Friday, April 17, 2015


Hi all - Mom Kim here.  Not staying long - this is still extremely difficult to b online.  Vision remains low at this time.  Remember that fungal infection of my eye that was caught early and treatment began immediately - didn;t make any difference because the condition of my eye is so poor overall. (in case someone is reading this who doeesn;t know - I am already blind in my left eye so when I have problems with my rite then it really plays havoc with my life).   So when I went to bed on December 13 vision was still decent BUT when I woke up the next day - vision was in the toilet.  There have been soooooooooo many appointments with my cornea specialist since then.  PLUS on January 2 of this year, I had plastic surgery for a droopy eyelid and to tighten up the corners of my eyelid - little to no healing of the funal infection would happen until this was done plus I would have trouble  shutting my eye if this was not done.  Ok - things began healing after that but vision did not improve since the overall condition of my eye remains damaged.  Soooooo, on March 2 of this year, my cornea specialist took stem cells of my healthy altho blind left    eye and transplanted them onto my bad rite eye in an attempt to get it healthy which as of this past Tuesday - IT IS WORKING!  

However (hate that word) the specialist found something else - a small bit of a Herpes eye infection HOWEVER (ok- this can be a good word too) I have had that MANY times and it really wasn;t that bothersome and it has already begun healing with no adverse affects.  And since I am not working anyway (no work since 12/15/14) didn;t really interfere with that. 

So now what?  Waiting for my next cornea transplant which is likely 3 months away once the Herpes eye infection is cleared.  Have no idea if my vision will improve enuf before that to go bak to work. 

The Beaglebratz are doing well - enjoying their time with mom.  Lord Shiloh of the Beaglebratz Manor remains ever diligent in keeping intruders at bay (yes, pun intended).  There has been a slight name change - LADY Shasta keeps her mom comfy and feeling safe by staying close (as in snuggling).  Of course they do take breaks so that they can continue their saga over at the DACHSIES WITH MOXIE  blog.

Ok- enuf for now - need to rest a bit (even tho I am sitting most of the time as I am typing, I do have to get close to the screen to proofread even this print)  Have NO idea when we will b bak.  Hope all is well with you all and Blogville.  I am on Facebook (Kim Brooks)  where my sis can check my timeline for me.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

so sorry to hear all of this. and i pray now that the infection will heal quickly in order to allow the transplant. i can't image how you are getting along with out your job and taking care of the bratz.. hugs to all of you

Noodles said...

Hoping for a speedy recovery and a return to Blogville.
Love Noodles

Unknown said...

Yes us too a speedy recovery and no worries we will see you when we see you. We are all thinking and praying for you. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

rottrover said...

Kim, you and Shilo and Shasta remain in our thoughts!

Ruby, Otto and their mom

C.L.W.STEP said...

Glad to see you back. We were worried! We hope things go well now.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Thanks for checking in. We'll keep our paws and fingers crossed.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Thanks for the update, Kim - our prayers are with you.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning and Mom

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

We will keep our paws crossed fur your eyes to get better. We are sure Shiloh n Lady Shasta are taking good care of you.

Murphy said...

Hoping your transplant will go well and give you good vision. Crossing our paws really tight and sending POTP!!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Millie and Walter said...

Thanks for letting us know how things have been going. We've been thinking about you often for a long time. We are keeping our paws crossed that you will regain some sight in your right eye.

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey ..... it's good to hear from you. Mum and I think of you often and always hope that things will improve for you. Our love, thoughts and prayers are with you.

easyweimaraner said...

I hope all goes well and I send a lot of POTP to you. Team Beaglebratz&Mom Kim are in my thoughts.
hugs to you
easy rider

The Army of Four said...

Wow, are we sorry to read this. We will pray for you - that the transplant will go well and give you some relief and vision!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We hope you better soon

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello beaglebratz its dennis the vizsla dog hay trixie and me send yore mama lots of tail wags to feel better!!! ok bye

Charliedownunder said...

Just stopping by to let you know we are still thinking of you. Please give Lord Shiloh and Lady Shasta a pat from us.

Jans Funny Farm said...

We all send lots of purrs and tail wags to you for healing of the vision trials!