Friday, September 30, 2016

#ChewyInfluencer with ZiwiPeak Good-Dog Venison Jerky Dog Treats on Friday Foodies

Lady Shasta here tue end the
month of September 
with a 2nd review fer the
monthly blog hop hosted each month by

Hey mom - I think it iz fer me, AGIN!

Yep - I know that 
what I smell in there ain't fer u, mom.

Oh lookie-lookie!  I haf herd'bout theze butt
ain't never had none b-4 -
thanx Chewy an'Miss Sydney,
thanx mom.

I hadta wrestle this way then
 that way then
mom finally d-sided she wood help.

Now I duzn't know if u can c it butt
I had my eye on it - 
(I wanted my mouth on it tue)
there iza treat layin'on the bottom side of that package. 
Them haz the bestest
Mom likes'em tue cuz b-sidez bein'good an'healthy fer me
she can break'em in-tue smaller piecez really eazy.
They also fit in one of my treat ballz.
    I HADTA give theze treatz 4 PAWZ UP!

Now  a werd frum my mom-
(or 2 or 3 or 87 or .. .)
Well there is not a whole lot to say about the ingredients in these treats because there are NOT a whole lot of ingredients in them.  The premium New Zealand Venison is the main ingredient - at 95%.  As you can see, there are no grains in this list of remaining ingredients which just add to the overall health of your dog - chicory inulin, fish oil, lecithin, parsley, naturally preserved with mixed tocopherols.

Key Benefits

  • Grain-free
  • Great for training
  • Suitable for every stage and breed
  • Naturally preserved and air-dried

We received 1, 3 oz. bag of 
ZiwiPeak Good-Dog Venison Jerky Dog Treats
for our honest opinion.
There was no other form of compensation involved.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

#ChewyInfluencer with Fromm Four-Star Nutritionals on a Wordy Wednesday

Lady Shasta here with anuther edishun of the Blog Hop  -
brought tue u efurry month by
Sugar The Golden Retriever

Hey mom - there wuz
anuther d-livery at our door an'it had
one of them stikerz on it so
I'm gonna go ahead an'open it -'K?
Here iz ONLY 1 of the thingz in 
that package.
Salmon with Sweet Potato Recipe Dog Treats
Ok then - I gotz them outta the envelope-
now then, time tue git'em outta the package'n
in-tue MY tummy!

Ok - so mom hadta help open'em a bit soooooo
iz that y I hazta wait fer it now?  

Oh theze treatz wuz just so
They had yummy stuffz in'em like 
Wild Salmon, Cranberries, Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, Apples, Split Peas, Green Beans, Green Bell Peppers, Celery,
21qBeets, Parsley, Lettuce, Watercress, Spinach.
Mom really likez all thoze veggiez that r in'em.
Cuz of the  yummy taste an'all
thoze veggiez-
Me an'mom give theze 
Fromm Nutritionals Dog Treatz-
(My 4 pawz an'mom'z 2 handz'n 2 feet)
Oh, my mom haza bit of stuff she wantzta say

Mom Kim here - I just wanted to add this list of key benefits that is located on the same web page as the other info for these treats-
Key Benefits
A fresh, oven-baked treat made with wild salmon and veggies that are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins that not only keep your pup’s skin and coat healthy and clean, but help with cognitive development too!
  • Made without grains, a common allergy trigger for dogs
  • Contains fresh cranberries, green beans, carrots and other veggies loaded with antioxidants and vitamins for a delicious and nutritious treat you can feel great about feeding your pup
  • Perfect size for training or treating your most loyal best friend
  • Made with USDA-inspected ingredients in the USA-to me, this is one of the most important factors about these treats - not to mention all the wholesome and healthy goodness in each treat.
We were sent one, 8 oz. bag of the 
Fromm Four-Star Nutritionals Grain Free
Salmon with Sweet Potato Recipe Dog Treats
for our honest opinion ONLY.
No other compensation was involved.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Talk like a Pirate Day

Avast there me mateyz-
this fair maiden, Lady Shasta 
comez talkin'like a pirate tue-day kinda late. 

My mom seemz like a bit of a Squiffy sumtimez cuz
I ain't postin'or commentin'like I want.
Butt she really ain't no skallywag-
how due u say in pirate speak that 
she'z weedin'out an'packin'the house sum more so
we can set sail tue 
a'nuther pirate cove.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Treats for Lexi Day

This iza blog hop hosted by 
aza tribute tue 
hiz sweetheart,
who left fer the Rainbow Bridge
bak on September 4th, 2016.

I, Lady Shasta,
like a whole lotta other woofiez an'kittiez,
share a love of treatz with Lexi sooo
theze r sum of my fav'rit treatz that
mom can git me tue 
due trickz an'obedience stuffz fer-
Mom got me theze in Kansas City after
1 of her doc appointmentz.

Then I got theze yummy treatz in my Easter basket.
Sumtimez treatz on a holiday r the best cuz u don't 
hafta due nuthin'fer'em.

 Dearest Angel Lexi-
I miss u an'wish I cood share all of my treatz with u.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

#TongueOutTuesday with Lady Shasta

Hey all - it'z time fer

this ain't me-




THIS IZ ME!!!!!!!

Hope u'all haf a
Happy Tongue Out Tuesday!

~Lady Shasta of Beaglebratz Manor~

Monday, September 12, 2016

Me and a friend on a lazy Monday

My mom iz 
around here sumwhere duin'stuffz while
I iz just kinda hangin'out with 
one of my friendz

What'z this?
An introoder!!!!!!!!!!!

Can't u c this iza 
lazy sesshun an'u
iz not pawt of it!
Now u go due what u due an'take
your finger with u OR
it just mite majikally disappear!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Can't b Werdless This Wednezday

I just can't b werdless on this speshal Wednezday.
There iz sum neeto-sweeto stuffz goin'on in Blogville tue-day!

So ferst of all-
due u'all r'member bak erlier this summer,
bak on July 11th?
That'z when Dougie Dog an'me ferst got tue-gether fer
Christmas'z Blogville Summer Dance.

Tue-day Christmas iz hostin'the
an'once agin, Dougie Dog an'me iz there-
If u hazn't bin by then
just click on that link above.

Now then, there iz sumthin'else 
speshal happenin'tue-day!

Sumbody iz havin'a speshal day tue-day -
I herd that he iz selebratin'hiz
12th barkday tue-day an'he iz
havin'a GIVE-A-WAY 
tue selebrate!
Make shure tue click on that link tue
go over an'wish Oz a happee barkday'an
check out hiz give-a-way.

Ok - I gotta git bak tue the Tea Pawty'an
Dougie Dog now.

~Lady Shasta~

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

#Read A Book Day with Angel Shiloh

Angel Shiloh here tue-day
I flew down frum the Rainbow Bridge tue-day cuz
even up there I hear'bout 

Well there iza speshal Wacky Holiday in
September that I just hadta show up fer-
Az a therapy dog, I wuz also able tue b a pawt of the 
program that held readin'classes fer
kiddoz at our library.
Sumtimez I even went tue a real skool

I just loved bein'with the little kiddoz so 
me an'mom cood help'em lern tue 
read better.

Ok - gotta git bak tue the 
Rainbow Bridge-
there r lotza little kiddoz waitin'tue
lern tue read better.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Flashback Friday with Lady Shasta

Mom Kim here today-

The other day when I was going through my scans,  looking for some pictures for the 
special Remembrance Day post, 
I came across another 
special kind of picture that
I'm not sure I've ever share before and
thought it would be perfect for a 
Flashback Friday post-

This picture was taken during 
Lady Shasta's VERY BRIEF show career.
(You mite want to bigefy it-
please excuse the poor quality.)
She was about 10 months old here - 
being shown by a friend of mine.
I only had her shown during her first year and
it was purely for fun and 
the shows were local only.
Even though she looks like she is pulling back,
she did love the showring and 
the extra attention.