Friday, November 10, 2017

Last post'bout MY birthday(this year anyway)

I, Lady Shasta, will x-plain the above pikchure later-
basically my mom THOUGHT she'd try to b cute with me.
Kinda don't think it werked too well.

Well mom agin messed up - this pikchure iz kinda fuzzy butt
Can u read it - that'z yourz truly-
ME - Lady Shasta. 
Miss Natalie sed there wuz gonna b sumthin'fer 
my birthday frum Chewy'n-
 MY birthday box frum 

C'mon mom-go faster  -  gotta c what'z in here

OOh my dogness!
Just lookit all that stuff - here'z a Nylabone Flavor Frenzy
DuraChew Birthday Cake Flavored Dog Chew-
 Oh - do u c that fuzzy colorful thing kinda to 
your left side by me?  Well, r'member that pikchure up top?
Well mom thought it wood b cute if I tried to WEAR this
Multipet Musical Birthday Cake
Plush Dog Toy
u can b surprized at the muzik.
(weird rite - what my mom did, NOT the toy.)

Then here'z a Nylabone DuraChew Bacon Flavor Dog Toy.
So much yumminess - it iz BIG!

Then in MY birthday goodiez I found a
Happy Birthday Pup-PIE Dog Treat - 
of course it wuz fer a GIRL'n
it comez frum The Lazy Dog Co.
 Agin, just so much yumminess 
an'crunchy butt eazy to break apart.

Thank-u so much Miss Natalie an'

If any of u in Blogville want any of this then
just click on that purty link up there then
do a search fer thoze dif'rent yummy stuff.
May-b u can even git a muzikal birthday toy.



Dandy Duke said...

I love your birthday hat, Lady Shasta - and look at all of that yummy loot! Those chew bones will keep you busy for the whole winter!

easyweimaraner said...

that are pawsome gifts... and that chewing bones are good for a year or two... or 87 ;o) that was a pawsome and fabulous Birthday for a super Diva

Millie and Walter said...

What a great pressie package you got. Did you share your treat with Miss Maizie?

Idaho PugRanch said...

Wow! great presents!!
Hazel & Mabel

C.L.W.STEP said...

Happy birthday! Wow! What wonderful presents! Those chewies should keep you busy for a long time!