This iz our 2nd review fer the February- blog hop.
Lady Shasta here
r'member this pikchure frum
our last post HERE
I sed there wuz 2 thingz in it-
we checked out 1 of'em this past Monday
an'now we iz gonna tell u'bout the other thing-
Gotta make shure I find it all-
don't wanna leeve nuthin'b-hind.
Hmm - sumthin'smellz good in there.
Miss Maizie here - mom iz helpin'me butt
I gotta keep an eye on Lady Shasta.
Eferybody thinkz she iz such a lady butt-
sumtimez she can b a real bully when
there iz food or treatz around.
Let'z just c what iz in here-
may-b I can grab one cuz they shure do smell good.
That Lady Shasta can b such a hawg sumtimez butt
at leest she didn't take mine too.
Mom wuz TRYIN'to git a pikchure of us an'the
treatz so u cood c how big they r butt
Lady Shasta kinda messed that up.
(Mom sez that'z y the pikchure iz blurry - yeah rite mom)
Az u can c - mom got us the Stix BUTT
WHIMZEES has got sum fun shapez'n
dif'rent sizez fer dif'rent sizez woofiez.
Another thing our mom likez'bout'em-
WHIMZEES r gluten-free & all nachural so that
any woofie with food sensitivitiez shood b good with'em.
The list of ingredientz iz not that long-
Potato Starch, Glycerin, Powdered Cellulose, Lecithin,
Yeast, Malt Extract, Sweet Lupine Meal,
Alfalfa Extract, Paprika.
BUTT, what do we - the woofiez who r the akchual taste-tasterz of The Manor say'bout'em?
Disclaimer - The Ladiez of Beaglebratz Manor, being members of
the Influencer Team, received
1 bag of the Whimzees Stix Dental Dog Treats
for their review and honest opinion only-
no other form of compensation was involved.