Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Hi all- Shiloh here.  Moms vizhun iz SLOWLY improvin'  She wanted me'n Shasta tu git on here so u woodn't fergit us.  We kan't du no pikchurez yet cuz mom haz tu help since we ain't got no thumbs.

Ok Shiloh, me  now - Shasta here.  It haz bin sooooooooooo grate around here - alot of timez, like tuday, it iz so nice here that mom leavez the bakdoor open so we kin go outside whenever we want.

Shiloh- Mom just duz that cuz she gitz so tired of lettin' u out every few minutez.

Shasta- Whatever!  An' we never no when we mite git a litttle karrot or a bit of cheeze or turky or chiken or...

Shiloh- Yes Shasta, I think they git it.

Shasta- ANYWAY, az I wuz sayin'
b-4 I wuz RUDELY interupted - we gitz LOTZ of treetz.  But there iz sumthin' me'n Shiloh kan't figur
out-mom eatz AT LEAST 3 timez a day but we eatz only 2 - except fer mayb an occazional snak.  Mom kin haf LOTZ of snakz - she evven triez tu sneek 1 when she thinkz we
don't no.

Shiloh- Ok, we iz gonna go take rour afternoon nap now.  I had tu take over the keybord cuz Shasta wuz hittin' it with her noze - we Beaglez haf tu b kareful with our nozez cuz they haz an important job.  We will b baksumtime just not shure when.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hi Shiloh and Shasta, I am soooo very much glad to hear from you. I have been worried and wondering how your mom's vision was doing. It sounds like it is coming along and things are getting better.
I still have my paws crossed for all three of you. Much love and Happy Easter to you.

JacksDad said...

Yes, we're glad your mom is feeling better. I'm hoping that her sight is getting better every day!

Andrea said...

Glad you guys let us know how mom is doing. Please keep us posted.

Diana Chiew said...

Hi guys, glad to know that your mum's vision is improving. We hope she gets well soon.

River said...

We are happy to hear about your mom. It's hard to be patient esp for us beagles. We want everything now!

love & wags,

magiceye said...

hows mum doing now?

Hey am back guys!
And guess what?? Pet Pride now has a new look! Do drop by and let me know what you feel about it! And do not forget to link in your posts while there!!
Cya soon at Pet Pride

Woof woof
from Bozo
Pet Pride