Ok - so we Beaglebratz r uzin'our telepathic wavestream here since we can't turn the 'puter on til mom gitz home frum werk so that meanz we gotta keeep this short. We herd frum the grapevine that Chloe iz out of surgery an'waitin'fur her mom. Fur more info on her condishun an'tue leeve your prayerz, purrz an'POTP, PLEEZE click on the link b-low
Out of Surgery is a Good Furst Step.
Super news...
PeeS... I left EASY a comment sayin that I know a LOVELY DIVA who would like a DATE... Just Sayin.
Fanks for da update.
Fanks for letting us nose.
stella rose
Headed in the right direction!
Your Pals,
Murphy & Stanley
Our paws are tightly crossed for Chloe. Have a tremendous Thursday.
Best wishes Molly
I hope all went well and she is back home soon. A big hug to Chloe!
We are keeping our healing and good thoughts and prayers all going to Chloe!
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