a bit.
Thank-u Shiloh - I really prefer the name
Diva Shasta
(Shiloh here agin - Shasta wuz once crowned a co-queen at a Blogville Valentine'z Day Ball a couple yearz ago an'ever since
she THINKZ she iza diva)
I, Diva Shasta, iz 3 yearz YOUNGER than
my old(er) bruther Shiloh BUTT I really am
just az smart (may-b smarter even).
BUTT gotta admit - he wuz a good big bruther tue me when I wuz a wee pup
an'he iz still a great tug-o-war pawtner
You wanna hear sumthin'kinda funny?
Yeah - u due then good cuz I, Diva Shasta
wanna tell u.
In this family - mom, Shiloh'n me-
Shiloh iz my bruther.
Shiloh'n my doggy mom
came frum the same litter!
Now a werd'boutz our mom.
She lovez us furry much - after all,
what'z not tue love'boutz us Beaglebratz.
An'of course we love our mom furry much tue-
she givez us good food,
yummy fresh berriez with cottage cheeze,
an'p-nut butter, yogurt, doggy ice cream'n
only thoze doggy treatz that r good'n safe fer us
She takez us tue the dogtor when we hurt
(altho we don't alwayz want tue go)
We just had a whole lotta snow an'it iz
really cold.
Soooo, our mom shoveled a path across
our deck so it wood b eazy tue git tue
the bak yard. An'she also put theze sweaterz
on us tue keep us not so cold.
Altho Shiloh wuz still not warm enuf tue
stay out in the yard with ME, Diva Shasta.
We didn't haf any other good pikchurez of
our mom x-sept that 1 up to an'this one cuz there ain't no one around tue take'em.
(mom set the camera so
she cood git the onez here of all of us)
Ok - we iz gonna stop now so we can go git
hooked up with the blog hop.
Hope u enjoyed our intro an'if
u r new here then we invite u tue look around.
they make life better.
n'MOM KIM tue!
Pee Es - You just mite wanna go check out that blog hop - u still got til 2/14/14 if u wanna link up tue it.
It's always good to get to know our friends a little better. We learned some new things about you today.
We learned a lot thanks fur sharing. Oreo looked like he was singing in that photo. So cute.
Nice to read more about you and of sweet memories from times past. Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly
we did enjoy learning about you....it is good to put some info out there occasionally for new readers :)
I think you are a super family! I'm a big fan of Beagles and sometimes I play with the Beagles of our neighbor, but that's exhausting to wrestle with all 6 guys :o)
Oh, I do so like looking at baby pictures!What's not to love?
What a NICE update and review and Get to Know you post. Very VERY thoughtful of you.
So nice to get to know you all better! Maybe we should all do a post for newer readers!
Your Pals,
Murphy & Stanley
Love the pics of you guys playing! Adorable! So glad you came to such a good home, looks like you bring so much fun & joy! love the name Oreo. So sorry you lot your bro. Never easy to have to say goodbye. Lastly, thanks so much for sharing the Pet Parade and joining in again! Such fun! ~Rascal and Rocco
Hi Shiloh ~ The Bee Gees song has now been dedicated to your true love, Tasha, and she has been told that you contacted the station and requested it be sent out to her.
Happy Valentine's Day
Rockin Wills aka Sweet William The Scot
Shiloh and Diva Shasta...I did so enjoy reading all about you two and your wonderful Chef/Mom! I thought my mom was going to jump through the monitor when she saw the berries and cottage cheese
Hugs madi your bfff
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