Thursday, July 31, 2014

On Thankful Thursday we talk National Watermelon Day

We will b linkin'up with the 
Thankful Thurzday Blog Hop
y not join us?

This iz gonna b a short an'kinda 

sweet post frum us Beaglebratz.

We wuz over at our furrend Ranger'z blog 

the other day when he had hiz post'boutz

 Wacky Holidayz in August.
We notised that on AUGUST 3rd
(this Sunday)
it wuz gonna b...

We can't wait-

we Beaglebratz LOVE our


So we just had tue run an'tell

our mom 

~Shiloh-Lord of the Manor an'Diva Shasta~

Don't furgit tue come bak TUE-MORROW fur 
our guest blogger-
Jan's Funny Farm!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wordless Wednesday - or iz that Wordy - with Team Beaglebratz

Hope Miss Jan over at Jan's Funny Farm
duzn't mind us Beaglebratz "borrowin'"
her idea-
she  wuz showin'a pikchure of
Angel Cotton an'her
Tortie'tude when she wuz on
this side of the Rainbow Bridge
Let'z c here-
think that 'tude stuff spanz across the
whole kitteh an'woofie world-
we Beaglebratz gotz our Beagle'tude on- 

Diva Shasta showin'her Beagle'tude-
"Don't u mess with MY elly-phant!"

Shiloh - Lord of the Manor - MINE!

Diva Shasta an'her Diva'tude

An'don't furgit tue come bak Friday when
the gang at
Jan's Funny Farm will b our next

~Shiloh-Lord of the Manor an'Diva Shasta~

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Okey - dokey! So it didn't happen the way we thought it wood SOOOOOOO.....................

Welllllll, since blogger iz not gonna

help us reach our goal-

guess we Beaglebratz hazta come up with 

tue add tue our post count.
OK - so we got it!
Our furrend Ranger
haz sumthin'neeto-sweeto goin'on in

We wanted tue make shure U'ALL

know'z 'boutz it!

Pawty in da Bat-cave

It will b on Friday, August 8th.  

IF YOU don't know'boutz it then

u MUST click on that link up there tue

find out all'boutz BUTT ya gotta hurry-

ya gotta let Ranger know u wanna b there by 


~Shiloh-Lord of the Manor an'Diva Shasta~

Monday MischiffAGIN butt on Tuezday this time

Welllllllllllllllll -
we Beaglebratz thinkz blogger
iz up tue it'z trickz agin or
may-b that spammer came bak cuz
this post had gone bak tue draft form an'agin
scheduled fur YESTERDAY!
Don't know what'z goin'on - don't care=
all  that matterz iz we got anuther post in-
even if it wuz fur Monday Mischiff.

We Beaglebratz don't git furry many spam commentz at all so this one kinda took us by surprize,
 even our mom wuz a bit surprized cuz 
it showed up in our regular commentz.  
We figured that cuz there WUZ a name on it-
that'z how it snuck by our spam d-tector BUTT,
by readin'what it sed - kinda sounded A LOT like what
sum of our furrendz haf gotten.
Here'z that comment-

"Great post regarding online auctions i will follow your instruments of Frankin. Thank for sharing."

Now this comment he/she left wuz left after the 
guest post dun by Frankie an'Ernie - BUTT we don't even r'member Frankie talkin'boutz "instruments" - due u?  An'iz
Frankin a'nuther name fur Frankie?

Then he/she sed that Frankie an'Ernie did
a great job'talkin'boutz
online aucshonz-
Iz he/she readin'sumthin'we don't?
Cuz we Beaglebratz ain't shure what
online aucshunz he/she iz talkin'boutz -
Frankie an'Ernie did a great guest post
(after all, they gave us Beaglebratz an'our mom rave reviewz fur which
we'all are most humbled by an'furry much appreciate)
BUTT we BEAGLEBRATZ don't r'member talkin'boutz no 
no online aucshon - we just
had a badge fur it on 
our blog an'it
ain't there now.

Well anywho - that iz all we haz fur now-
mom better git her fingerz tip-tappin'away
on the'puter if SHE IZ GONNA HELP us reach
1000 postz by the end of this year
(thank goodness fur the guest bloggerz we haz lined up already-
at leest we gotzTHEIR help!

~Diva Shasta'n Shiloh-Lord of the Manor~

Saturday, July 26, 2014


This iz gonna b a short post fur now-

it iz only 10:30am an'mom sez already 90 degreez-

We Beaglebratz r HOT!!!!!!!!
(that'z tempz)

Just like we Beaglebratz (mom tue)

haz set that HUGE goal of 1000 postz by the end 

of THIS year,

So tue haz our good furrend,

an'it includez giveawayz-

that'z rite, u cood b able

tue git in on TWO giveawayz!

So click on that link above tue

go over there an'find out all'boutz 

it - we gotta go cool off now.

BUTT ya gotta hurry over there-

it only lastz a few more hourz!



~Shiloh-Lord of the Manor'n Diva Shasta~

Friday, July 25, 2014


for Murphy & Stanley

One day last week the doorbell rang – of course we Beaglebratz had tue alert our mom in case she hadn’t herd it – u know how sum peepz r when they git older – she just told us tue b quiet az she went tue the door tue c who it wuz.  Welllllllllll, when mom opened the door, there wuz no peep there butt there wuz a box – a BIG box.  Now we Beaglebratz knew that when a box comez tue our door then it iz uzually fur us sooooo we d-sided tue follow mom az she tugged an’pushed an'wiggled an'wrangled the BIG box in-tue the livin’room.

Now we Beaglebratz cood tell this wuz NOT a box cuz their familiar logo wuzn’t there an’b-sidez, we had NEVER seen such a big box frum sooooooo, who wuz it frum an’what wuz in such a box?
(NOT like this box - it wuz a BIG box'n no logo)

Well, like uzual when a box comez tue the house, Diva Shasta kinda hangz bak an’let ME – Shiloh the Macho Man, the Lord of the Manor, take over. (wunder if it haz sumthin’tue due with that little nip on the ear I gave her when she wuz a pup an’we wuz after the same treat az it fell outta the Christmas stockin’BUTT – I digress)  ANYWHO………….

So mom left the box sittin’in the middle of the livin’room then walked off tue the kitchen fur who knowz what reezon.  I, Shiloh-Lord of the Manor, wuz torn – tue follow mom an’may-b git sumthin’yummerlishus OR stay here an’check out the BOX – what tue due oh what tue due.  BUTT THEN, I notised sumthin’odd (even more odd then Diva Shasta?) – yes, def’nitely furry much odd- the BIG box had HOLEZ in it!  

I had NEVER seen a box with HOLEZ in it b-4 (oh yeah, when mom took me tue Petsmart one time, the peep there wuz uzin'a box with holez in it tue carry a little critter) butt that wuz a small box-
this box wuz a BIG box - with holez in it.

All of a sudden I, Shiloh-Lord of the Manor, herd a noize - it came frum INSIDE the box!  Diva Shasta made a b-line fur mom BUTT I stood MY ground - whatever wuz in that box wuz 'boutz tue b x-pozed fur what it really wuz'n I - Shiloh the MACHO MAN - the Lord of the Manor wuz gonna b the one tue due it!

When I opened the box I was startled to find...


 "HEY MOM - What iz this, I asked - ain't me'n Diva Shasta enuf here?"

Mom - "Hiz NAME iz Hector an'he will keep u 2 company - iz hiz cage in that box?"

I didn't know - I didn't care - it wuz time fur it tue fly away.  BUTT I knew mom - if SHE wanted a Hector then Hector wood b stayin'!
"Mom - here iz hiz cage"

Sheesh, I, Shiloh-the MACHO MAN, the 
Lord of the Manor thought, 
what'z next fur 
the Beaglebratz Manor?


Thursday, July 24, 2014

ANNOUNCEMENT on Thankful Thursday an'join in the Barks & Bytes Blog Hop

Well, furst we Beaglebratz wood like tue thank

Ann & her girls over at Zoolatry

fur this most AWESOME pikchure!

Now - fur the REST of the story-

Sum of u may already know that

Team Beaglebratz iz aimin'fur

1000 postz by the end of THIS YEAR!

An'if u wood like tue help-

there r ackcually 2 wayz u can help us

acheeve that most auspishus goal.

FURST - u can chooze tue b a GUEST BLOGGER at

Team Beaglebratz.
This iz open tue
anybuddy, any speciez - even peepz here
in Blogville.

We haf already had 2 guest postz with 
at leest 2 - 4 more waitin'in the wingz!

Furst wuz Easy's guest post 

then came

Frankie an'Ernie's guest post

The other way u cood help- 
we wood gladly accept ideaz fur postz.
We still haf close tue 300 postz tue due b-tween NOW an'THEN soooo,
any ideaz r welcome!

If u wood like tue help, pleeze leeve us a comment an'we will b in touch with u.

Now if u furgit missed this furry much


due not dispair-

we will likely re-post this announcement

a few more timez later.

~Shiloh-Lord of the Manor'n Diva Shasta~
Mom Kim tue!

By the way, along with joinin'in the 
Thankful Thurzday Blog Hop,


Heart Like A Dog2 Brown Dawgs

2 Brown Dawgs

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


July 25, 2014 iz the date we r talkin’boutz! 
An’what mite b happenin’on that day u ask?
Welllll, we Beaglebratz iz gonna tell u’all–


akchully, the BESTEST way tue find out-

just click on this link tue
tue find out ALL'BOUTZ
Fractured Fryday Hairy Tails!

~Shiloh-Lord of the Manor an'Diva Shasta~ 

PeeEss - haven't bin around much the past couple of dayz- 
REALLY HOT here - mom sez even now iz 102 d-greez (same az REALLY HOT) an'mom thinkz the AC iz NOT duin'furry much good.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

2nd post tue-day - National Ice Cream Day

Well we Beaglebratz didn't git any of the flavorz listed in that story BUTT
when mom herd on the radio what tue-day wuz,
well she made shure that we did git sum of this-
(x-cuze the poor quality of this pic-
mom sez it WUZ the flashy-beest BUTT.....)

We also got tue haf sum berriez an'wallymelon with our ice cream-

Now our mom SED she didn't git any pikchurez of
us cuz she wuz tue bizy watchin'us 
enjoy our dinner-
the ice cream an'fruit wuz
on top of our kibble.

We did go outside after butt
now we r bak in an'that 
iz all she(or we) wrote.

~Sleepy Team Beaglebratz~ 

The Black & White Sunday Blog Hop with the Beaglebratz

One more way we Beaglebratz r tryin'tue 
reach our goal of 1000 postz by 
the end of THIS YEAR iz tue git in 
on more blog hopz.  So we r joinin'in with 
your co-hostz fur the
Black an'White Sunday Blog Hop!

So here iz our furst entry fur this hop-
you can join in tue just
scroll down to where it sez
You are next ... Click here to enter
One word of warnin'an'we haf noticed it almost 
all the time-
When it askz fur the URL tue link tue, 
u will notice there iz already the 
 http:// in there-
YOUR URL already haz that an'if u just add your url tue that, your link will not werk.

Mom took this pikchure around 
Christmas-time of 2006-
Diva Shasta had only lived with us'boutz
 a month - Shiloh wuz 3.
Mom sez we were singin'the 
Beagle Rock Bluez.

~Shiloh-Lord of the Manor an'Diva Shasta~  

Saturday, July 19, 2014


Sepia Saturday
Hosted by Ruckus the Eskie

Hey all- 
We Beaglebratz r here an'we r 
Welllll, our mom kinda helped-
shure due hope it werkz ok cuz
we ain't never did this b-4 BUTT 
we r tryin'a few new thingz in our quest fur
1000 postz by the end of THIS YEAR!
You'all mite r'member this pikchure-

Well, here iz our Sepia verzion-
(at leest that iz what Photobucket sed)

we're not dun here yet........

We Beaglebratz(includin'our mom)

wood like tue give a big thanx tue 
Frankie'n Ernie fur their guest post an'the
sooper dooper nice thingz they sed'boutz us.
If u haz not read it, then 
We wood also like tue remind u'all that 
ANYONE out there can b one of our guest bloggerz!
The subject of your post can b most 
anything YOU want
(G-rated of course which Blogville iz purty much all'boutz)

Ok - now we iz dun fur this post!
~Shiloh-Lord of the Manor an'Diva Shasta~

Friday, July 18, 2014

Guest post frum Frankie'n Ernie

TODAY's POST is being presented by GUEST POSTERS... Frankie Furter and his kid Brother... Ernest vonSchnitzel.
    This is an HONOR fur ME/us.    I (Frankie Furter) have been GOOD FURENDS with Shasta and Shiloh fur a very long time.   So this is going to be about Friendship and Blogville and Loyalty and Love.
    Shasta and Shiloh are the kind of Furends that EVERYBUDDY dreams about having....    they are ALWAYS there fur us when we need them.    They are two of Blogville's most supportive citizens.    They leave the KINDEST and FUNNIEST and most insightful Comments fur everyone.  
    Shasta and Shiloh are ALWAYS willing to be a PAWt of whatever is going on.   They don't miss much.    If you have somethingy going on... they will be among the FURST to Volunteer... or to Join in.   
     If these two say they will do something... it gets done.    They have memories like elephants (maybe beclaws they have such nice big ears)  They just never furget. 
   Shasta and Shiloh are FURENDS through Thick and THIN... through the GOOD times and the BAD or Sad.       They are always HERE fur US.
    You may not know this, butt their mom has some vision troubles...   Sometimes it is very much Difficult fur Miss Kim to help them with posting and reading and commenting.   Miss Kim is an INSPIRATION to all of Blogville.   She is a bit like the TIMEX Watch commercials of the past... she takes a LICKING and KEEPS ON TICKING.    THAT is such an admirable trait.   We could all learn a LOT from Miss Kim.... and our Furends... Shasta and Shiloh.
     THANK YOU fur allowing us the chance to tell BLOGVILLE how much you two and you, and your MOM mean to us.  
       FRANKIE and Ernie.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

A late Thankful Thurzday post

We Beaglebratz r joinin'in this 

fun blog hop over at


You still haf plenty of time tue join us there.
This iz just gonna b a quik post fur now.

We Beaglebratz r so thankful fur thoze 

really nice an'really good 

phone repairmen that really know what 
(He also likez woofiez an'petted us)

they iz duin'! 

We won't take the time rite now tue

go in-tue what wuz wrong BUTT

let'z just say there wuz a line hooked

in that shood not haf bin there.

Ok - make shure tue come bak

 on Friday, July 18th mid mornin'fur our next 

GUEST POST - this one iz provided by

An' r'member-

ANYONE - animal or peep can 

b a guest poster fur us!

Just leeve us a comment that u wanna b

a guest poster.

~Shiloh-Lord of the Manor an'Diva Shasta~