I ain’t shure if u’all knew this or not
BUTT I like tue “hunt” Now I ain’t ever bin
out huntin’nowherez butt like sum of u, I am confined tue huntin’in the bakyard
– or in my case the groundz of the Beaglebratz Manor. Now the reezon I am tellin’boutz MY advenchure
durin’Diva Shasta’z barkday month iz cuz she don’t due this sorta stuff (Miss
goody 2 shoez or iz that 4 pawz?) – well she mite follow ME if she c’z me
duin’it. ANYWAYZ, I digress frum MY
advenchure. Well, I guess u cood say
there were MANY advenchurez cuz it took my mom awhile tue catch on an’figure
out what tue due tue put a stop (or at leest a slow down) tue my advenchurez.
Ok – so when I wuz younger I made shure
that any bushez Ok - now that I had all the formalitiez out of the way, I got bizy on perfectin'my huntin'skillz
u hafta look all over - up top->->
down low -ya just never know where a critter may show it'z ugly self.
THEN one day, with Diva Shasta by my side I gazed thru the fence of our vast manor groundz-
I knew there was no
turning back now.
I got it figured out-
this WUZ my destiny-
I wood stop at nuthin'tue
keep thoze wabbitz'n ANY OTHER critter frum
invadin'MY territory.
Lord of the Beaglebratz Manor!
Now all of us at Team Beaglebratz know
we are running a bit late BUT
we do hope everyone had a