Saturday, July 31, 2010

LOOKEE - Pet Blogger;s Blog Hop 7/31- we got nummies

When mom got home frum werk yesterday, she had a surprize fer
us Beaglebratz (no - didn't git'em at werk but in the mail - we need tu b nice tu the mailman fer bringin'us theze nummiez.) 
After mom let us outside in the bakyard, she came out with the nummiez only at first we didn't no they were nummiez -
there wuz just this pakage-
& it smelled good tu.
We found out later that mom  had entered us in a contest over at

SHASTA - az u'all can c, Shiloh tried tu keep'em fer hiz=self BUTT mom woodn't let him - neener neener. 

C'mon mom hurry up!
Well, she did give us a couple rite after this pik BUTT then she remembered what they r fer  - TRAININ'!
So then we had to wait fer more - I mean WAIT!
FINALLY!  we get'em!

We herd that there r sum nice peeple over at
u otta hurry on over there an'c what'z up.


Unknown said...

Just stopping by on the blog hop. They are adorable! Mine love those treats too!

Marianne Pysh said...

Such adorable beagles!

I'm following you from The Saturday Pet Blog Hop! I'm so happy I found your blog, and I look forward to more of your stories!

Lucy's Human

the teacher's pets said...

Found your blog via the Blog Hop! Of course, I love beagles so I had to come by to meet them! Hope to have you visit our pets sometime!
I am your newest follower!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What lucky beagles you two are - those treats look great!!! Hope you are all having a great weekend despite the heat.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Maddy and Owen said...

Those treats look delicious! I hope I get me some soon.

Maddy the Puggle

Lapdog Creations said...

LOVE all the photos! Great to see them loving their prize so much - congrats again!